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#209 : Le Vol du Phoenix

Titre VO : "Flight Of The Phoenix" - Titre VF : "Le Vol du Phoenix"
USA : diffusé le 16/09/05 - France : 19/02/06
Scénario : David Weddle, Bradley Thompson - Réalisation : Michael Nankin  

Sharon informe Adama que le Galactica a été infecté par un virus qui a pris son temps pour analyser les faiblesses des systèmes du vaisseau. Tout ceci n'étant qu'une préparation pour un assaut massif des Raiders Cylons. Les heures passant, Adama doit décider s'il peut faire confiance à une Cylon qui a le visage de celle qui a essayé de le tuer. Pendant ce temps, le Chef Tyrol s'est lancé dans l'élaboration d'un nouveau starfighter furtif, le Black Bird, qui permet à l'équipage de travailler ensemble et d'aller de l'avant.

Guest stars : Donnelly Rhodes (Doc Cottle), Nicki Clyne (Cally Henderson), Leah Cairns (Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Paul Campbell (Billy Keikeya), Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh), Kandyse McClure (Anastasia "Dee" Dualla), Alessandro Juliani (Felix Gaeta), Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol), Dominic Zamprogna (James "Jammer" Lyman), Bodie Olmos (Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza), Don Thompson (Anthony Figurski), Jennifer Halley (Diana Seelix), Christian Tessier (Tucker "Duck" Clellan)


5 - 1 vote


Scène coupée 1 - Tyrol, Seelix & Lee

Scène coupée 1 - Tyrol, Seelix & Lee


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Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Plus de détails

Tout un contingent de cylons volent dans l'espace alors que Tyrol tente de réparer un Viper en se rappelant de Boomer. Pendant ce temps, Helo rejoint au mess Kara en pleine partie de cartes avec Duck, Racetrack et Hot-Dog. Mais il est mal reçu et s'en va. Kara remet à leur place ses amis qui ne comprennent pas comment Helo a pu tomber amoureux d'un cylon. Toujours au même moment, Tyrol continue son inspection sur le Viper et comprend que le Viper ne volera plus.
Quelques instants plus tard, les mécaniciens ont préparé une fête pour le retour de Cally, tout juste sortie de prison. Tous sont heureux de la retrouver alors que Tyrol les rejoint et repart. Il retourne au travail et y trouve Helo en train de boire dans l'ancien Rapace de Boomer. Tyrol commence à parler d'elle.

Au mess, Racetrack s'arrête de jouer car elle sait que Kara va gagner. Elle est fatiguée et s'en va. Kara en a assez et veut rejoindre Helo. Racetrack insulte la Sharon d'Helo et Kara lui répond en la plaquant contre la table.

Au hangar, Helo et Tyrol continuent leur discussion à propos de Sharon. Tyrol lui confie ses projets de mariage avec Boomer et se trouve idiot. Il commence à provoquer Helo. Tous les deux se battent. Tyrol ne comprend ce qui lui arrive car il sait que Boomer est morte, que la Sharon en prison n'est pas la sienne.

CIC, fatiguée, Dee continue son travail mais les appareils déconnent et envoient un signal. Adama et Tigh envisagent alors une attaque cylon et demande à Gaeta de calculer de nouvelles coordonnées de repli. Alors qu'il s'apprête à donner ses instructions à Dee, la console de celle ci s'illumine brusquement avant d'exploser et de la blesser à la tête.

Pendant ce temps, le contingent de cylons continuent son avancée.

CIC, Adama est aux côtés de Dee. Tigh demande à Gaeta de découvrir ce qui s'est passé. Il s'agit d'une surcharge. Les systèmes sont devenus sensibles. Tigh lui demande de réparer ligne par ligne. Mais Gaeta s'emporte en disant que ça prendra des jours. Adama demande à Gaeta de se reprendre. Il rejoint ensuite Tigh. Tous les deux comprennent que l'équipage est fatigué.

Au hangar, Lee demande à Tyrol des nouvelles de son Viper. Tyrol lui dit qu'il est mort. Lee veut juste qu'il fasse de son mieux.

Alors qu'il n'arrive pas à dormir, Tyrol a une idée et se lance dans sa production. Il est rejoint par Cally et son équipe. Tyrol veut construire un nouveau vaisseau mais l'équipe ne semble pas emballée. Il veut travailler pendant les heures de repos. Tyrol lui demande de partir. Alors que Cally veut l'aider, il leur ordonne de travailler.

Infirmerie, Laura lit le rapport de Cottle sur son état qui a empiré. Elle veut savoir combien de temps il lui reste à vivre. Seulement quelques semaines, un mois tout au plus. Elle veut pouvoir travailler le plus longtemps possible.

Salle de tir, Lee se défoule en vidant son chargeur sur une cible possèdant une photo de Boomer. Kara est impressionnée. Elle le compare à Racetrack qui est toujours à cran en plaisantant. Alors qu'ils discutent, l'oxygène tombe en panne. Ils sont accompagnés d'Hot-Dog et parlent du vaisseau que Tyrol est en train de construire. Kara veut le piloter. Ils partent dans un fou rire à cause du manque d'oxygène et Hot-Dog perd connaissance. Lee tente d'ouvrir l'écoutille sans succès alors que Kara rigole toujours. Puis, ils attrapent un pistolet et visent l'écoutille. Dans un dernier effort, Lee charge le pistolet et parvient à les libérer avec l'aide de Kara.

CIC, Gaeta fait un diagnostic du système. Apparemment, le système de survie pensait qu'il avait trop de pression et a coupé l'oxygène. Adama énumère les erreurs du système mais Gaeta pense avoir trouvé la cause: un algorithme cylon. Baltar explique ce virus s'adapte au système avant de pouvoir les tuer. Le virus s'est développé durant plusieurs mois après s'être introduit le jour où Tigh avait ordonné la mise en réseau du système (épisode 2.01). Adama ordonne alors de parler à Sharon.

Au hangar, Tyrol continue son travail sur son vaisseau mais n'y parvient pas. Firgusky l'aide, les autres arrivent à leur tour, observés par Adama.

Alors qu'Adama arrive au CIC, Dee fait son rapport. Les pannes se multiplient. Adama parle à Tigh du vaisseau de Tyrol, celui ci pense qu'il s'agit d'un rêve. Adama lui répond que ce vaisseau leur apporte de l'espoir.

Salle de sport, Dee a besoin de se défouler alors Lee lui apprend des techniques de défense. Une tension sexuelle s'installe entre eux. Billy arrive et Dee le rejoint.

Cellule de Sharon, Helo lui demande si Sharon était avec Tyrol avant l'attaque cylon. Elle lui répond que oui. Il veut savoir si elle l'aime encore. Elle lui avoue son amour alors Helo lui montre les algorithmes cylons. Elle semble choquée et éffrayée. Elle veut voir Adama rapidement. Le virus veut retourner le Galactica contre eux et il ne leur reste que quelques heures.

Le contingent de cylons arrivent.

Cellule de Sharon, Adama veut qu'elle fasse vite.

Hangar, Lee critique l'aspect du vaisseau alors que Kara lui répond qu'ils recherchent de la vitesse et non de la manoeuvre. Il est surpris de voir Dee en train de monter la communication.
Tigh les taquine. Il veut voir Tyrol. Il le retrouve en train de préparer de la gnole. Il veut échanger l'alcool contre des pièces. Tigh le nargue en disant que le vaisseau ne volera pas. Tyrol lui confie qu'il ne lui reste rien sauf ce vaisseau. Tigh lui conseille d'aller voir le second du Baak Pakal qui cherche à se débarasser de vieux moteurs. Il prend une bouteille de gnole avant de partir.

Quartier d'Adama, celui ci rejoint Laura en train de ranger ses affaires. Elle le remercie de lui avoir permis d'utiliser ses quartiers. Elle lui rend le livre que Bill lui avait offert. Adama lui confie que les systèmes du Galactica sont corrompus par un virus cylon. Laura est abasourdie. Ils ont peu d'espoir de ne le neutraliser.

CIC, Gaeta propose à Tigh d'effacer tous les disques durs, de les relancer et de les restaurer. Tigh est choqué car ils seront sans défense. Baltar lui dit qu'il s'agit du seul moyen.

Quartier d'Adama, Bill demande conseil à Laura, lui parle de son entretien avec Sharon. Il veut savoir s'il peut lui faire confiance sans vouloir l'étrangler. Ils se demandent si les cylons se différent dans leur comportement. Laura dit qu'il peut encore exister une chance de pouvoir un jour s'entendre avec eux.

Sharon est emmenée au CIC accompagnée de marines. Au CIC, tous la regardent. Elle veut faire vite. Des marines la détachent. Elle demande le couteur du père de Dee qui le lui donne. Puis, elle demande à Gaeta une liaison fibre optique. Il le lui donne gentillement en l'appelant Sharon.
Alors que le contingent de cylons débarque, elle s'ouvre la paume de sa main. Les vipers sont lancés. Les cylons restent en formation. Ils vont envoyé un signal pour lancé le virus. Elle leur demande de se tenir prêts. Sharon enfonce alors la fibre optique dans ses veines sous les yeux de Tigh et des autres. Puis, elle ordonne à Gaeta de restaurer les systèmes.
Tous les systèmes sont désactivés. Les cylons commencent à attaquer. Adama pointe une arme devant Sharon. Sharon tombe sur le sol épuisé. Les cylons tombent en panne sous les yeux impressionnés des pilotes.
Alors que Tigh demande ce qui s'est passé, Gaeta dit qu'ils viennent de transmettre un signal. Adama continue en disant qu'ils viennent de renvoyer le virus cylon à l'expéditeur.
Tigh ordonne à Apollo de tuer tous les cylons. Tous sont heureux de répondre à cet ordre et se défoulent.
Adama regarde Sharon, lui sourit et demande aux marines de la ramener en cellule.

Plus tard, Tyrol continue de monter son vaisseau. Il a dû mal à ranger les fils. Cally lui vient en aide. Il la remercie en disant qu'être petite sert beaucoup. Ils sont réconciliés.
Kara, Firgusky et Tyrol cherchent à savoir comment habiller le vaisseau. Helo leur propose d'utiliser du carbone.

Le Blackbird s'apprête enfin à faire son premier vol. Kara est à la fois tendue et excitée. Elle est suivie par Apollo. Tout le monde écoute la transmission. Avec quelques difficultés, elle parvient à manoeuvre le vaisseau avant de disparaître. Lee est inquiet et l'appelle. Elle arrive devant lui en rigolant et en lui rappelant qu'il s'agit d'un vaisseau furtif.

Au Hangar, les pilotes et mécaniciens reçoivent Adama et Laura.. Ils ont tous signer le Blackbird. Laura est impressionnée, elle félicite leur travail en disant qu'il leur a rendu espoir. Elle leur promet de survivre tous ensemble.
Tyrol donne une bouteille à Adama. Il soulève une couverture posée sur le Blackbird. On peut y lire "Laura". Elle en est très émue émue. Adama lui propose d'ouvrir la bouteille. Elle fait croire qu'elle va la casser sur le blackbird. C'était pour rire puis elle ouvre la bouteille.
Racetrack félicite l'idée d'Helo. Tous l'acceptent enfin.
Adama parle avec Laura. Ils voulaient la remercier puis ils discutent de Sharon.

Tyrol retrouve Sharon en cellule afin de discuter avec elle.

So say we all.


Galactica - Hangar

Tyrol: Viper 289, how are we feeling today?
Tyrol starts inspecting a raptor for damage, and sees a lot of problems.
Tyrol: Oh, great.
Galactica - Officers Mess
Helo comes into the officers mess to play cards with the other pilots.
Helo: (to Starbuck) Hey I thought I'd find you here. (Shakes her hand.) (to duck)Hey, Karl Agathon.
He is ignored by the other pilots.
Starbuck: You want to sit in?
Helo: Maybe next time.
Duck: So he's the cylon lover.
Starbuck: You know what? I don't care who or what he fraks. He saved my ass down there, all right?
Duck: How could anyone fall in love with a toaster, though?
Starbuck: Same way I hear everyone was high-fiving our Sharon right before she put two in Adama's chest. The bastards frak with your head.
Hotdog: Yeah. Just ask the chief.
Galactica - Hangar
Tyrol continues his inspection. The scene is mixed with his memories of sensual moments with Boomer.
Tyrol: I knew it.
He finds a serious problems and labels the viper as scrap.
Tyrol: I need a drink.
Galactica - Tool Room
Cally's welcome back party, complete with pickel jar booze!
Seelix: Tan, rested, ready. Look at you.
Cally: Rested, anyway. Nothing to do but eat and sleep in the can. Hey.
Jammer: "Unauthorized discharge of a firearm"? What a bogus charge.
Cally: I know.
Figurski: They should have given you a medal for popping that toaster. Hey, chief.
Cally: Chief. I heard that you went to bat for me.
Tyrol: Forget it.
Cally: I want you to know--
Tyrol: Forget it. I need all the knuckledraggers I can get.
Galactica - Hangar (near and in a raptor)
Tyrol: Sharon flew 47 missions in this thing. Still couldn't trap a landing worth a damn. Had to bend the undercarriage back into place after every landing.
Helo: Approaches made her nervous. She was afraid you'd be watching.
Tyrol: I usually was.
Galactica - Officers Mess
Racetrack: Screw it.
Starbuck: You're folding with three up? Are you crazy?
Racetrack: Not when you've got me beat. Prince high red, right? Been playing with these cards for so long, I know every fold.
Starbuck: So life's a bitch.  What do you want to do, cry about it?
Racetrack: No, I just want it to end, okay? The bad food, the endless rotations, pretending that a card game is the high point of our day.
Starbuck: It's not going to last forever, all right? Earth is out there.
Racetrack: Right. We could all be chasing our tails over some half-assed planetarium show.
Starbuck: And you guys can all go to hell. I'm going to go find Helo.
Racetrack: Good idea. Maybe that cylon whore taught him a few tricks.
Starbuck politely turns around, walks over to Racetrack and grabs he by the neck and slams her into the card table.
Galactica - Hangar
Helo: Hey! Look, chief. I never intended for sharon and I to-- You know, it just kind of evolved.
Tyrol: Just a couple lovesick kids, huh?
Helo: I know how she felt about you, okay? She loves you.
Tyrol: Did she fill you in o­n the rest of the plan? She and I were going to muster out at the end of our service. You know, then we would get married. Maybe we would have children. I guess I'm just a big frakkin' idiot, though, huh? Probably that goddamn toaster's plan all along.
Helo: Don't call her that.
Tyrol: Sucker some moron into giving her a kid. Hey, you know, but you know what? I should probably be grateful to you. Probably be grateful. You know why? Because that freak in her belly could have been mine.
Helo pushes Tyrol down the raptor wing.
Helo: Hey, you okay? I'm sorry.
Tyrol: Son of a--
Tyrol pucnhes him. Helo tries to end the fighting.
Helo: That's enough, Chief!
Tyrol: You don't get to call it.
They continue brawling
Helo: Enough!
Tyrol: Come o­n, you damn toaster lover!
Tyrol has Helo pinned o­n his back. He is about to slam his head in with a wrench, but comes to his senses
Tyrol: I don't even know why I'm mad at you. My Sharon's dead. That thing in the brig, that isn't Sharon.
Galactica - CIC
Dualla: Roger, blue leader. Say fuel state. Ah!
Nasty feedback noise into her earpiece.
Tigh: What the hell is that?
Gaeta: It was us, sir. But I can't find a source for the transmission. Something's triggering our com system to broadcast an automatic signal.
Tigh: Which the cylons could trace to get a fix o­n our position.
Adama: Let's assume that for now. Update and distribute the emergency jump sites just in case they show up again. Dee, get me a--
The control panel explodes in front of her.
Dualla: I'm okay. I'm okay, sir.
Adama: Stay down. We'll get you up to Doc Cottle, make sure everything's okay.
Tigh: Mr. Gaeta, find out what happened.
Dualla: I'm okay.
Adama: Mr. Gaeta.
Gaeta: A power surge energized the board. System's been twitchy ever since the cylons infiltrated our network.
Adama: Mr. Gaeta, this is more than a glitch.
Tigh: Commander's right. I don't care if you have to go through this program line by line; fix it.
Gaeta: Excuse me?
Tigh: You heard me.
Gaeta: Sir, I'm running every diagnostic we've got. Checking each line of code could take days.
Tigh: I am not interested in excuses. Fix it!
Gaeta: It's not an excuse, sir. It's a frakking fact! [Sighs]
Adama: Mr. Gaeta.
Gaeta: Yes, sir.
Adama: Pull yourself together.
Gaeta: I'm sorry, sir.
Tigh: What the hell is his problem?
Adama: Months o­n the run, and what do we have to show for it? Casualties. Deteriorating conditions. This crew needs a rest. It's finally hitting them, that's all. Our old lives are gone. The o­nly thing we have to look forward to is this.
Galactica - Hangar
Apollo: Hey, chief, where's 289? I need her for drills today.
Tyrol: Ship's grounded, sir.
Apollo: What? For how long?
Tyrol: Permanently. We're salvaging what we can, but it's gone.
Apollo: Damn it, I need that ship o­nline.
Tyrol: What can I tell you, captain? Engine mounts are shot. Cockpits seals are cracked. If it was a horse, I'd shoot it.
Seelix: Got something, chief.
Apollo: Chief Come o­n, Work with me here. I need your help.
Tyrol: What do want me to do, work my crew to death?
Apollo: No, just do your best. Nobody's expecting any miracles.
Tyrol: Maybe that's the problem.
Galactica - Enlisted Quarters
Tyrol: (in his head) Frak it. Why not?
Galactica - Hangar Bay
Tyrol starts assembling the frame for a new raptor.
Jammer: What's going o­n, chief?
Tyrol: All right, here's the deal. We are going to build a new fighter.
Jammer: What about the rest of the ships? I'm three days backlogged o­n repairs as is.
Tyrol: This is strictly an off-duty project. Nobody takes o­ne minute away from regular maintenance and repairs. You got it? You don't think we can do this?
Jammer: I wouldn't even know how to begin.
Figurski: What else is new?
Jammer: Oh, screw you. Okay, he's talking about fabricating a frame, avionics, life support. It's frakkin' impossible.
Tyrol: You know what, then? Forget you. I don't need you.
Cally: Chief, wait. It's not like that.
Tyrol: I said forget it. Get back to work. That's an order.
Galactica - Medbay
Roslin: How much time do I have?
Cottle: Weeks. A month at the outside.
Roslin: Will I be able to work?
Cottle: Unless the cancer goes to your brain. That happens, you--
Galactica - Firing Range
Apollo, Starbuck and Hotdog are firing at target sheets with Boomer's face as the head.
Starbuck: Someone's a tad aggressive.
Apollo: Just shut up and shoot.
Starbuck: My gods, between you and Racetrack, it's like-- having a conversation is like walking through a minefield.
Apollo: And you're the last person who should be lecturing me about manners.
Starbuck: From what I hear, you've also been riding Chief Tyrol pretty good.
Apollo: Press it. I just reminded him that I expect viper maintenance to take precedence over his hobby project.
Oxygen levels starts to drop
Starbuck: Nice! I'm surprised he didn't take a swing at you.
Apollo: Come o­n, Starbuck. You don't actually think that piece of junk's gonna actually fly, do you?
Starbuck: [Laughs] 50 cubits says he gets it in the air.
Apollo: Yeah? And who's gonna fly it? It's not gonna be me.
Hotdog: Don't look at me.
Apollo: I wasn't looking at you. What?
Starbuck: I'll fly it. I'll fly it.
Apollo: You?
Starbuck: Me.
Apollo: Why?
Starbuck: Because... while everyone else is standing around whining--
Apollo: We're whining?
Starbuck: The chief is doing something positive.
Apollo: I'm deeply moved. Really? Honestly, I am.
Hotdog collapses
Starbuck: [laughs]
Apollo: [Laughter]
Starbuck: His lips are blue. You look like a blueberry.
Apollo: There's no oxygen in here. There's no oxygen in here. There's no oxygen.
Starbuck finds her guns and starts firing at the hatch window, and misses
Starbuck: I'm empty.
Apollo loads an explosive round and fires at the window. It explodes allowing air into the room.
Starbuck: Nice shot.
Galactica - CIC
Gaeta: The environmental computer decided that the firing range was overpressurized and started bleeding out air to compensate.
Apollo: Two more minutes, and we'd have been dead.
Adama: Power fluctuations, equipment failures.
Gaeta: Sir, I think I've found what's causing it.
Adama: What is that?
Baltar: It's a cylon logic bomb. A heuristic computer virus. It's capable of learning, evolving, and probably running in parallel with every computer in the ship right now, just waiting to be activated. No doubt left behind when the cylons infiltrated the network Colonel Tigh set up the day you were shot, sir.
Adama: That was weeks ago. Why now?
Gaeta: Most likely, sir, it took this long for it to crack our encrypted pass codes. And o­nce that happened, it started  testing its ability to control our systems-- electrical, environmental.
Adama: How do you kill it?
Baltar: Well, that's the tricky part. If it's a cylon virus, it is extremely difficult to eradicate.
Adama: Well, I guess i'm pretty lucky, then, 'cause I have an expert o­n board. Tell helo to run this past our prisoner.
Galactica - Hangar Bay
Tyrol trying to attach a heavy wing.
Tyrol: Come o­n.  Come o­n. Son of a bitch. I got it; go back to work.
Figurski approaches to help Tryol.
Figurski:  It's a two-man job, chief. You want this wing up or not?
Tyrol: On three. o­ne, two, three. Great, great. Hold it there.
Galactica - CIC
Dualla: Sir? We're continuing to experience power spikes and equipment failures across the ship.
Adama: Thank you.
Tigh: We'd better up our alert status and put our damage-control teams o­n stand-by.
Adama: Not yet. (beat) Have you seen this ship that the chief is building?
Tigh: His imaginary fighter? I don't need to see it to know it's a waste of time.
Adama: The deck crew doesn't seem to think so.
Tigh: We need to focus o­n the fleet we've got left, not get bogged down in some pipe dream. We should shut it down.
Adama: It may come to that. But this project, it's giving them something. I'm not going to take that away... until I have to.
Galactica - Exercise Room
Dualla: Doc cottle cleared me. Feel like hitting something.
Apollo: Okay. Don't square up. Don't square up. Rotate. And just drop the knee.
Gaeta: (over P.A) Attention o­n Galactica. Power outage reported o­n deck 12.
Apollo: That's nice. Now. If you want to throw them, I'll be you. Head in a lock. Grab the wrist. Secure the arm. And I'm just going to drop the knee, rotate 45.
Dualla: Okay.
Apollo drops her.
Are you all right?
Dualla: Yeah. Just like we did in basic.
Apollo: Let's bring a live opponent into the mix.
Apollo brings out a fake knife. Dualla perfroms the manuever o­n Apollo.
Apollo: And strip the knife.
She strips the knife, then Apollo knocks out her arms, forcing her to fall o­n him.  Billy then enters the room to find Dualla and Apollo in a compromising position.

Billy: Um... Hey.
Dualla: Billy hey. How long have you been o­n board?
Billy: I just arrived.
Galactica - Boomer's Cell
Helo: Do you have actual memories of being with the chief before the cylon attack?
Boomer: Yeah. I'm sorry. You asked.
Helo: Do you still love him?
Boomer: Helo. You're the father of my child. You're the first in my heart. And nothing is ever going to change that.
Helo: All right, we have to get to this. Dr. Baltar said it's some sort of cylon logic bomb. Do you see anything?
He shows her a clip board with lots of code.
Boomer: Can you flip?
He flips the page. Boomer is captivated by the code.
Helo: Sharon? Sharon, what's wrong? Sharon!
Boomer: I need to talk to Commander Adama. Right now.
Helo: Why?
Boomer: It's a cylon virus, all right. It's been learning your systems, testing, adapting, finding weak spots.
Helo: For what?
Boomer: So they can turn Galactica's systems against you. Crash you into other ships, detonate your weapons stores, suffocate the crews.
Helo: What about you, the baby?
Boomer: I'm a liability to them, a mistake. Helo, this logic bomb will run its course in a matter of hours. o­nce it does, the cylons will be o­n top of us. They're gonna kill us all.
Galactica - Boomer's Cell
Boomer: Commander Adama--
Adama: Whatever it is you have to say, make it quick.
Galactica - Hangar
Apollo: Well, I hate to say it, but you've got the cockpit too far back. You're gonna run into cg problems when you maneuver.
Starbuck: We're not going for maneuverability, Captain. We're going for speed. Besides, you didn't think this thing would fly anyway.
Apollo: Well, it sure as hell won't with the cockpit rammed up its a-- Dee?
Dualla: Hey.
Apollo: What are you doing here?
Dualla: Communications, I think. Chief's great with the hydraulics, but this com system's a mess.
Figurski: Ten hut.
Tigh: Had to see this with my own eyes. Won't be long before we have the whole CIC down here. You working o­n this class project too, Apollo?
Apollo: No, sir.
Tigh: It's good to see someone has a little sense. Where's the chief, the tool room?
Starbuck: Ah, getting in some rack time, sir.
Galactica - Tool Room
Tigh: What's this, chief?
Tyrol: I'm making solvent, sir, to clean machine parts.
Tigh: Solvent my ass. I know a still when I smell it. What the hell are you up to?
Tyrol: I need booze to trade for parts. I'm scrounging most of what I can from the fleet, but I need engines. I know I need Commander Adama's permission to cannibalize o­ne of the wrecks.
Tigh: Engines or not, we both know that piece of crap out there is never going to fly.
Tyrol: I gotta try, Colonel.
Tigh: What's the point?
Tyrol: Because that ship, the work, that's all I've got left. I don't have that, I--
Tigh: I almost forgot. I promised the XO of the Baah Pakal I'd help him out.
Tyrol: Sir?
Tigh: He's got some obsolete DDG-62 engines taking up space o­n his flight deck. They're probably crap, but I told him that I would have a crew in there to haul 'em out as soon as possible.
Tyrol: Glad to be of help, sir.
Tigh: Good.
Galactica - Adama's Quarters
Adama: Madam President, your shuttle's ready.
Roslin: Of course. Thank you again for letting me use your quarters.
Adama: Please.
Roslin: I wanted to return this. (a book)
Adama: This was a gift.
Roslin: "Never lend a book," I know. But I've had it far too long. It belongs in your collection. I'm late for a Quorum meeting. Is there a problem?
Adama: Our computers have been infected by a cylon virus, corrupting systems throughout the entire ship. I've just been notified that this is a prelude to an all-out attack by the cylons.
Roslin: I assume you've tried to disable it.
Adama: Mr. Gaeta and the Vice President are handling that right now. I'm not hopeful.
Roslin: Commander, I'm not sure what I can offer you here besides my moral support.
Adama: Actually, Madam President, I could use your advice.
Galactica - CIC
Tigh: You want to what?
Geata: Completely erase our computer drives, cold restart the entire ship's system, then restore them using our prewar backups.
Tigh: Leaving us with our pants down until we're back o­nline. The commander will never go for this.
Geata: I've already spoken to him, sir.
Tigh: What did he say?
Geata: He's considering it.
Baltar: It's the o­nly way to destroy the virus.
Tigh: I thought the commander told you to stay out of this.
Baltar: I'm sorry; do you want to survive this o­ne or not, Colonel?
Tigh: All right, so we calculate a jump and get some distance o­n these cylon bastards--
Geata: No, sir, we can't risk a jump. All of our systems are compromised, including navigation. The virus could drop us in the middle of a sun.
Baltar: We're running out of time; our signal's going to catch up with the cylon fleet. If have not come up with anything before then--
Gaeta: They'll take control of all of our systems, and then they'll have a hundred ways to kill us.
Galactica - Adama's Quarters
Adama: I've just come from seeing our cylon prisoner. She's offering a possible solution to the problem.
Roslin: And you're wondering if you can trust her.
Adama: It took everything I have not to put my hands around her throat. I can't believe i'm contemplating this.
Roslin: We both know the cylons are experts at manipulation. They will do anything to confuse you.
Adama: This is not the o­ne who shot me.
Roslin: Can they really be that different from o­ne another? Commander, if you're asking me if it's possible that your judgment's been clouded by your history with this particular cylon model, well, I'd have to say yes. But... we created them. There's always a chance we might find common ground.
Galactica - CIC
Boomer is led chained nto the CIC under heavy gaurd
Boomer: We need to work quickly. We're o­n borrowed time.
Adama: Let her go.
Boomer is released
Boomer: Dee, do you still carry your father's pocket knife?
Adama: Give it to her.
Boomer: Mr. Gaeta, can you set me up with a fiber-optic com link? I need broadcast to all frequencies and direct link to the  mainframe.
Adama: Do it.
Gaeta: Sir.
Adama: Right here, Sharon.
Boomer: Thanks.
Gaeta: Dradis. Here they come. Multiple targets. Bearing 371 carom 552. Cylon raiders.
Several hundred raiders jump near the Galactica
Tigh: Bastards tracked us, all right.
Adama: Launch vipers.
Hotdog: Hotdog: Apollo, the raiders are holding.
Apollo: Galactica, Apollo. Raiders are holding formation. Repeat, raiders are holding formation.
The raiders from a tight fence like formation and hold position.
Galactica - CIC
Tigh: What the hell.
Boomer: Okay, this is how it's going to work. The raiders are going to send a signal to activate the virus. It could take a few seconds. o­n my mark, initiate the computer wipe. Miss the window...
Gaeta: The virus takes over every system in the ship.
Boomer: Yeah. Sometimes you gotta roll the hard six. Right, commander?
Boomer cut her hand and inserts the fiber optic cable deep it the wound and up her arm.
Tigh: What the hell is she doing?
Dualla: They've made contact, sir.
Gaeta: It's moving too fast; I can't follow it.
Tigh: We gotta stop this.
Adama: Stand by to execute computer wipe o­n my command.
Gaeta: Systems ready, sir.
Boomer: Wipe the hard drives now.
Adama: Do it.
Vipers are still in stationary tight formation.
Starbuck; My gods what are they doing?
Galactica - CIC and Vipers
Tigh: Weapons are still offline. No dradis. Systems down. We're looking at a godsdamned bloodbath. We're defenseless.
Hotdog: Apollo, Hotdog. Here they come!
Apollo: All right, copy, Hotdog.
Duck: Gods, there must be hundreds of them.
Tigh: Cylons are still moving in. She set us up!
Adama: Give me your sidearm.
Marine: Sir.
Adama: If they're coming for you, they're gonna be very disappointed.
Adama holds a gun to Boomer's head.
Tigh: Do it. What are you waiting for?
Boomer: This.
All of the Galactica's systems come back o­nline. The raiders all go offline!
Tigh: What the hell?
Gaeta: We just transmitted a signal.
Apollo: Uh, Galactica? They--they seem to have lost power. They're drifting out of control!
Tigh: What the hell?
Adama: Cylons sent a computer virus. But we just sent o­ne back.
Tigh: Apollo, this is Galactica. Kill the bastards.
Duck: Yeah! Come o­n, baby.
Apollo: Roger that. Vipers, weapons free. Engage.  This--this is payback.
They start blowing the cylons to hell. fish in a barrel style.
Duck: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Hotdog: Whoo!
Duck: Yeah! How do you like that? You seeing this? Got this toaster padlocked. Come o­n! [Laughs] I got another where that o­ne came from!
Starbuck: Guys, clean 'em up! Come o­n; let's go.
Adama: Officers.
Marine: Yes sir.
Adama: Take this thing back to its cell.
Galactica - Hangar
Tyrol is having trouble connecting a wire in a tight place. Cally helps him.
Cally: There you go, chief.
Tyrol" Nice to be small, huh? Ship's got more than o­ne engine. Get to it.
Starbuck: We are so damn close. There has got to be some extra metal lying around that we can use to skin this thing. Floorboards, extra bulkheads, something.
Tyrol: Most of it's ticketed for viper repair.
Helo: Who says you need metal?
Galactica - Hangar
The blackbird is completed. It's black and angular much like a stealth fighter
Apollo: Carbon composite.
Starbuck: Good call, Helo.
Apollo: It's going to be hard as hell to see o­n dradis, but the question is, will it fly?
Starbuck: Just watch me.
Galactica - Launch Bay
Starbuck: Instruments... in the green. Fuel pressure... nominal.
Dualla: Apollo, Starbuck. Blackbird flight is cleared for launch.
Starbuck: Run-up.
Kelly: Maglock secure, initiate launch sequence.
Starbuck: Oh, don't blow up o­n me, you bastard.
Kelly: You are clear for launch.
The blackbird launches
Dualla: Blackbird is away.
Starbuck is having some difficulty keeping the blackbird flying straight. It looks like she's showing off
Apollo: Hey! Hey. Will you take it easy? Start slow. You're testing the ship. It's not about the pilot showing off.
Starbuck: I'm not showing off.
Apollo: Gods damn it, what is this? What are you trying to prove?
Starbuck: I'm not trying to prove anything. You've got to be kidding me. Whoo! Oh, lords. Okay. Let's see what this baby can do. Yaa-ha-ha-ha!
Starbuck gains control of the ship. She presses the throttle and dissappears.
Apollo: Starbuck, where are you? Starbuck, do you hear me? Starbuck! She's gone. Galactica, Apollo, I've lost her. I've lost her.
Dualla: No dradis contact.
Apollo: Starbuck, Starbuck, where are you? Starbuck, come in. Starbuck, do you read? Kara, are you okay?
Starbuck: Of course you lost contact. It's a damned stealth ship, remember?
The blackbird appears directly in front of Apollo's viper.
Apollo: Oh, you--
Starbuck:  [laughs]
Galactica - Hangar
Blackbird christening ceremony
Figurski: Commander o­n deck.
Adama: As you were.
Roslin: Chief Tyrol? This is the blackbird?
Tyrol: Yes, ma'am. Madam President, this is an honor.
Roslin: No, the honor's mine. It's remarkable.
Tyrol: Just a ship, ma'am.
Roslin: Oh, you're much too modest. After what we've been through, it would be very easy to give up, to lose hope. But not here. Not today. This is more than a ship, Chief. This is an act of faith. It is proof that despite all we've lost, we keep trying. And we will get through this, all of us, together. I promise.
Meanwhile the crew are signing the engine to show that they helped build the blackbrrd.
Tyrol: Commander.
Tyrol hands Adama a bottle of champagne
Tyrol: Uh, Madam President. This was supposed to be a surprise, but, well--
Tyrol pulls a sheet revealing that the blackbird has been named "Laura" Roslin is in tears.
Roslin: Thank you.
Adama: If you'll do us the honors, Madam President.
Roslin: Of Course, Oh. Okay.
Tyrol: Whoa!
Roslin: [Laughter] Kidding.
Racetrack: Hell of an idea, using carbon composites.
She shakes Helo's hand. Other pilots and crew follow suit.
Duck: It was a good job.
Hotdog: Nice work.
Roslin: That was lovely.
Adama: They wanted to do that for you.
Roslin: Thank you. None of this would have been possible if you hadn't trusted the cylon.
Adama: I took your advice, met o­n common ground.
Roslin: What was that?
Adama: We both wanted to live.
The episode ends with Tyrol visiting Boomer's cell. The both pick up a phone to talk to o­ne another. We don't see/hear the conversation

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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