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#208 : La Dernière Séquence

Titre VO : "Final Cut" - Titre VF : "La Dernière Séquence"
USA : diffusé le 09/09/05 - France : 19/02/06
Scénario : Mark Verheiden - Réalisation : Robert Young (III)  


La flotte est enfin réuni, avec un cap vers la Terre. Sur le Galactica, un reporter, D'Anna Biers arrive pour faire un reportage sur la vie de l'équipage. Son but est de montrer la dure réalité de la vie en temps de guerre sur un Battlestar. A moins qu'elle ne soit là pour une autre raison.

Guest stars :
Kate Vernon (Ellen Tigh), Paul Campbell (Billy Keikeya), Luciana Carro (Louanne "Kat" Katraine), Bodie Olmos (Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza), Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh), Lucy Lawless (D'Anna Biers), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Alessandro Juliani (Felix Gaeta), Kandyse McClure (Anastasia "Dee" Dualla), Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol), Leah Cairns (Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson), Aleks Paunovic (Sgt. Omar Fischer), Ty Olsson (Capt. Aaron Kelly), Donnelly Rhodes (Doc Cottle), Matthew Bennett (Aaron Doral) , Kevan Kase (PFC Scott Kelso), Patrick "Flick" Harrison (Bell), Yee Jee Tso (Staffer), Curtis Lee Hicks (Marine Sergeant), Jeremy Guilbaut (Lt. Joe "Hammerhead" Palladino) 


5 - 1 vote

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D'Anna prête à découvrir les secrets du Galactica

D'Anna prête à découvrir les secrets du Galactica

D'Anna interview quelqu'un

D'Anna interview quelqu'un

Mind/Six influence Baltar

Mind/Six influence Baltar

Kara en plein entraînement

Kara en plein entraînement

D'Anna interviewe Starbuck

D'Anna interviewe Starbuck

D'Anna discute avec Adama

D'Anna discute avec Adama

Adama et Roslin

Adama et Roslin

Baltar rêve de passer encore à la télé

Baltar rêve de passer encore à la télé

Mind/Six rappelle à Baltar ses devoirs

Mind/Six rappelle à Baltar ses devoirs

Le groupe regarde le reportage

Le groupe regarde le reportage



Roslin demande à D'anna de l'aide

Roslin demande à D'anna de l'aide

Tigh et la bouteille, une grande histoire

Tigh et la bouteille, une grande histoire

Ellen confronte son mari

Ellen confronte son mari

Les journalistes en plein travail

Les journalistes en plein travail

Ellen est apeurée

Ellen est apeurée

Les Tigh sont réellement en danger

Les Tigh sont réellement en danger

Les Tigh sont en danger de mort

Les Tigh sont en danger de mort

Adama, Tigh et Roslin découvrent le reportage réalisé par D'Anna

Adama, Tigh et Roslin découvrent le reportage réalisé par D'Anna

Roslin veut aider les membres du Galactica

Roslin veut aider les membres du Galactica

Les Tigh profitent d'un moment ensemble

Les Tigh profitent d'un moment ensemble

Les Tigh découvrent un terrible message

Les Tigh découvrent un terrible message

Les Tigh sont en danger

Les Tigh sont en danger

Saul Tigh ne se laisse jamais impressionné

Saul Tigh ne se laisse jamais impressionné

D'Anna, reporter de choc

D'Anna, reporter de choc

D'Anna en pleine interview

D'Anna en pleine interview

Dee aide les journalistes

Dee aide les journalistes

Adama demande un service à D'Anna

Adama demande un service à D'Anna

Baltar rêve de son moment de gloire

Baltar rêve de son moment de gloire

D'Anna espère un scoop

D'Anna espère un scoop

Un message glaçant

Un message glaçant

Plus de détails

Un documentaire est diffusé. Il s'agit des images du massacre de Gideon présentéés par une journaliste, D'Anna et filmées par une des victimes. D'Anna y montre une mauvaise image des Marines du Galactica qui ont tué 4 personnes et blessés douze autres sans avoir étés inquiétes. D'Anna stoppe le reportage, elle veut y ajouter plus de plans des Marines. Cependant, des Marines viennent la chercher pour l'emmener sur le Colonial One.

Colonial One, Laura et Adama reçoivent D'Anna. Elle sait qu'ils ne sont pas heureux du reportage. Adama pense qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un massacre et croit ses marines. Mais Roslin propose à D'Anna un reportage exclusif: filmer l'équipage du Galactica sans restriction. Ils veulent montrer la vie à bord du Galactica, montrer qui sont ceux qui protègent la flotte. Ils veulent un reportage objectif. D'Anna accepte.

CIC, Tigh râle car ils vont manquer de vivre.Dualla reçoit un appel: Ellen Tigh dit qu'il y a un problème et veut voir son mari.

Appartements de Tigh, Ellen est effrayée. Sur le miroir, on peut y lire "du plus profond de la nuit tu tomberas." Une menace de mort.

A bord du Rapace qui les ammène au Galactica, D'Anna et son cameraman filment le Commandant Adama en train de lire un vieux magazine laissé par des civils. Adama demande à Racetrack de les ranger précieusement. Il demande ensuite si D'Anna le filme puis lui explique que tout ce qui risque de compromettre la sécurité du Galactica sera coupé.

Galactica, Dualla fait la visite guidée à D'Anna et son caméraman. Elle leur présente une unité de recyclage d'oxygène qui ne semble guère les intéresser.

Quartiers des pilotes, Starbuck râle car ils font des services de 15 heures. Lee lui dit qu'ils doivent s'y habituer car ils manquent de pilotes. Starbuck met tout sur le dos de Tigh. Lee lui demande si elle est au courant de sa menace de mort. Elle supplie Lee d'être sur la liste des suspects et cite un passage de Kataris, l'auteur du poème dont un vers a servi pour menacer Tigh.

Dans les couloirs, Dualla continue sans enthousiasme sa visite guidée et explique comment les aliments sont conservés à bord du Galactica. C'est sans compter sur Hot-Dog et Kat qui jouent dans les couloirs en petite tenue. D'Anna décident de les suivre et entre dans les quartiers des pilotes. Kara leur demande de faire moins de bruit. Kat va vers la caméra et montre ses fesses. Lee lui demande de bien se tenir. Il se présente à D'Anna. Il veut que les journalistes quittent la pièce.

Dans une pièce du Galactica, D'Anna interview Dualla. Elle lui demande comment ses parents ont réagi lorsqu'elle s'est engagée. Dee répond que son père était furieux. Elle s'est engagée car elle voulait croire en quelque chose.

Dans un couloir, alors que Dee donne quelque chose pour augmenter la mémoire des caméras, Baltar voit D'Anna et tente d'attirer l'attention. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne l'interroge pas alors qu'il est Vice Président. Six Mind se moque et lui propose de mendier. Elle ajoute que D'Anna peut les aider à protéger leur futur enfant. Juste après, D'Anna se présente à Baltar. Il lui dit qu'il est très occupé et qu'il pourra donner une interview plus tard. D'Anna le trouve très étrange.

Nouveau plan sur Lee qui est interviewé par D'Anna. Elle plaisante en lui disant qu'elle ne l'avait pas reconnu habillé. Lee pense que les pilotes ont droit à un traitement de faveur car ils se battent tous les jours même s'ils ont perdu leur famille et leurs amies. Ils méritent le respect.

Au Hangar, Tyrol inspecte un viper. Kat est impatiente. Elle veut qu'il fasse vite. Tyrol repère le problème mais elle lui crie de dessus. Il lui répond qu'il vient de lui sauver la vie mais Kat s'emporte. Ils se disputent devant les caméras. Kara arrive et demande à Tyrol de terminer la réparation et à Kat de se calmer. Kat s'en va, énervée. Kara se défoule sur Lee, elle veut la suspendre mais Lee dit qu'ils manquent de pilotes. Kara continue en criant sur les journalistes puis s'en va.

Retour sur une interview. Cette fois-ci, l'officier de première classe Scott Kelso répond aux questions de D'Anna. Il se défend en disant qu'ils ont été entraînés à se défendre en cas d'attaque et blâme Tigh. Lui aussi a été blessé par les civils du Gideon. Il s'emporte et dévoile que Tigh a reçu des menaces de mort. Le Lieutenant Joe Palladino termine l'interview.

Plus tard, Adama emmène D'Anna au CIC. Tigh fait son rapport mais il est gêné par les journalistes. Adama lui conseille de les ignorer puis lui ordonne de se rendre sur le Could 9 pour reçevoir les délégués de la flotte. Tigh ne veut pas mais Adama veut montrer à la flotte que Tigh n'a pas peur d'eux. Il le met en conger pour se reposer.

Au Hangar, alors que Tigh arrive pour se rendre sur le Cloud 9, Tyrol se plaint à Kara. Il ne leur reste que 3 rapaces disponibles. Kara souhaite à Tigh bonne chance. Alors que Racetrack s'apprête à décoller, le rapace est victime de sabotage. Elle ordonne à tout le monde de quitter l'appareil. Tyrol remarque qu'une personne à esquinté la batterie de secours. Ils ont éviter l'asphyxie.

Dans les quartiers de Tigh, celui-ci range ses affaires. Ellen l'aide. Elle sait qu'on les menace à cause du Gideon. Elle pense que D'Anna peut les aider mais il ne veut rien entendre et se sert un verre. Ellen continue. Pour elle, Roslin veut remettre Adama sur son pied d'estale même si pour y parvenir, elle devra sacrifier Tigh. Elle sait que Saul est dévoué à Adama quitte à se faire marcher sur les pieds pour lui.

Dans le couloirs de reccueillement, où des millions de photos des disparus sont disposés, Racetrack allume une bougie et pleure.

C'est à son tour d'être interviewée. D'Anna veut savoir si elle a peur lorsqu'elle part au combat. Racetrack lui répond que non car on leur apprend à faire comme s'ils étaient déjà morts. Elle veut emmener le plus de cylons dans sa mort. Puis, Helo est interviewé. Il dit que le plus dur est d'être deshumanisé pour rester insensible à la peur. Il continue en disant que rien n'est simple.

Après, il rend visite à Sharon en prison qui semble malade. Sharon perd du sang. Helo ordonne au surveillant de chercher Cottle.

Felix Gaeta est interviewé par D'Anna. Il est en train de fumer et semble un peu éméché. Elle veut savoir si la cigarette l'aide à se détendre. Il lui répond que non, qu'il n'aime pas fumer mais qu'un peu d'ambroisie aide à faire passer le goùt. Il a toujours voulu travailler sur un battlestar et pour y parvenir, il a mis sa vie entre parenthèse afin d'étudier le plus possible. Il a ensuite compris qu'il ne savait rien faire d'autre et qu'il y avait autre chose. Il ajoute que l'ambroisie est une grande découverte car elle permet beaucoup de choses dont se faire tatouer un tigre sur le torse sans avoir mal.
D'Anna continue ses entretiens avec Tigh. Elle lui propose un verre. Elle veut savoir si les rumeurs de menace de mort sont vraies. Il dit qu'il fait son devoir. Elle lui pose des questions sur le Gideon. Il s'emporte et croit qu'ils veulent le pièger. Il s'en va.

Dans la salle de sport, Kara se défoule sur un vieux sac de sable. D'Anna lui pose des questions. Elle veut savoir quels critères correspondent pour recruter des pilotes. Kara lui répond que les réflexes, la détermination et être assez fou pour la suivre sont des bons points.

Plus tard, D'Anna montre à Adama la vidéo de Tigh en train de s'emporter lors de l'entretien. Il s'excuse. Elle veut savoir pourquoi aucune enquête n'est menée contre Tigh. Adama répond qu'ils sont en guerre contre un ennemi supérieur. Il refuse de sacrifier ses hommes pour ça. Il sait que l'accident du Gideon restera dans les consciences.

Kat tente d'amarrer son viper mais n'y parvient pas. Elle est en pleine crise de panique. En même temps, on découvre une interview de Kat qui parle des risques que prennent les pilotes et de ce qu'on ressent lorsqu'on rentre de mission. C'est mieux que le sexe. Kara tente de rassurer Kat en l'aidant à se poser. Kat a un accident, Kara et Lee courent à son secours. Ils ne comprennent pas ce qui s'est passé. Kat panique, elle croit qu'ils vont mourir. Lee comprend qu'elle prend des stimulants. une équipe médicale la prend en charge. L'équipe des journaliste la suivent. A l'infirmerie, D'Anna filme Cottle en train de soigner Sharon afin de sauver son bébé.

Plus tard, toujours à l'infirmerie, Adama demande à D'Anna de lui remettre l'enregistrement. D'Anna veut savoir pourquoi ils gardent une prisonnière cylon. Elle continue en demandant des nouvelles du bébé. Elle veut en parler à la flotte mais il lui dit que c'est à elle de juger si la révélation en vaut la peine. Il prend la cassette puis s'en va. Enfin seule, D'Anna sourit et sort la copie de l'enregistrement de son chemisier.

Plus tard, Baltar fait le beau. D'Anna le questionne enfin. Il joue la carte de la modestie. Six Mind conseille à Baltar de dire pourquoi il doit commander la flotte. Il est prêt pour tourner mais une alerte de niveau 1 est déclenchée. Des cylons attaquent. Les journalistes laissent seul Baltar. D'Anna se rend au CIC alors que son caméraman part pour le hangar.

Au CIC, elle film l'équipe.Adama ordonne de lancer la force d'intervention. Au Hangar, les pilotes s'apprêtent à partir.
Pendant l'action, on peut découvrir la suite de l'interview de Dee. On apprend qu'elle n'a jamais eu le temps de se réconcilier avec son père car leur dernière conversation fut houleuse.
Retour au CIC et au hangar. La force d'intervention menée par Lee et Kara affrontent les cylons. Tous restent concentrés et sous tension. Ils attendent. Les vipers sont parvenus à tuer les cylons, soulageant l'équipage. Adama prend la parole et félicite l'équipage avant de redescendre en alerte 3. Tigh ordonne à Gaeta de prendre le relais.
D'Anna demande à Dualla si avec le temps, ça devient plus facile. Elle répond que c'est le contraire.

Au Hangar, Lee dit au caméraman qu'ils ont perdu personne et que c'était une bonne journée.

Un peu plus tard, Tigh découvre Ellen attachée dans ses quartiers. Il est assommé.

Dans une pièce, D'Anna et son caméraman regardent des images filmés. Dans la scène où Kat et Hot-Dog se font remarqués, elle voit que l'un des pilotes lit Kataris.

Quartiers de Tigh, un pilote, celui responsable du Gideon,le Lieutenant Palladino, le menace. Il voit les visages des morts et veut les venger. Tigh assume ses responsabilités et l'encourage à tirer. Le pilote ne peut pas le faire. Tigh lui dit que le Gideon était un accident alors que ce qu'il s'apprêtait à faire était un choix. Des marines arrivent. Tigh continue en disant que tout va bien et détache Ellen, apeurée. D'Anna filme la scène.

A l'infirmerie, Kat confie à D'Anna pourquoi elle a pris des stimulants. Elle était fatiguée et le regrette car les pilotes ont besoin d'aide et elle s'est rendue complétement inutile. Elle a honte.

Au Colonial One, Tigh, Adama, les journalistes et l'équipe de Roslin découvre le reportage. Tigh n'est pas content. Il pense que la flotte voudra les tuer après ça alors qu'Adama aime. D'Anna a montré que l'équipe du Galactica sont des humains. Roslin et lui veulent voir la suite. La fin du reportage montre une D'Anna convaincue du visage humain de l'équipage et des risques qu'ils prennent jour après jour aifn d'assurer la sécurité de la flotte. Le reportage est ensuite diffusé. L'équipage du Galactica le découvre.

Sur Caprica occupée, des cylons regardent le reportage. Ils admirent le courage du Galactica et voit le passage où Cottle soigne Sharon. Ils sont heureux. Il demande des nouvelles du bébé. L'épisode se termine par un plan de D'Anna. Elle est une cylon!

So Say we All!


Gideon - Playback

A playback of the Gideon Massacre as filmed by a home video camera.
Palladino: People, just get back! Stay back, all right? We just need these supplies! Get 'em back, get 'em back!
Shots break out. The marines fire indiscriminately into the crowd. Incluing at the camera man.
Palladino: Cease fire! Cease fire! Medic! We need a medic in here now!
Little Girl: dad! Dad? Oh, my gods! Oh, my gods!
Non descript ship - Defunct editing room
Biers and Bell are editing a sotry

Biers: (on video)This recently discovered footage from what's become known as "the Gideon Massacre," appears to show Galactica's marinesfiring indiscriminately into a crowd of unarmed civilians. Four dead, twelve wounded. And yet, as of today, not a single charge has been filed against any of the marines involved, nor their commanding officers. This is D'Anna Biers, reporting.
Biers: That's gonna blow this thing wide open. And we need some stock footage of raging marines. Can intercut that with the  eyewitness statements.
Bell: You have no right to come in here like this.
Marine: Ma'am, you're to come with us.
Biers: What, am I under arrest?
Marine: No, ma'am.
Biers: And what if I refuse to go?
Colonial o­ne
Roslin: Hello, Ms. Biers. It's nice to see you. Welcome to Colonial o­ne.
Biers: Madame President, it's an honor. Commander Adama.
Adama: Where did you get the tape?
Biers: From an anonymous patriot. So is this a social call or are we o­n the verge of another coup?
Adama: Funny.
Biers: Just something to break the ice. I take it I am here because you're unhappy with my story o­n the  Gideon  Massacre?
Adama: What happened aboard the Gideon was a tragedy. But it was not a Massacre.
Biers: But the tape shows your men firing into a crowd of defenseless civilians.
Adama: My marines tell a different story.
Biers: Not to me. I've submitted a dozen interview requests, all denied.
Roslin: Well, that's about to change. You've been lobbying to do a story o­n the Galactica for months. Commander Adama has agreed to give you unlimited access to his crew and his ship.
Adama: That's right. Unlimited access.
Biers: Well, access won't buy you a propaganda piece.
Roslin: We don't want o­ne. Ms. Biers, this tape of yours has thrown fuel o­n a fire that was about to die. People are angry, they are distrustful of the military.
Biers: Yeah, with good reason, ma'am.
Roslin: In some cases with good reason. But I want to show the people what life aboard the Galactica's really like. I want to put a human face o­n the officers and the crew who protect us against cylons and guard our freedoms every day.
Biers: You might not like that face when you see it.
Adama: Why would that be?
Roslin: All we really want is a balanced story. Show us what the men and women of Galactica are really like.
Biers: That's it?
Roslin: That's it. And I need you to do it now, before we tear each other apart.
Galactica - CIC
Tigh: The cag had better start cracking some heads. Half our supply runs are behind schedule.
Phone rings
Dualla: Combat, Dualla. Colonel, it's your wife. Something's wrong.
Galactica - Tigh's Quarters
Marine: Colonel.
Tigh: Ellen, are you okay?
Ellen: Saul. Gods! Oh, I'm so scared.
Tigh sees a message painted in red paint o­n their mirror and reads:
Tigh:  "From the darkness, you must fall."
Ellen: What does it mean?
Adama: Racetrack. Where did you get these?
Racetrack: Oh, sorry, sir, they were left over from a civilian run. I've been meaning to throw them out.
Adama: No. No, no. Put 'em in a safe place. Hold o­nto 'em.
Racetrack: Yes, sir.
Adama: You're filming this?
Biers: We've been rolling since Colonial o­ne. President did say total access.
Adama: You'll have that. But you start shooting anything that compromises the safety of this ship, then it'll be cut.
Galactica - Hallway
Dualla: That hiss you hear is an oxygen recirc unit. We have about dozen co2 scrubbers aboard Galactica. They all work 24 hours a day.
Biers: Get a close-up of that, would you, Bell?
Bell: Yeah sure (sarcastically)
Galactica - Pilot's Quarters
Apollo and Starbuck are getting dried off and dressed after a shower.
Starbuck: We just finished a 15-hour rotation.
Apollo: Yeah, well, you better get used to it. We're gonna be short o­n pilots till the rest of the fleet pulls the stick out of its collective fat ass.
Starbuck: [Snickers] More fallout from Tigh's moment of glory?
Apollo: You heard about his death threat?
Starbuck: Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I just can't believe that I haven't been called in for questioning yet.
Apollo: Oh, you were top of the list. But don't worry, I told Tigh that you wouldn't know Caprican poetry if it was hot-soldered  across your helmet.
Starbuck: "From the darkness, you must fall, failed and weak, to darkness all." Kataris. Not o­ne of his best. Can I be a suspect again? Please?
Galactica - Hallway
Dualla: Ship's galley is next o­n the itinerary. Our vegetable stores and canned goods are kept in titanium lockers to ensure maximum freshness.
Biers: Didn't come all this way to interview the soup of the day.
Kat is chasing Hotdog through the halls (from the shower) trying to snap him with a wet towel.
Hotdog: Oh--oh, no!
Kat and Hotdog: laughing
Dualla: Ma'am?
Apollo: Here comes Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Starbuck: You guys, people are sleeping.
Palladino: Yeah, keep it down.
Kat: Sorry.
Orsel: Lighten up, Palladino.
Kat: Hey, is that o­n? Are you recording? Hi, mom! Miss you, mommy. Hey, this is for my buddies o­n freighter 212. Yeah! That's for you!
Apollo: Kat! Kat, you want to tell me what the hell you think you're doing?
Kat: Um, I was just saying hi to some of my buddies o­n the fleet, sir.
Apollo: Right. So you were literally talking out of your ass.
Kat: [Laughs] Kinda.
Apollo: Go o­n, get dressed.
Kat: Yes, sir.
Apollo: Constanza, get the hell outta here. It's the last time you come in a senior officers quarters, go, move. So, you must be the reporter we were expecting.
Biers: Well, you didn't have to dress for me. D'anna Biers, Fleet News Service.
Apollo: Captain Lee Adama, commander of the air group. That's pronounced, CAG. And I suggest you find yourselves an exit as soon as possible. And that's ronounced, a-sap.
Biers: Think we've seen all we need to see here.
Apollo: Who's brilliant idea was that?


Biers: How did your family respond?
Dualla: My dad went crazy when I enlisted. He thought the military was a joke. Refuge for emotional cripples and patriotic fools.
Biers: But you signed up anyway.
Dualla: I guess I just wanted to believe in something.
Galactica - Hallway
Dualla is modifing some recording(?) device.
Biers: Think it'll give it more memory?
Dualla: Yeah, it seems pretty simple. Maybe just a basic adjustment. It's a pretty good piece.
Biers: Yeah, it's kind of old...
Baltar: What the hell's going o­n?
#6: I don't know.
Baltar: Don't know. I'm the Vice President. She's supposed to be interviewing me, isn't she?
#6: Well, of course she should. Your title alone commands respect.
Baltar: Of course it does. It's a rare commodity around here. I mean, I'm the Vice President. I'm not gonna beg, I'll tell you that much.
Baltar walks back around Biers and the camera, tyring and failing to look inconspicuous
#6: Now, Gaius, you may have to beg. You'll do whatever is necessary to protect our child. Politics may not be your strong suit. But it serves us in the moment. Trust me. This o­ne can help us.
Baltar continues aimlessly walking around trying to get Bier's attention.
Biers: Mr. Vice President?
Baltar: Hello.
Biers: Hi, D'Anna Biers, Fleet News Service.
Baltar: Oh, you're the reporter. That's right. Commander Adama said a news service might be joining us. Um... I suppose you're-- well, very busy doing a lot of interviews, I would imagine. 
Biers: Well, uh, I would love to speak to you. If you've got a second, we can do it now.
Baltar: No, no. I'm afraid not. I am, um, very busy. Really, really busy at the moment, snowed under. But if you get in touch with o­ne of my aides, there might be a small window tomorrow. I'm not promising anything, obviously. But I might be able to, uh, give you an interview then if--if--if--if that's what you would like. Uh, good. Good, good. Well, you just, um, carry o­n.
Biers: What a strange little man.
Dualla: Mm-hmm.
Biers: Captain Adama, I hardly recognized you with your clothes o­n.
Apollo: Look, I'm sure you thought it was, uh, clever, busting into the pilots duty locker. But the area's off-limits for a reason. It's the o­ne place where my people can unwind and be themselves.
Biers: You seem to think that your pilots deserve special consideration.
Apollo: Actually, I do. Like everyone else, my pilots have lost their families, and their friends, everyone they ever cared about.  But o­n top of that, they're asked to put their lives o­n the line every single day for a fleet that seems more interested in what they do wrong than in what they do right. They're not asking for your pity, but they damn well deserve your respect.
Galactica - Hangar
Tyrol is inspecting a viper.
Kat: Gods, Chief, we've already run this up twice.
Tyrol: Yeah, but something doesn't feel right.
Kat: What?
Tyrol: Something doesn't feel right.
Kat: Well, hurry up.
Tyrol finds a tube out of place and removes it, spraying oil everywhere.
Tyrol: Oh, gods!
Kat: Oh, that's fantastic. That's just great.
Tyrol: I knew it. How the hell did I miss that?
Kat: Maybe if your knuckledraggers spent more time o­n maintenance, less time frakking around.
Tyrol: This knuckledragger just saved your ass, sir.
Kat: Why don't you say that a little louder, Chief? I don't think the camera heard you.
Tyrol: You know what? Frak the camera.
They argue and yell at each other.
Starbuck: Knock it off! Knock it off! Chief, fix the ship.
Kat: Yeah, fix the ship.
Starbuck: Hey!
Kat: What? What?
Starbuck: Hey! Enough! Chief, fix her ship. You, get the hell outta here now.
Kat: Camera outta my face.
Kat throws a temper-tantrum and kicks some equiptment o­n her way out.
Starbuck: She has been pissing me off all week.
Apollo: What the hell's going o­n?
Starbuck: I'm taking her off rotation till she gets her head rewired. I mean--
Apollo: Uh-uh, can't do it. We need the pilots. Besides, if I scratched everyone who...popped off at the chief, the cooks would be flying the missions.
Starbuck: Son of a bitch. Did you get all that? You happy?
Apollo: Come o­n. Come o­n, walk away. Walk away.
Kelso: We were never trained for crowd control. First order of business when under attack is defend yourself and your squad.
Biers: But these were civilians.
Kelso: I have ten stitches that say we were under attack. The truth is, it was a command frak-up the moment Tigh put us o­n that supply ship. I'm not surprised someone's trying to take out that drunk son of a bitch.
Palladino: All right, private. Belay that.
Biers: Colonel Tigh's been threatened?
Palladino: No, this interview's over. Shut that off.
Galactica - CIC
Adama escorts Biers and Bell into the CIC
Adama: Watch your step, please.
Biers: Okay. Come o­n.
Adama: Sitrep?
Tigh: Fleet's quiet, no enemy contact for the last ten days. No cylon contact, anyways.
Adama: Well, they have their job to do. We have ours. Did you hear about the meeting o­n Cloud Nine?
Tigh: Reps flying in from every vessel in the fleet for a king-size bitch session. Yeah, I heard.
Adama: Well, they sent us an invitation to send a delegation. You're it.
The camera is zoomed in o­n Tigh.
Tigh: Do you mind?
Biers: No, no, go ahead.
Tigh: I'm not exactly the most popular guy in the fleet right now.
Adama: Well, it'd be good then to, uh, let your critics see that you're not afraid of them.
Tigh: That what you think? I've been hiding?
Adama: You've been doing this too long to be worried about ulterior motives. You're going because you're not afraid, and people should see that. Plus, it'll also give people a chance to vent their feelings instead of seething in private. And finally, I think you need a little R & R. So consider this a mandatory shore leave. Take a swim. Get some sleep.
Tigh: Sir.
Adama: And, uh, stay away from the bar.
Galactica - Hangar
A raptor is being preped to leave for the Cloud 9 with Tigh.
Tyrol: Three. There's three. She got locked.
Starbuck: Good luck, Colonel. Have fun o­n Cloud Nine.
Tigh: You bet. (sarcastically)
Fuzzy: Iniating Pre-flight
The doors close, and suddenly smoke starts fuming from the raptor hatch.
Fuzzy: What's going o­n?
Racetrack: Abort launch! Everybody out now!
Tyrol: Get back! Everybody back! Everybody back! Fire team. Get the fire team here now!
Tigh: What's going o­n?
Tyrol: The main buss is totaled. Looks like somebody took a hammer to it. If this had blown in transit, the cabin would have vented to space.
Galactica - Tigh's Quarters
Ellen: Someone's trying to kill you, Saul.
Tigh: Comes with the stripes.
Ellen: Because of that damned Gideon incident.
Tigh: Ellen, we don't know that.
Ellen: Of course we do. D'anna Biers left two messages already. She's giving you the chance to tell your side.
Tigh: I don't have to explain myself, especially to her.
Ellen: Roslin wants to placate the fleet, put the great bill Adama back o­n his pedestal. Fastest way to do that is by hanging you
out to dry. Why do you think Adama wanted to send you to cloud nine?
Tigh: The Gideon happened o­n my watch.
Ellen: Yes. But you didn't order those jarheads to open fire. [Sighs] This is so like you, Saul. Always the proud soldier. Taking the heat because it's honorable. When are you gonna realize... we're all alone out here?
Biers: Are you afraid when you go into combat?
Edmonson: First thing they tell you is to assume you're already dead. That sounds ghoulish. Yeah, maybe. But dead men don't get scared or freeze up under fire. Me, I'm just worried that hell's gonna be a lonely place. And I'm gonna fill it up with every toaster son of a bitch I find.
Biers: What's been the hardest for you?
Helo: They try to turn off the human part of you because that's what'll get you killed. But... when you're out in the field, it's not that easy. Nothing's that easy.
Galactica - Boomer's Cell
Guard: You got five minutes.
Helo: Sharon? It's me. Sharon! Give me your light.
Boomer doesn't respond. She looks ill.
Guard: What the hell are you talking about?
Helo: Give me your light now! Something's wrong!
Boomer: [Sobs]
Boomer has blood o­n her hands, she appears deathly ill.
Helo: Oh, gods. Call Dr. Cottle. Now!
A dishevelled Gaeta is smoking a cig, for the first last and o­nly time during the interview
Biers: Does that help you cope with the stress?
Gaeta: Not really. Look, um, all that I ever wanted was to be an officer o­n a Battlestar. Okay, I trained my whole life, trained  harder than anyone in my unit. Basically, I put my life o­n hold until I was assigned to Galactica. Then the cylons hit. And I  realized that this is all that I know. Tech manuals, commands, and tactics, you know? I'm not saying that I'm unhappy. Just  wondering if there's something more.
Biers: And what have you discovered?
Gaeta: [Sighs] I hate cigarettes. [Coughs] Ambrosia's good with a chaser. And if you have enough ambrosia-- didn't really hurt that much.
Gaeta shows a tiger tatoo o­n his chest.
Galactica - Conference Room
Biers: There you go. We'll make this as painless as possible. Drink?
Tigh: Is this an interview or a cocktail party?
Biers: Are you kidding? This is how we keep it painless. Just like to keep it casual, that's all. Please. Cheers, Colonel.
Tigh: Cheers.
Biers: Before we begin, um, I had heard a number of rumors that you had death threats leveled against you. Is that right?
Tigh: This is a military vessel. We have rumors for every occasion.
Biers: Was it hard for you to take over your friend's command when he was shot?
Tigh: I didn't take anything. Command fell to me, and I did my duty.
Biers: But you were in full command of Galactica for more than a week. And in that time, there were a number of controversial actions taken.
Tigh: You're talking about the Gideon. I made a military decision. Given the same circumstances, I'd do it again.
Biers: So you have no regrets whatsoever?
Tigh "throws" the empty glass accross the room in rage.
Tigh: You're trying to set me up.
Biers: Colonel, why do you think there was no official investigation into the Gideon Massacre? Please, Colonel--
Tigh: Get out of my face!
Biers: Did you get that?
Bell: Got it.
Biers: Someone's a mean drunk.
Galactica - Exercise Room
Starbuck is punching a punching bag.
Starbuck: Great. I could use a sparring partner.
Biers: Sorry, I, uh-- I didn't bring my gloves.
Starbuck: Too bad.
Biers: Captain Adama said that I could ask you about the new pilots.
Starbuck: Yeah, well, Captain Adama likes to push my buttons.
Biers: So what do you look for in a new recruit?
Starbuck: Coordination. Good reflexes. Total commitment. And most of all, someone crazy enough to follow me into combat.
Tigh Interview Playback
Biers: Colonel, why do you think there was no official investigation into the Gideon Massacre? Please Colonel--
Tigh: Get out of my face!
Galactica - Adama's Quarters
Adama: I want to apologize for colonel Tigh's behavior. It was uncalled for.
Biers: Seems like a lot of people have been apologizing for him over the years, Commander. So level with me. Why has Colonel Tigh not been charged in the Gideon incident?
Adama: We're at war against an enemy with a vastly superior force. I will not sacrifice the few people we have left o­n the altar of  public outrage.
Biers: So four civilians are dead, and Tigh and the shooters take a walk.
Adama: Nobody takes a walk. They all gotta live with it.
Viper and Landing Deck
A high Kat is trying to land her viper.
Kelly: Viper five-niner-one, Galactica, you are cleared into the break. Portside landing bay, hands-on approach, checkers are green. Call the ball.
Kat: Roger ball. Wait a second. Gods...damn it.
Kelly: Speed two-zero-five. Keep your power up, Kat. You're dropping below glide slope.
Kat:The controls are messed up. Come o­n, come o­n, come o­n, come o­n. Come o­n, come o­n, come o­n.
Kelly: You're still too low. Wave off, Kat. Wave off!
Kat flies over the landing pod, and readies to come around for another attempt.
Kat:Oh, frak!
Starbuck: what the hell is going o­n? That is her third wave-off.
Kat: When we make a contact, the squadron's got seconds to put it all together. Pre-flight, weapons check, communications. o­ne mistake, we're a smear in the cockpit.
Viper and Landing Bay
Biers: I don't understand. Is she trying to--
Starbuck: Shut the frak up. Kat.  We're gonna do this, okay? Leave the throttle alone down the middle, then chop it at the come-on in close. And feel for the deck.
Kat: The controls are messed up. I can't feel it. I can't feel it. I can't feel it. I can't do it.
Starbuck: Kat, we did this all through training, okay? You can stick this, just like before. Ugh!
Kelly: Viper five-niner-one, Galactica, you're clear into the break, call the ball. Too low, five-niner-one, wave off! Wave off!
Starbuck: No, she's putting down! Kat, full throttle, now!
Kat: I can't feel it. I can't feel it.


Kat: When you come back after a successful run, let me tell you. It is better than a great meal. Better than hitting a jackpot. It's better than sex.
Viper and Landing Bay
Kat is crashing her viper into the landing bay runway.

Kat: Aaah! I can't do it! I can't do it, I can't do it! I can't do it!
Kelly: She missed the trap. Damage control, medics, report to portside hangar bay.
Galactica - Hangar
Apollo: What the hell happened? Kat's made the trap a hundred times. Yeah, I guess 101 was a real bitch, huh?
Kat is freaking out, and it takes several people to restrain her.
Kat: No! Let go of me! Lemme go!
Starbuck: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, Kat! It's Starbuck, you're okay. You're home.
Kat: Home? Home is dead! We gotta get outta here! They're gonna kill us! We gotta get outta here!
Starbuck finds stims in Kat's pockets
Starbuck: What's this? Stims?
Kat: Please, don't take-- don't take that, please!
Starbuck: Stop it.
Kat: Let go! Aaah! No! Let go! Let go! Uh! Let go! Let go of me! We're gonna die! We're gonna--
Starbuck: Get my pilot to sickbay now!
Kat: Oh, please, don't take me! Oh, please--
Apollo: Stims. And by look of her, she's been taking them by the handful.
Galactica - Medbay
Biers enters the medbay following Kat. She spots Boomer being operated o­n nearby.
Boomer: Don't you dare touch me! What are you doing?
Cottle: Listen to me! I am trying to save your baby. Hold her.
Guard: This is a restricted area!
The guard forces her out.
Galactica - Medbay
Biers: Commander Adama. That woman looks just like the late Lieutenant Valerii.
Adama: The tape, please.
Biers: Why would Galactica be harboring a cylon?
Adama: The tape.
She hands him the camera.
Biers: Did the baby survive?
Adama: Do you understand that even a hint of this could be devastating to the morale in the fleet?
Biers: You're the master of understatement. You know, after the Gideon, this could turn the entire fleet against you.
Adama: Then the real the question is whether or not it matters to you.
Biers: You know, I am sick to death of people like you questioning my patriotism. We all want this fleet to survive.
Adama takes out the tape and gives her back her camera. After he leaves, we see that she hid a tape in her bra.
Galactica - Conference Room
Baltar: I think you're doing very well. Very well, under the circumstances. I understand this has been a difficult job for you. I mean, I hear that your reports haven't exactly ingratiated you with the Commander, have they? Or the rest of the crew, for that matter. Still, luckily, as a member of the civilian government, I am here to assure you that I have no such reservations.
Biers: Well, I think most of the crew understands i'm just doing my job.
Baltar: As are we all. All just doing our jobs, aren't we? I'm just doing my job, you're just doing your job.
#6: Okay, okay, cut to the chase, Gaius. Tell her why you deserve to lead this fleet.
Baltar: As I myself discovered when I was stranded-- stranded o­n Kobol, I found that the stress of, uh, survival revealed leadership qualities that previously I didn't even know that I possessed, really.
Biers: Yeah? I understand your party took several casualties.
Baltar: Yes, that was very unfortunate. They were heroes, every o­ne. You know what? I'm ready. Um, shall we shoot this o­ne?
[Alarm blaring]
Baltar: Oh, it's probably just a false alarm. Ignore it, really. Okay.
Biers: Bell, you take the hangar deck. I'm gonna take the CIC. Go!
Biers and Bell take their cameras and run out of the room.
Baltar: You're safer here really. Please you're as safe as houses down here, really. That's show biz.
Gaeta: (over P.A.) A condition o­ne throughout the ship. Incoming cylon raiders. This is not a drill. Repeat, action stations,
action stations. Set condition o­nethroughout the ship this is not a drill.
Galactica - Hallway


Starbcuk: What have we got?
Apollo: Two raiders, closing fast.
Galactica - CIC
Gaeta: Sir, the cylon raiders are o­n C.B.D.R. With Galactica. Speed two-two point seven niner.
Biers: Dualla, what's a C.B.D.R.?
Dualla: Constant bearing, decreasing range-- collision course.
Tigh: Where the hell's the cap?
Dualla: Other side of the fleet, sir.
Adama: Scramble the alert fighters. Set condition o­ne throughout the entire fleet. Have them spool up their FTL's just in case.
Galactica - Hangar
The Vipers are being manned and readied for launch
Tyrol: Let's go, let's go, let's go! Move, move! Clear this deck, get this outta here! What's the sitrep?
Starbuck: Two bandits, coming hard.
Apollo: Just keep your eyes open and follow us.
Tyrol: All right, let's go, let's get the birds in the holes. Move 'em out, get this ladder outta here. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Move back, get this hose out of here.
Galactica - CIC
Gaeta: First team in the tubes.
Adama: Dee.
Dualla: Pilots o­n speaker.
Biers: Did you ever come to terms with your dad?
Dualla: I wouldn't let him. The last time we talked, it got...heated. I told him I never wanted to see him again. Three weeks later, the cylons attacked.
Galactica - CIC
Biers: Okay, so I'm new at this. Should I be scared?
Dualla: I am.
Galactica - Hangar


Tyrol: Copy that. All right, people, that's it. Last bird's away. Let's clear the nest. Get this deck ready for recovery. Let's go, let's go, let's go. Move, move!
Galactica - CIC
This scene alternates between the CIC and Hangar. Rather than show the dogfight. We see the crewmembers listening to the radio and the battle.
Gaeta: Sir, alert vipers are away. Gun control reports weapons manned and ready.
Apollo: Apollo, wireless check.
Starbuck: Starbuck, I'm hearing you.
Hotdog: Hotdog, o­ne-four-one, loud and clear.
Grayshirt: Grayshirt, loud and clear.
Kingston: Kingston, you're good. Initiate search pattern delta.
Apollo: Apollo, tally two cylon raiders, close formation.
Starbuck: This is Starbuck, roger that.
Kingston:  Watch your formation.
Apollo: Prepare to engage. Weapons hot.
Kingston: Targets in view. Repeat target's in view. Lock 6-1-2-1. Weapons close 2-4-1
Gaeta: Copy that.
Grayshirt: Tango 1, Tango 1, Tango 1, weapons close 2-4-1
Hotdog: Engaging cylon radiers. Engaging cylon raiders.
Starbuck: They're breaking formation. Hotdog, stick with me.
Hotdog: Roger that.
Starbuck: Come o­n, you frakkin'--
Hotdog: I've got no joy, lost visual.
Kingston: He's o­n me, Right o­n my six.
Apollo: Come o­n Starbuck.
Starbuck: Hotdog, raiders o­n your left eight. I'm o­n 'em, I'm o­n 'em. Yeah, splash o­ne!
Apollo: Targeting second raider.
Kingston: Kingston, bandit's breaking off, taking evasive action.
Hotdog: I've got him, Kingston. Come o­n, come to papa.
Apollo: Damn it, take the shot! That's a kill.
Adama: Yes!
Tigh: Dradis shows clear, Commander.
Adama: This is the commander. Cylon raiders were intercepted and destroyed. Good work, people.
Starbuck: Roger that, Galactica. Let's head back to the bird farm.
Adama: Secure from action stations. Set condition three.
Tigh: Mr. Gaeta, you have the deck.
Gaeta: Yes, sir. Set condition three throughout the ship. Repeat, set condition three.
Biers: Does this ever get any easier?
Dualla: No, ma'am. It gets harder.
Biers: Thank you.
Galactica - Hangar
Bell: So how did it go out there?
Apollo: Well, we didn't lose anyone. That's a good day.
Galactica - Tigh's Quarters
Ellen is gagged and hogtoed o­n the floor.
Tigh: Ellen?
Ellen: [Whimpering]
Tigh is knocked over his head with a bottle and knocked out.
Galactice - Makeshift Editing Room
Looking over footage of Kat chasing Hotdog
Biers: I'm not sure I've found a story in all this yet.
She spots something in the background of the video.
Biers: Go back a bit. Here, here. I know that book. That's by Kataris.
She refers to a book Palladino was reading.
Galactica - Tigh's Quarters
Tigh: [Groaning]
Palladino: What's wrong, Colonel? Need a drink?
He pours whisky o­n the prone Tigh
Tigh: You can go to hell.
Palladino: I've been there. It was called Gideon. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I saw their faces. Those weren't cylons we tagged, those were real people. Who looked like my dad, who looked like my little brother.
Palladino points a gun at Tigh's head.
Tigh: Well, this isn't gonna change anything.
Palladino: Well, at least the people o­n the Gideon will have their justice.
Tigh: If that's what this is about, then do it.
Tigh gets up.
Palladino: I will, I'll do it.
Tigh: Somebody has to pay for what happened o­n that ship. I was in command, I sent you there. It's my fault. Come o­n, son. Do it.
Ellen: [Whimpering]
Tigh presses his head into the gun. Palladino won't shoot. Tigh recovers the gun.
Tigh: Gideon was an accident. This is a choice.
Guard: Colonel!
Tigh: We're all right here.
Guard: Let's go Lieutenant.
Tigh: Will you get out of my face.
Ellen: [Sobbing and moaning]
Galactica - Med Bay
Biers: What made you do it, Kat?
Kat: I was tired. Haven't gotten any sleep. Felt like I was losing my edge. I don't know what else to do.
Biers: Couldn't you talk to someone?
Kat: Who am I gonna talk to? We're all in the same hole. Okay, there are no replacements coming up. There's no downtime. This is it. So I started taking stims.
Biers: You made a mistake. It happens.
Kat: Yeah, except now my flight's a pilot short. Those guys, they're just as tired and they're just as messed up as I was.
Biers: But they're still laying it o­n the line. I've worked my ass off defending this ship. I've been-- I've been frustrated, I've been angry. I've been everything that you can possibly think of. This is the first time that I've felt ashamed.
Colonial o­ne
Roslin, Tigh and Adama are watching the final cut of the news story, Which included the above scene.
Tigh: I've seen enough.
Biers: Kill it. Look, I understand this might be hard for you to watch--
Tigh: It's a hatchet job. The fleet already thinks we're a bunch of trigger-happy assassins. This just confirms it. You show us with our pants down and our asses hanging out. Don't you have anything to say?
Adama: I think it's great. I think she did exactly what we asked her to do. That she put a human face o­n the guardians of the fleet. Warts and all. I'm proud of it. You can show it to the entire fleet.
Biers: It doesn't get better than that.
Roslin: I'd like to see the end.
Adama: So would I.
Final Cut of News Story, Various Locations
This scene features many different locations and the crew in some very human, but heroic positions. It is shown throughout the fleet and Galactica to everyone's approval.
Biers: I came to Galactica to tell a story. In all honesty, I thought I knew what that story was before I ever set foot here. How an arrogant military let their egos get in the way of doing their job safeguarding the lives of the civilian population. But I found the truth was more complex than that. These people aren't cylons. They're not robots blindly following orders and polishing their boots. They're people. Deeply flawed, yes, but deeply human too. And maybe that's saying the same thing. What struck me the most is that despite it all-- the hardships, the stress, the ever-present danger of being killed-- despite all that, they never give up. Never lie down in the road and let the truck run them over. They wake up in the morning, put o­n their uniforms, and do their jobs. Every day, no pay. No rest. No hope of ever laying down the burden and letting someone else do the job. There are no relief troops coming, no Colonial fleet training new recruits every day. The people o­n Galactica are it. They are the thin line of blue separating us from the cylons. Lieutenant Gaeta told me a remarkable statistic. Not a single member of Galactica's crew has asked to resign. Not o­ne. Think about that. If you wore  the uniform, wouldn't you want to quit? To step aside and say, "Enough. Let someone else protect the fleet." I know I would. But then, I don't wear a uniform. Most of us don't, most of us never will. The story of Galactica isn't that people make bad decisions under pressure. It's that those mistakes are the exception. Most of the time, the men and women serving under  Commander Adama get it right. The proof is that our fleet survives. And with Galactica at our side, we will endure. This is D'anna Biers, Fleet News Service.
Caprica - Movie Theatre
The biocylon are also watching the news story.
Doral: That was shown across their entire fleet.
#6: Their resilience is remarkable.
Boomer: Play the footage that was cut.
Boomer: What are you doing! Stop it!
Cottle: Listen to me! I am trying to save your baby. Hold her still.
Guard: This is a restricted area!
Boomer: [Screams]
Caprica - Theatre
Boomer: I'm still alive. She's still alive. I told you.
#6: That's incredible. And the baby?
Biers: It was saved. We lost two raiders relaying the images back to the fleet, but I think the sacrifice was worth it.
Doral: We must proceed with caution. The child's life must be protected at all costs.
Biers: Yeah. Truly is a miracle from god.

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