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Minerai de Tylium

Starbuck: Rumor mill has it that you're planning an op. 
Adama: Rumor mill's right, for a change. Captain Adama and Col. Tigh are working up a plan now and I need some serious out-of-the-box thinking. 
Starbuck: Out of the box is where I live.


Elosha: One of the oracles, in the sacred scrolls. 3,600 years ago, Pythia wrote about the exile and the rebirth of a human race. And the lords anointed a leader to guide the caravan of the heavens to their new homeland and unto the leader they gave a vision of serpents, numbering two and ten, as a sign of things to come. 
Roslin: Pythia wrote that? 
Elosha: She also wrote that the leader suffered a wasting disease and would not live to enter the new land. But you're not dying... are you?


Apollo: And that will allow the attack force to wipe out these installations here. Now, if we do it right, there will not be any Cylon survivors. And the asteroid will be ours.
Adama: What do you think, Starbuck? 
Starbuck: It's a textbook-perfect plan. Which is why it won't work.


#6: God doesn't take sides. He o nly wants your love. Open your heart to him and he'll show you the way.


Adama: Now you're o n your attack run. You launch your missiles. So you gotta jam that pedal... into the firewall and hold a six "g" turn... (loads more wieght o nto the machine) for ten seconds or you die. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six five, four-- (Starbuck can't hold the weight and the weights fall) This was o nly three "g"s, Starbuck, not six. I'm sorry, it's a tough o ne but you're staying home.


Apollo: You know, sometimes it feels like the whole ship thinks, uh, Starbuck would do better. 
Adama: I don't. 
Apollo: How can you be so sure? 
Adama: 'Cause you're my son. Get some rest, you're gonna need it.

Apollo: Dad... I'll bring it back. 
Adama: You better, or I'll kick your ass. It's a good lighter.


Starbuck: It would just be a lot easier if I was flying with them. 
Adama: All you can do now is wait and hope you didn't make any mistakes. 
Starbuck: I never wanted this kind of responsibility. 
Adama: The Cylons never asked us what we wanted. Welcome to the big leagues.


Apollo: Come o n, keep it together, Lee, keep it together, keep it-- (sees a sharp vertical turn in the tunnel) oh, lords. Okay, I'm through the tunnel. They can't get firing solution o n me. There you are. (spots the target) Okay... I've got you, I've got you, I've got you, I've got you... (base explodes!) ( snickers in amazement ) Ahh, Galactica, Apollo. Mission... accomplished.


Starbuck: Apollo, you magnificent bastard, that was o ne hell of a piece of flying and I couldn't have done it better myself. 
Apollo: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. 
Starbuck: I said that I couldn't have done it better myself. 
Apollo: Well, thank you.


#6: You are part of god's plan, gaius. 
Baltar: So god wanted me to destroy the Cylon base. 
#6: You did well. You gave yourself over to him. 
Baltar: Yes, suppose I did. Yes, there's-- there's really no other logical explanation for it. I was-- 
#6: Am... 
Baltar: I am an instrument of god.

Ecrit par marshmalow 
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