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flesh and bones

Adama : The only problem with Leoben isn't that he lies, that'd be too easy. It's that he mixes lies with truth. Just remember, he's gonna try to get into your head.

Starbuck : Aw, mom always said there was nothing in there anyway. 




Starbuck : Nah, you cut 'em open there's blood, guts, the whole thing. It's sweating. 

Captain : Well, I'll be. Look at that. Gods, they go through a lot of trouble to imitate people. Why do you think they do that? 

Starbuck : I don't care why. But the fact that these things sweat... now, that's interesting. 




Leoben : God, you stink. Can we get some air in here? Between you and the humidity... 




Leoben : Now who's lying? These things happen for a reason, don't they? I'm looking forward to spending a little bit more time with you, Starbuck we have a lot to talk about! It's gonna be fun. 




Leoben : To know the face of God is to know madness. I see the universe. I see the patterns. I see the foreshadowing that precedes every moment of every day. It's all there, I see it and you don't. And I have a surprise for you. I have something to tell you about the future. 




Starbuck : Did that hurt? 

Leoben : Yeah, it hurt. 

Starbuck : Machines shouldn't feel pain. Shouldn't bleed, shouldn't sweat. 

Leoben : Sweat, that's funny, that's good. 

Starbuck : See, now, a smart Cylon would turn off the ol' pain software about now. But I don't think you're so smart. 

Leoben : Maybe I'll turn it off and you won't even know. 

Starbuck : Hmm. Here's your dilemma, turn off the pain, you feel better but that makes you a machine, not a person. You see, human beings can't turn off their pain. Human beings have to suffer and cry and scream and endure because they have no choice. So the only way you can avoid the pain you are about to receive is by telling me exactly what I wanna know. Just like a human would. 

Leoben : I knew this about you. You're everything I thought you would be. But it won't work, I won't tell you anything. 

Starbuck : Maybe not. But then you'll know, deep down, that I beat you. That a human being beat you. And that you are truly no greater than we are. You're just a bunch of machines, after all. 

Leoben : Let the games begin. 




Six : Because in the scheme of things, we are as we do. She acts like one of them, thinks like them... she is one of them. 

Doral : But she's one of us. It would be best to remember that.




Leoben : I am more than you could ever imagine. I am God. 

Starbuck : (Stifles laugh) I'm sorry, you're god? Wow... nice to meet ya. That's good, that's good. We'll give you a couple of minutes for that. 




Starbuck : You fraked up, pal. Now the gloves come off. 




Starbuck : Don't interrupt me. You see, I'm gonna dazzle you with my poor human brain. You see, I think that you're afraid. You're afraid that we're a long way from home. What if you don't transfer all the way back? What if, when you die here, you really die? It's your chance to find out if you're really god or just a bunch of circuits with a bad haircut. 

Leoben : I'm not afraid of dying. 

Starbuck : Somebody's programmed you with a fairy tale of god and streams and life ever after but, somewhere in that hard drive that you call a brain is a beeping message: "Error, error, does not compute. I don't have a soul, I have software. If I die, I'm gone." 




Leoben : All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again. 

Starbuck : Don't quote scripture. You don't have the right to use those words. 

Ecrit par lealoeu 
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