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#409 : The Hub

Se rapprochant de plus en plus du vaisseau de résurrection des Cylons, la Présidente Roslin est frappée par des visions à chacun des sauts du Base Star.


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Photo de l'épisode #4.09

Photo de l'épisode #4.09

Photo de l'épisode #4.09

Photo de l'épisode #4.09

Plus de détails

Roslin: Previously on Battlestar Galactica...


Natalie's Debrief

(Cavil walks away after boxing Three.)

Athena, in VO at debrief: The Threes, the D'Annas? They were boxed after the battle on the Algae Planet.

Adama, VO: Why?

(Three smiles in the Opera House.)

Natalie, VO: D'Anna saw the faces of the Final Five... But if we unbox her, she can reveal their identities to us.

(Tigh is worried at the debrief.)

Starbuck: The Final Five have been to Earth. If we help find them, they can help us get there.

Roslin: So what could possibly motivate us to trust you now?

Natalie: The boxing facility resides within the Cylon Resurrection Hub. This Hub controls the functions of every Resurrection Ship. You destroy the Hub, Cylons lose their ability to download.


Hangar Bay

Roslin: The Hybrid on the Baseship spoke of an Opera House and a dying leader. We're going to talk to the Hybrid.

Baltar: And why would you require my presence?

Roslin: Because you're in my visions.


Rebel Basestar

(The Hybrid jumps.)

Zarek, VO: President Roslin was apparently aboard the Cylon Baseship, along with Gaius Baltar and many of Galactica's pilots when it jumped away.



Tigh: Hub's gone. We're getting radiation signatures from multiple nukes. Baseship fragments. The President's Baseship was destroyed.

Adama: It's a different Baseship.


(Adama waits for the Basestar to return.)

Lee, VO: Waiting alone in a Raptor as the rest of the Fleet jump away, well... That sounds a lot like suicide, Dad. Why are you doing this?

Adama, VO: Because I can't live without her.




Hybrid Chamber

Roslin: Plug it in. I need to talk to it.

Baltar: Let God's will be done.

Roslin: Shut up. It's time to get some answers.

Hybrid: Jump!



(Roslin is alone on Galactica. Behind her stands Elosha; she sees her and they embrace.)

Roslin: Elosha! Oh, my Gods.



Hybrid Chamber

Hybrid: ...Filters ... Filters ... the sublime elevation of the...

Roslin: Why did it jump? Where are we?

Eight: I'm more concerned about why we're here.

Hybrid: Control... Filters...

Gaius: why don't I talk to the Hybrid? Find out why.

Helo: She can just do that? She can just...

Hybrid: Jump!



Elosha: Will you walk with me?

Roslin: Galactica, it... What's going on? It's empty.

Elosha: It is. Feels bigger this way, doesn't it?

Roslin: It's so quiet. It's strange.

Elosha: A lot of things are strange.

(The reach Galactica's sickbay; Laura lies in a bedsit, dying.)


39,673 survivors.




Hybrid Chamber

Hybrid: Wingbeats of a dove drown out the heartbeats of those who follow. The Six is back in the stream...

Eight: That's unusual, to jump again so quickly.

Roslin: What do you think it means?

Baltar: Look, it knows me. It trusts me. I think... I think it even likes me, because I...

Roslin, fascinated: You're getting information from this liquid?

Baltar: I spent some time at the foot of this... Tub.

Eight: The Hybrid is disorganized, it's panicking. I don't know why.

Baltar: Um, tell me. Why are you jumping the ship?

Hybrid: The Six, the Six who went among the makers is no longer. End of line. Back in the stream that feeds the ocean that feeds the stream...

Eight: The Six. She means Natalie, the Six who was our leader. She's either been hurt or killed back on Galactica. That's why the Hybrid's panicking.

Roslin: So she's upset. Okay, fine. Can you... Calm her down? Can you tell her to jump back?

Eight: It doesn't work like that. She makes her own decisions. And we can't unplug her because now she's wired herself into life support.

Baltar, kneeling and shushing her: All right, then why don't we give this a go? Shh! Hey. Hey, stop jumping the ship, all right? Calm your mind.

Hybrid: Cease countdown, cease countdown. Circulation, ventilation, control... Filters...filters... the sublime elevation ...

Baltar: Did you see that? I just opened myself up to it on a spiritual level...

Hybrid: -- Jump!



(Cottle tends Laura in sickbay, as Bill and Lee and Kara watch.)

Elosha, to the body: Don't you just hate these people?

Dying Roslin: No.

Elosha: Oh, but you don't love them either. The people in this room are the closest thing you've got to family, and you... You've been their President. Watch them try to comfort each other. At least you haven't taken that away from them... Yet. You didn't rob them of their empathy. Yet. You just don't make room for people anymore. You don't love people. Is that clear enough? Practical enough for you, Madam President?



Hybrid Chamber

Eight, smiling: I think we're going towards the Resurrection Hub. I think the mission is still on.


Basestar Command & Control

Helo: You sure there's no ETA at the Hub?

Eight: No, the Hub is jumping and our Hybrid's jumping after it. Sometimes we're showing up six hours after it's moved on, sometimes like six minutes.

Helo: And one time it'll be within one jump-length and we'll catch it.

Eight: Yeah, but we don't know when. So we'll have to assume that any jump could be the one that just drops us in next to it.

Helo: They're gonna read our heat signatures the second we fire up the first Viper. Hell, they'll read our electronics.

Eight: Yeah, if we could only mask that.

Helo: ...Go in cold. No electronics at all.

Eight: Send the Vipers out dead? towed by Cylon birds.

Helo: Take out the Hub's jump drive, then settle in for the long fight. Yeah, good, okay, okay. But you and me, we've got to get onto the Hub in the middle of that mess and try to find D'Anna.

Eight: We can do this.

Helo: No, I... I don't know. It's crazy, isn't it? We're putting ourselves right where the action is. It's not a great plan. There's no time...

Eight, massaging his shoulders: Hey, let me help you.

Helo, standing: Athena, my wife, she learned to do that. She never did that when I met her. (She won't meet his eyes.) ...What?

Eight, embarrassed: I got curious about Athena. About her and Hera, and you. So I accessed her... Her memories from her last download.

Helo: You have her memories...

Eight: They're mine now too. They're as real as my own. I know this must feel like a violation of trust or something, but I... I don't want it to be strange, okay?

Helo, not taking her hand: Right. Right, sure.


Basestar Deck

(Laura sits in Pike's Raptor, napping with Searider Falcon in her lap.)

Helo: Madam President? Sir? Hope I didn't wake you.

Roslin, setting the book aside: Uh, come in. Thank you for the use of your Raptor, I needed some familiar surroundings. Don't worry. I'll give it back to Lt. Pike the second you need it.

Helo: About that. This mission, it's very risky...

Roslin, knowing his stuff: If there's even a chance that we can go in and blow up that Hub and end Cylon resurrection for all Cylons forever, we must take it. I cannot back away from that.

Helo: Yes, sir.

Roslin: If and when D'Anna comes back from the dead, bring her to me.

Helo: I think the Cylons think that she'll be interrogated by both groups together.

Roslin: I'm sure they do. Bring her to me. She knows the identities of the five Cylons in our Fleet. It is a matter now of human security, and I will not let the Cylons have audience to that discussion. I want to talk to her alone.

Helo: Yes, sir.

Roslin: Good.


Resurrection Hub Birth Chamber

Cavil, as Three wakes: Welcome home, D'Anna.

D'Anna: You told me I'd never have to go through this again.

Cavil: I lied.

D'Anna: You thought you were putting me away forever. So what changed?

Cavil: War. A genuine Cylon civil war. Ones and Fours and Fives, against Twos and Sixes and Eights that objected to your retirement. Now your supporters are working with humans against all the rest of us. All in your name.

D'Anna: Boomer's an Eight. Shouldn't she be on the other side?

Cavil: Boomer's my pet Eight. She's seen the light of reason. And an Eight can make a passionate ally.

D'Anna: Oh, until she sees something shiny. Why'd you bring me back anyway?

Cavil: I brought you to heal us, sister, and end this shameful war.




Basestar Deck

Eight: Since Cylon pilots don't use call signs, we're gonna be painting unique identifiers on all their birds.

Seelix: That's a relief.

Helo: You address them, use that number, okay?

Hotdog: Should've scrubbed this frakkin' mission.

Pike: Yeah, tell me about it.

Helo: Hey, everyone listen up. Now these Heavy Raiders aren't like the other Raiders. They aren't gonna make any hinky moves on their own. They're under the control of their pilots. The Cylon pilots are in charge of their birds.

Seelix: Oh, and are there tiny pilots inside of them?

Six: We do our jobs. Our training is just as good as yours.

Redwing, fronting: Yeah? Twenty-some of you I've taken out weren't that good.

Helo: Redwing. Redwing! (He backs off.) Now let's talk about the surprise element. First wave of Vipers are gonna ride in engines cold, dradis and comm off, okay? You're gonna come in towed by cables from the Heavy Raiders. We're rigging 'em up now.

Pike: Captain, don't... Now I mean, if they're all tied together here, kissing their gasholes so to speak, and they tap on the brakes, we're gonna smash right in the back of them.

Helo: They won't. It'll work, you guys. Really. When you're close enough, the cable's gonna disconnect. We're mounting small explosive charges to cut it.

Redwing: Hold it, hold it. We cut the cable, right?

Helo: Cylon pilots cut the cable. Then you sling out of their birds and you turn your power on. You're gonna be gunning directly at the Hub's FTL. Then it's an all-out fight until we can get in there with the nukes.

Pike: Yeah, so if the Cylons don't lift up, then we're toast, right? No, look, I'm serious.

Eight: Hey, hey! Pilots! You've flown with Cylons. You've flown with Athena, you put your life in her hands, and she hasn't betrayed you. Well, I am the same as her. Now all of these Cylons here, all of these people? They're pilots like you, and they're gonna be out in the soup with you, taking out other Cylons, just like Athena does every time she's asked to. And when that Hub is taken out, all of their lives will be at risk. Just like yours. So you might want to think about how you're gonna work together, because we're all dead if you don't.

Helo: Moving on...


Hybrid Chamber

Baltar: Just go and ask it already.

Roslin, to the Hybrid: I've been told that you said something about an Opera House, and I... (To Gaius.) Because it seems pointless!

Baltar: Look, there was an Opera House. An Opera House. Are you listening to me? Apparently I was in the Opera House.

Roslin: I had a vision! I was chasing after a little girl, I came to a door, I saw Dr. Baltar and the Six take the child.

Hybrid: ...Close the doors...

Roslin: She's not listening.

Hybrid: Protect the child.

Roslin: Protect the child. She said, "Protect the child." That's what Caprica said...

Baltar: You told me I was the one holding the child, so obviously I was the one protecting the child, wasn't I? In the Opera House...

Roslin: No, no, no. It wasn't at all clear what you were doing. Let me listen.

Hybrid: Booting up, booting up...

Baltar: I mean, obviously you've done this a thousand times before.

Roslin: Well, I'm just doing the same thing you're doing.

Baltar: No you're not, actually, no you're not, because if you'll watch what I'm doing, what I'm doing is I'm actually focusing on her, all right? Now tell us what happened in the Opera House now, all right?!

Roslin: Oh, the only thing you're doing is yelling.

Hybrid: Such a format will close the doors.

Roslin: Close the door... No, no, open the door. Open the door. I want to open the door!

Baltar: Yeah, open the door, close the door...

Roslin: Do it again, do it again, do it again!

Baltar: I'm going for a walk. Love to see you do any better.

Roslin: All right, I'll do it. Open the door!

Hybrid: Three! The Three is online.

Roslin: The Three is online. The Three is online. The Three is D'Anna.

Hybrid: Three is online. Processing data.

Roslin: The Three is D'Anna.

Hybrid: Loading data...

Roslin: D'Anna is online... Oh, D'Anna's in a body! D'anna's back in a body...

Hybrid: Booting up... Jump!

Roslin: Ju...? Oh.



(Roslin heads to sickbay on her own, Elosha follows.)

Roslin: Why are we doing this again? I don't want to see this again.

Elosha: The ancients used to say a people is only as strong as the body of its leader.

Roslin: If I follow that thought... Are you saying that humanity died because I died? If you're my subconscious, I've gotta say you're a little full of myself.

Elosha, charmed: Humanity didn't die because you did. The ancients, they got a lot of things wrong. The body of a people is not the same as the body of its leader. But the soul and the spirit might be.

Roslin: Oh I see, so you're only laying morality at my feet. Well, that's okay. I can take that. I mean, there are a lot of people who have sins far greater than mine.

Elosha, laughing with her: You're thinking of Gaius Baltar.

(Laura watches Bill's face as he reads to her on her deathbed.)

Adama: "...Then I dug into the stump and pulled rocks from the ground until my fingers bled. I collected seeds from the few fruits the island offered, and planted them in long, straight furrows, like the ranks of soldiers. When I finished, I looked at what I had done. I did not see a garden. I saw a scar. This island had saved my life, and I had done it no service."



Basestar Corridor

Baltar, to a Centurion: I can see a real hierarchy around here. And I have to tell you, you're on the lower end of the scale, my friend. Yes you are. Which is odd when you think about the Cylon God... They told you about God, didn't they?



Roslin: I'm not even really sure if the Hybrid was referring to D'Anna, but if it's true...

Helo: It certainly would make it easier.

Roslin: How so?

Helo: Well, we... Wouldn't have to find a... Find a body.

Roslin: Yeah, good. Okay. Go get her and bring her here. ...Something else?

Helo: It's just once you have what she knows, I can't help feeling like you could try to keep Earth for humans only and I just... Madam President, that doesn't seem...

Roslin: -- What?

Helo: Honest. You're supposed to be conducting a fair deal here, and instead you're taking D'Anna off by yourself. Taking what she knows.

Roslin: Slow down, Captain. At best, D'Anna knows the identities of the Cylons in our Fleet. And at best, they know a way to Earth.

Helo: So you're not denying you'd keep the way to Earth to yourself if you could.

Roslin: I'm not saying that's true. I will say that if the Cylons had the option, that's exactly -- exactly -- what they would do.

Helo: No, I don't think so. Not the Sharons. The Eights.

Roslin: Captain. You are not married to the entire production line. I cannot afford to be sentimental right now, and I cannot afford you to be sentimental either. If you can't do this job, find me someone who can. (Alarms start throughout the Baseship.) What is that?

Helo: I think we're there.




Resurrection Hub

Boomer: Something's going on. Another Baseship, unscheduled.

Cavil: You've gotta speak to the Twos and Sixes and Eights and tell them they've gone too far.

Three: No. Why didn't you ask about the Final Five? You never ask about them.

Cavil: That's because I don't believe we're meant to know them.

Three: Well, I'll tell you. I will tell you, I'll start shouting out their names. Why do you risk it?

Cavil: Are you going to help end this war or are you useless?

Boomer: Twenty-five Heavy Raiders just launched from the new arrival, heading our way.


Viper/Raider Squad

Seelix, being towed: Come on, let's get this carpool started. Now! Cut the frakkin' cable now, you frakkin' bastard!

(The towing lines release. The Vipers soar toward the Hub as the Heavy Raiders drop and head for Cavil's Baseship.)


Resurrection Hub

Three: Oh, the inhibition's been lifted... Oh, I sense it.

Boomer: It's the rebel Baseship. I think they're gonna attack. They're gonna blow the Hub.

Cavil: That would be mass murder. Death would be permanent for all of us. They've gone insane...

Three: Permanent death? Well, that makes this all the more meaningful.

(She bashes his head against the side of the tub, killing him, and thinks about her next move. Boomer runs off.)


(Raiders and Vipers attack the Hub and Basestar.)


Viper/Raider Squad

Redwing, on wireless: Helo, we've blown their FTL. That Hub's not going anywhere.

Helo: Okay, take us down.


(The battle continues.)


Basestar Corridor

Baltar: Well, he's your God as well. And God doesn't want any of his creations to be... Slaves. Not that you're a slave... Exactly...


Resurrection Hub

Helo, with Eight: Go.

(They discover Three in the Birthing room, wearing a bathrobe. There are more explosions.)

Eight: This place is gonna go. Grab her.

Helo: Run!


Viper/Raider Squad

Pike: Hardball, Pike, I'm hit. My attitude control is down, and I can't even program any frakkin' ordnance...

Seelix: Pike, Hardball. Man, don't jump. You'll never make it to Galactica. You know how many jumps that is?

Pike: Look, I'm out of here, okay, I'm jumping back home.

(Pike jumps out; the battle continues.)


Resurrection Hub/Rebel Baseship

(Helo stares at the Hub facilities and all the bodies.)

Eight: Karl... Come on, let's go.

(One of the bodies in its ruined shell is a dead Eight.)

Eight: Go!

(The battle continues.)

Baltar, with the Centurion: ...There was this dog, see, and the master had placed a bit of food on the edge of its snout. And the dog had to wait until he was told he could eat it. I know. Pathetic. Pathetic, isn't it?


(The battle continues as the Heavy Raiders and Vipers rush back to the Rebel Basestar. There's an explosion; the Centurion and Gaius fall. He discovers that he's bleeding and begins to cry, terrified. The battle begins to wind down; Marines bring Gaius back inside.)


Roslin: Put him over there. Wait. Easy, easy. Easy slim, easy. Okay. Find out what's going on!

Marine: Yes sir.

Roslin, bandaging him: Okay.

Baltar: Thank you, thank you.

Roslin: Good.

Baltar: Thank you, thank you. Thank you...

Roslin: Okay, wait. (She injects him with morpha and he yelps.) Okay. Sorry. You have this, uh... You have this big hole in your hide, as Cottle would say. Okay. All right. I'm gonna do this again.

Baltar: Thank you.

Roslin: It's the least I can do. I think you're gonna live. As usual.

Baltar: You know something?

Roslin: What?

Baltar: You're very pretty.

Roslin: Man, that morpha worked fast.

Baltar: Still... Do you know why I'm so serene right now?

Roslin, indulging and funny: You're doped out of your mind?

Baltar: Because I know God. You need God, Laura. Really, you'd be a different woman. I know God, therefore I know myself. Truth is... I was harboring the most awful, desperate guilt. A heavy, dark... Unimaginable, soul-breaking guilt. Now it's gone. Now it's gone, it's been transformed. Into ... I have been transformed.

Roslin: What was your guilt about?

Baltar: I have no guilt.

Roslin: What was your guilt about?

Baltar: I gave the access codes to the Cylons. They wiped out most of humanity. Of course, I didn't know that's what I was doing at the time, exactly, but that's what I did. And when I realized what I had done, the magnitude... In that moment, I was saved. I was loved. By God. Looking back... I think I was rewarded.

Roslin: Rewarded.

Baltar: Pythia talks about the flood that wiped out most of humanity. Nobody blames the flood, a flood is a force of nature. Through the flood, mankind is rejuvenated, born again. I was another flood, you see. I blamed myself. I blamed myself. But God made the man who made that choice. God made us all perfect. And in that thought, all my guilt flies away... Flies away, like a bird. I can give you that peace, Laura, that freedom. Pray with me. Pray with me.

Roslin: Okay.

Baltar: Thank you.

Roslin: Okay...

(She sits down to think, having nearly fainted during all that. She watches his blood drip down onto the floor, and makes her way back to him, tenderly removing the bandage from his abdomen.)

Baltar: What are you doing?

Roslin: Shh.

Baltar: What are you doing?

Roslin: It's all right. You're fine. Shh! You're fine.

Baltar: Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me, please.

(His blood pours out in a flood.)




The Battle of the Hub

(A Raider dies alone in space.)

Helo, on wireless: We have D'Anna onboard. We are clear of the Hub. Commence nuclear strike. Repeat, nuclear strike is a go.

(They form up and fire; the Hub burns.)

Three: And with a whimper, every Cylon in the universe begins to die.

Eight: Yes, that's right. And it's a good thing, D'Anna. Because now there's no difference. We can all start trusting each other.



Baltar: Don't do this to me, don't... Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me, please. Please. No.

Roslin, hands folded in prayer as he dies: No...




Elosha, over Laura's deathbed: I'm not saying Baltar's done more good than harm in the universe. He hasn't. The thing is, the harder it is to recognize someone's right to draw breath, the more crucial it is. If humanity is going to prove itself worthy of surviving, it can't do it on a case-by-case basis. A bad man feels his death just as keenly as a good man.

Roslin: What do you want from me here?

Adama: Laura.

Elosha: Just love someone.

Roslin: Love. Huh.

(Dying Roslin flatlines. Bill begins to weep, and kisses her lips. He falls beside her.)

Adama: You go. You go. You go to your rest now. I'm not gonna be selfish anymore. You go. Rest.

(He takes off his wedding ring and puts in on her finger. Laura is moved. Jump.)



(The bandage is still on the floor. She puts on her glasses, panicking.)

Roslin, taking Baltar's pulse: No. No. Please, no. Stop bleeding. Stop the bleeding, stop the bleeding... Oh! (He stirs.) Okay, good. Don't go...


(Helo and the Eight escort Three through the ship.)

Eight: All right, we've got get D'Anna to the control room...

Helo: No, that's not the plan.

Eight: What? What plan?

Three: Interesting.


(Laura talks herself through setting up a saline drip.)

Roslin: Please don't go, Gaius. Please. I don't know how... All right, put it in...


(Three watches them argue.)

Helo: I have to take her directly to the President. No one else.

Eight: That wasn't the deal.

Helo: I'm just doing what she told me to do, okay?

Three: Double-dealing. It's very human. You never got that, Eight.


Roslin: No more. No more, don't go. Please don't ... die, live. Please, live. Don't go.


Helo: I'm not saying I agree. I'm saying it's my orders.

Eight, backing away: So I pretty much just made a prize fool of myself, didn't I? Trust.

Three: Can we go find the President now?

(He takes her hand and they run.)


(Laura is lying in a rack watching Gaius sleep.)

Three: Gaius?

(Laura sits and watches Three tend to him; he wakes and smiles up at her.)

Three: Gaius, it's me...

Helo: The Hub's been destroyed.

Roslin: Good. Don't let anyone in here. Whatever it takes. Thank you.

Three: He's injured, but I think he's going to survive. I think it's gonna be a long time jumping back.

Roslin: I've got time.

Three: Is that right? Well, you went to a lot of trouble to bring me here. Deceiving your so-called allies. I suppose you've got some questions for me.

Roslin: Yes, I do. I'd like to talk about the five Cylons in my Fleet.

Three: So you know about the Final Five.

Roslin: I know they're supposed to know the way to Earth.

Three: But you don't know that you're one of them?

(Laura freaks out; Three laughs and Laura rolls her eyes, perturbed.)

Three: Your face! Oh, it's ridiculous! No, look, I'm not giving you any names. Not until I feel like I'm safe, because information is all I got, sweetie. I'm mortal now. In fact, I'm the only Three in the whole darn universe. So I gotta worry about protecting myself. I'll tell you who the Final Five are when you take me back to your Fleet. Oh, and by the way, Laura, I would've said the same thing if you'd have met me with a whole lot of Cylons, because I don't trust anyone right now. So all this deception? Complete waste of time.


Hybrid Chamber

(Laura sits alone, watching the Hybrid.)

Hybrid: To remove the pump with the attached hose and wiring, simultaneously release the three tangs while pulling the pump out of the retainer along with the line and wiring...

(They jump, out and back in.)

Roslin: ...You lied to me.

Elosha, suddenly there: Did I?

Roslin: I thought I was earning humanity's right to survive.

Elosha, laughing: Oh! It's not a vending machine, Laura. You don't save a life, and then... Cue the celestial trumpets, here's the way to Earth...

Roslin, grinning: -- I know.

Hybrid: Jump!

(Nothing changes.)

Elosha: Disorienting, isn't it? All these little limping steps back.

Roslin: I like it. I'm used to it. Every jump brings us a little bit closer to home. Galactica. ...My home. Maybe there's something there for me.

Elosha: Maybe even closer.


(Bill is sitting in his Raptor reading Searider Falcon when the rebel Baseship jumps in; he straps in without blinking or taking his eyes off her. Cut to the Basestar Hangar, where Laura's waiting for him. He comes down from the Raptor and looks at her. She tries to speak, but can't.)


Adama: Missed you.

Roslin: Me too. (They embrace.) ...I love you.

Adama, grinning: About time.

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Un reboot en vu pour Battlestar Galactica

Un reboot en vu pour Battlestar Galactica
Le Galactica renaît de ses cendres. Alors que la guerre entre les différentes plateformes de vidéos...


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !