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#408 : Sine Qua Non

Alors que le Base Star vient de faire un saut, avec à son bord la Présidente Roslin, Gaius Baltar et des pilotes du Galactica, le Quorum est pris de panique.


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Lee: Previously, on Battlestar Galactica.

Starbuck: Thus shall it come to pass. The dying leader shall know the truth of the Opera House...
Roslin: Where did you hear that, who told you that?
Starbuck: The Hybrid. On the baseship, before they unplugged it.
Roslin: I've got to find out about these visions.
Hybrid Chamber
Roslin: Plug it in. It's time to get some answers.

Agathon Quarters:
Athena: Can I see what you drew?
Galactica Corridor
Athena: Hera?
Athena, to Natalie: Get away from my child! You are never gonna take her.

Hybrid Chamber
Hybrid: Jump!


(Medical team wheels Natalie, groaning, into sickbay.)
Cottle: Quickly. All right, on three. One, two three, lift. Keep some pressure on that wound until I can get to the artery. Mask on.

Colonial One
Geminon: Baltar? I heard Baltar was with her!
Delegate One: Are you saying he's responsible?
Delegate Two: I heard it was the Cylons.
Sagittaron: No. My people say she was shot.
Delegate Two: What are you talking about? Roslin?
Sagittaron: No, one of Adama's Marines shot a Cylon, and that is how this entire thing has begun.
Delegate One: So then where is Zarek?
(Lee talks to the Marine at the door in a hush.)
Sagittaron: I don't know!
Delegate One: Where is Zarek?

(Bill breezes past Dualla, into sickbay to check on Natalie.)
Dualla: Sir, Vice President Zarek is still waiting to talk to you. What should I tell him? ...Sir?
(Bill joins Tigh at Natalie's bedside.)
Tigh: Decker said they've just shipped over the last of the Vipers, means we're down forty birds, almost as many jocks. We're gonna have to reconfigure the CAP, rethink our defense posture.
Adama: Where is she?
Tigh: Marines are holding her.
Adama: My quarters.

Colonial One/Galactica Sickbay
Delegate One: Nobody has told us anything... (Zarek enters.) Mr. Vice President, I have some questions for you?
Zarek: Thank you. Just calm down, please. Everybody! Everybody just calm down, please.
Delegate Two: Mr. Vice President, it's really important that we know. Is the President dead?
Zarek: We... We have no information...
Geminon: I heard she was assassinated by the Cylons...
Zarek: No, there is no truth to that, at least as far as we know.
Delegate Two: Then what the hell do we know?
Zarek: Clearly, our first priority is to get out as much verifiable information as we can to avoid exaggeration... (Quorum murmurs.) To that end, I asked Admiral Adama to come and answer our questions directly. Unfortunately, he wouldn't take my call.
Delegate One: At this time, when...
Zarek: However... However... Please. Please, just a moment.

(Cottle and the med team work on Natalie, projecting a forest and fading in and out.)

Zarek: President Roslin was apparently aboard the Cylon baseship, along with Gaius Baltar and many of Galactica's pilots when it jumped away, after one of their own leaders was shot aboard Galactica. We have no idea when or if they'll return, or if the President or the other captives will be subject to reprisals.

(Natalie reaches out; Cottle holds her hand tightly.)

Zarek: For now, by the powers granted me by law, I have taken over as President.
Sagittaron, with applause: Hear, hear!

(Natalie weeps, holding Cottle's hand and seeing the forest; she dies.)

Colonial One/Adama's Quarters
Lee, on the phone with Bill: By refusing even to meet with Zarek, you're simply helping him fan the Quorum's suspicions.
Adama: Their suspicions don't concern me.
Lee: Look, maybe he's not the man we hoped for, but he is next in line, and the Fleet needs reassurance and stability. Exactly the kind that only its military commander can offer.
Adama: If this Fleet needs reassurance, then you reassure them. That's your job now. You can tell Zarek he can go to hell. (He hangs up and turns to Athena.) ...Why?
Athena: Sir?
Adama: Do you hate your people so much that you look for any excuse to kill one? Or did you deliberately try to sabotage this truce.
Athena: No sir, of course not.
Adama: Then you tell me why. You make me understand why you did this.
Athena, flashing back to her visions: They were going to take her. The Six. She was going to take my child.
Adama: There were too many witnesses. They all said the same thing. Your daughter was lost. The Cylon merely kneeled down, was talking to her.
Athena: Maybe that's what it looked like to the others, sir. But I know.
Adama: Oh, you knew better.
Athena: I had a vision, a vision where the Six and Baltar were taking Hera away from me.
Adama, scoffing and turning away: A vision.
Athena: It was more than just a vision, sir. When I saw them together, I knew that they would take her, that they would take away my child!
Adama: You murdered an unarmed woman. And by doing so you put the lives of every single person in this Fleet at risk. And quite possibly cost the lives of the President and your husband. You disobeyed the direct orders of a superior officer, but more importantly, you betrayed a promise to me. I trusted you.
Athena, weeping: Sir, I will accept any form of punishment that you think I deserve. I just ask that you please don't take away Hera.
Adama: I'm afraid the brig is no place for a little girl. Guards! Get her out of my sight.
Marine: Yes, sir.

Colonial One
Delegate One: At one time, Admiral Adama supported Gaius Baltar's administration. Isn't there a chance he'd support yours?
Zarek: I'm afraid only Admiral Adama can answer that.
Sagittaron: Then I will address this question to Delegate Adama. Do you honestly think that your father will hand over power to this administration?
Lee: ...No.

39,674 survivors.


Tigh, hanging up phone: Fine. Yeah. (Approaching Adama at a tactical board.) Recon Raptor just reported back. The Resurrection Hub's gone. No sign of the Baseship carrying the President, assuming that's where they were headed.
Adama: They were determined to resurrect the Three. What we used to call D'Anna. To do that, they gotta go to the Hub. We find it, we'll find them.
Tigh: Ah, easier said than done.
Adama: Maybe.
Tigh: We got another problem, sir. Starbuck's having trouble fielding enough planes to fly a standard CAP. Wants us to consider having the Fleet bunch up tighter, so it's easier to defend.
Adama: Means counting on a bunch of civvies flying close formation.
Tigh: Yeah.
Adama: Organize it.

Colonial One
Zarek: I got you appointed to this job. Pulled strings, called in favors, all because I thought you might do some good. Now you're advising me to step aside from a position that by law is mine. A position I was elected to.
Lee: But you were never elected President.
Zarek: But I was. Elected. to office! Which is more. than Roslin. can claim. Why do you think she kept me on in the first place? To thank me for rolling over? No. No, to help legitimize her coup.
Lee: In the military, we used to talk about facts on the ground. Well, the facts on the ground are these. Right or wrong, Adama will never recognize you as President, and we need someone he will. Now the Quorum has a legal authority to appoint an interim President in a time of crisis.
Zarek: And I suppose .you have someone .in mind?
Lee: No. No, not yet. Which is why we need to form a search committee and start looking for a candidate as soon as possible.
Zarek: Well. Good luck with that.

Romo's Quarters
McManus, on wireless: "...Mr. Vice President Zarek, do you really believe that this government's in danger?"
Zarek: "Let's face facts here. What we had these past five years isn't a true government, but a tacit agreement between a military strongman and a political strongwoman to rule together by fiat."
McManus: "I've heard you asked the Quorum to authorize the creation of a civil defense force?"
(Romo drinks and strokes Lance the cat.)
Zarek: "After what happened during the last military coup, we don't wanna depend on Galactica's Marines to guarantee our safety..."
Lee, turning off the wireless: You see the problem?
Romo: Lampkin's first rule of legal dynamics. When an irresistible force meets a movable object, stand aside and wait for the class action suit.
Lee: Except I'm not sure if it's to anyone's benefit if we just sit around, waiting to pick up the pieces. This thing's heading for a showdown. There's gonna be bloodshed, unless...
Romo: -- Unless you can find someone else. Someone your father won't reject, someone the Quorum would approve of, someone to take Tom Zarek's place as interim President until the next round of elections. Don't take the case, Counselor. It's a loser.
Lee: I have to. We have to. No one on the Quorum is going to lift a finger. Zarek's got them inhaling fear and exhaling anger. But you have taken the pulse of the Fleet and you know character. And frankly, you need a reason to get out of this room. Unless you want to start discussing what's been keeping you here.
Romo: So you won't be dissuaded, will you? Not even when you hear my fee?
Lee, grinning: Fee?
Romo: Appearance is to the contrary, I'm actually in this for the money. I have a reputation to maintain after all.
Lee: Okay, so what did Roslin offer you to defend Baltar?
Romo, pointing to a tiny window over his bed: Room with a view.
Lee: I'm not sure I can improve on that.
Romo: Then pro bono it is, counselor. Word to the wise? Sometimes it's better to settle for what you've already got.

Adama: Colonel Tigh. I understand you've developed a relationship with the Cylon prisoner.
Tigh: That's not the word I'd use, but she has been more cooperative.
Adama: See if she'll tell you anything about the Hub.
Tigh, worried: Bill. We'll find her. We'll find all of them.

Caprica's Cell
Tigh, entering: The Resurrection Hub. How do we find it?
Caprica: I'm sure the others have told you.
Tigh: You tell me.
Caprica: Only our Hybrids can locate it. And then only after it completes a jump. Even they can't anticipate where it's going.
Tigh: You're holding back something, I know it. You're lying.
Caprica: I have never lied to you, Saul. Why don't you trust me now?
Tigh: Because there are too many lives at stake, lady. Your buddies took off with half an air wing, not to mention the President of the frakking Colonies herself.
Caprica: She's the real reason you're so angry, so worried. I can hear it in your voice. Why is a dying woman so important to you?
Tigh: Not to me, Godsdammit, to the old man.
Caprica, with a tiny smile: Admiral Adama?
Tigh sits down on the rack and she kneels at him, looking at his eyes:
Caprica: Saul. (Ellen.) Do you love me?
Tigh: What?
Ellen: Be honest with me. I've been honest with you.
Tigh: I don't believe this. You're asking me if...
PA, with alarm: "Attention. Set condition one aboard the ship. This is not a drill..."
Tigh, choking Caprica: This has gone too frackin' far. I don't know what kind of mind games you are playing with me, lady, but it ends here!
(He tosses her in the corner and she watches him go.)

Tigh, entering: What have we got?
Adama: One of our missing Raptors jumped into dradis range.
Tigh: We sure it's ours?
Adama: Transponder checks out, it's one of the Raptors that boarded the rebel Baseship. No radiological signature. Racetrack and Skulls are on their way to intercept.

Mysterious Raptor
Racetrack: Actual, Racetrack. I'm eyeballing our bird now. Looks shot to hell, venting fuel and O2. Still no response to hails.
Tigh, on CIC: Someone had to jump that bird.
Racetrack: I can't see a fracking thing from here. Skulls, take the wheel, I'm going for a walk.
(EVA to the Raptor.)
Racetrack: Decompression check okay. Opening hatch. Safety line secure. Moving toward the Raptor. I see major damage to the canopy. Looks empty inside. I have the hatch open but it's stuck. Grav field's off. It's Pike. He's dead.


Hangar Bay
(Bill investigates the Raptor closely as Tigh climbs aboard; he's looking at Laura's copy of Searider Falcon.)
Adama: This is the shuttle she took over to the Baseship.
Tigh: Laird was able to salvage the flight data recorder, puts the originating jump point deep. Sector delta 9... "President" Zarek called again. He heard about the Raptor, and he's waiting to be briefed.
Adama: Recall the CAP. Spin up the FTLs.
Tigh: What about the Fleet?
Adama: Let's go.

Romo's Quarters
Romo: We are essentially looking for an understudy. Quandary is, one doesn't generally get the chance to wield political power without the ambition to actively seek it. (Putting down his duffle bag) Easy, Lance. That same ambition often compromises the unselfish motives that begat the quest. In other words, a battle of id versus ego that ego rarely wins.
Lee: Roslin never sought power.
Romo: Exception that proves the rule. One could argue that Laura Roslin is a study in repressed ambition. Just like you, Mr. Adama. Never seeking out a job until it's handed to you? Flight leader, Battlestar Commander, Quorum Delegate... A man doesn't carve out a path like that through life without...
Lee: -- All right, enough of this psychoanalysis. Let's get back to the job in hand.
Romo, watching Galactica through a porthole: Does your father have some other place he wants to go?
Lee: What? (Galactica jumps.) Where the hell did they go? And why didn't they tell us?

CIC/Raptor 289
Racetrack: Galactica, Racetrack. We've located the source of the transponder.
Skulls: It's Sandman's Viper all right, but there's no Sandman.
Tigh on CIC: Affirmative. Keep searching. (Hangs up and turns to moping Bill.) We're getting radiation signatures from multiple nukes. Baseship fragments, other debris indicative of resurrection technology. I'm afraid it paints a pretty clear picture.
Bill, defiantly: They found the Hub and they destroyed it. Looks like our pilots helped. Question is, where did they go from here.
Tigh: Oh, Bill. You are way too close to this. The President's Baseship was destroyed.
Bill: It's a different Baseship. We'll search every square inch of this debris field until we come up with a clue.
Tigh: What, and leave the rest of the Fleet back there with their asses hanging in the wind?
Adama: Detail four Raptors to stay behind. They keep searching until they find something concrete. Give my order.

Colonial One
Delegate One: People, listen up. What are we gonna do here? They've left 39,000 lives completely undefended...
Zarek: All right, everybody. Gather round please. Gather round.
Delegate: Uh, Mr. President...
Zarek: -- Please, Please, please. I'm sorry, Admiral Adama will not be coming to answer your questions. I did learn however, that he's contacted the Fleet's Captains, to inform them that several of their ships will be requisitioned to expand the search for Laura Roslin and the missing Baseship, while all tylium shipments will be diverted to support that mission.
Delegate: He's bypassing us completely!
Zarek: I understand, I understand, we're doing the best... I understand. We're trying to get through communications...
Delegate: That is unconscionable! Completely!
Romo, to Lee: Come on.
Delegate: That is nothing short of...

Romo's Quarters
Lee: Captain Franks?
Romo: I was impressed by her gravitas during her attorney's judge in the Baltar trial. That and her vote, naturally.
Lee: Yeah. She's already been approached to run for office. No interest in politics.
Romo: Sadly, now she really impresses me.
Lee, tripping over a pet bowl: Gods! You wanna feed that animal? Where is he anyway?
(Romo smiles down at Lance and fades out for a moment while Lee talks.)
Lee: Come on, Romo. Let's put our heads together. Who would Adama respect as President?
Romo, pulling it together: What does this search for paragons net us anyway, except greater guilt at our own failings. Or worse, the idiot's solution of the clean slate, the fresh start.
Lee, as Romo rubs out the names: Whoa, whoa. We haven't ruled out all these names yet.
Romo: This one's a loser. An exercise in futility.
Lee, rewriting them: Lawyers.

Adama: How's this gonna affect the President? The break in her treatment.
Cottle: Assuming no other changes in her circumstances?
Adama, fiercely: Yes.
Cottle: Well, diloxin really kicks your ass, so she actually might feel better at first. But any break gives the cancer a chance to regroup, makes it that much harder to beat it back. Plus she's taken a hit to her immune system so she'll be vulnerable to infections.
Adama, almost in tears: How long?
Cottle: Well, let's just say that the sooner you get her back here, the better her chances are. And while you're digesting that, I have some other news. I ran some tests on your Cylon prisoner. Guess what I found.

Adama's Quarters:
Tigh: Raptors are due back in a few hours. Granted, if they'd found anything, we would have heard from them by now. Still, once we correlate their reports...
Adama, drinking: -- I'm not interested in the search.
Tigh: You're not?
Adama: I know that you've been spending a lot of time interrogating the Six. But now the brig guards tell me that every time, you order them out, and you turn off the cameras.
Tigh: I'm not torturing her, if that's what you're worried about.
Adama: I'm not. That I could almost understand. This I can't. Cottle tells me she's pregnant. ...What the frak have you been thinking, Colonel? Do you deny it? You don't. You can't! What the hell have you been thinking? Who was interrogating whom? How many of our secrets have you told this thing?
Tigh, shaking: How can you even ask me that? Question my loyalty?
Adama: Your loyalty? I need more than your loyalty. You're my first officer, I need judgment. I need your competence. I'm through jeopardizing this ship, putting it at risk because of your weaknesses.
Tigh: My weaknesses?
Adama: Yeah, your weaknesses!
Tigh: You're risking all our lives, for what? Our missing pilots? No, for a woman! For a frakkin' woman!
Adama: You watch what you frakking say about that woman! She's the President, not some frakking skinjob that I've been banging. What do you think Ellen would say about this?
Tigh: Leave Ellen out of this.
Adama: What do you think Ellen would say about her husband impregnating a frakking Cylon prisoner?
Tigh: You motherfrakker!
(They fight until they are tired, destroying Bill's model ship once again.)
Adama: You know how many times I've had to repair this thing? ...What are you gonna do with that woman?
Tigh: What are you gonna do about Laura? If you ever find her?
Adama: I don't know.


(Athena paces her cell, humming a lullaby and weeping.)

Adama: Have the Raptors and the civilian ships begin the search from Phantom's last known position. (Off Kara's look.) ...Is that a problem?
Starbuck: Sir, respectfully... I've already got two missing pilots and hardly enough birds left to protect this Fleet. Now you're asking me to send the remainder of the Raptors out on a blind search, looking for a ship that very well may have been destroyed. My people are gonna feel like they're being asked to go on suicide missions.
Adama: I'm not asking. You're dismissed, Captain.

Hangar Bay
(Adama watches them ready Raptors for the search.)
Romo: Admiral Adama?
Adama: Mr. Lampkin, what are you doing here?
Romo: Writs of forfeiture for the ships you're borrowing. The captains want to be absolved of any blame should anything untoward happen. One of the less ennobling consequences of a legal culture, no one wants responsibility. Lee said you once gave him something before a mission. A lighter, was it?
Adama, signing off: It belonged to my father. Foolish to think a hunk of metal could keep him safe.
Romo: And yet that's what we do, isn't it? Hang on to hope, in every hopelessly irrational way that we can. But not like those poor bastards, giving away their luck, just when they need it most. It's like they've given up.
Adama: If you've never been in combat, you have no idea what they're thinking.
Romo: I always imagined you a realist, Admiral. Not one to indulge a vain hope at the cost of lives. But then, everyone has his limits. Sine qua non, as they say.
Adama: "Without which not."
Romo: Yes. Those things we deem essential, without which we cannot bear living, without which life in general loses its specific value. Becomes abstract.
Adama: You may have a point, counselor.
Romo: And while I'm on a roll... Tom Zarek may not be an ideal President, but we could do worse.
Adama: You're right. There are limits to my realism. Goodbye, counselor.

Adama's Quarters:
Adama, to a gobsmacked Lee: I can't give up on her. I can't let her go. I've lost my objectivity. And now that I see that, I have no choice. Tell the Quorum that I am relinquishing command, effective immediately.

Romo's Quarters
Romo, alone: No man is perfect. No man is less perfect than a candidate for high office. Thus the ranks of likely suspects is winnowed to none. What if we're going about this backwards, hey Lance? What if instead of picking names and finding fault, we ask ourselves the qualities that we, that we want. No, that we need in a chief executive, see if it fits that bill. Honesty, of course. The wisdom to recognize the correct if unpopular choice, as well as the courage to see it through. Experience. When the wrong choices cost lives and the right ones save. Tall order. We might as well just spell out one name. (He hisses like a cat.) Just one. One we knew from the start. Sometimes you take on a losing case and you make yourself a believer. Other times, no matter what you tell yourself, in your heart you know the outcome is fixed. The verdict inevitable. Lance. Defense rests. Come on.
("LEE ADAMA" is written on the board.)

Romo, meeting Lee: Apologies. I couldn't wait to tell you.
Lee: Tell me what?
Romo: We found our candidate. Someone the Quorum won't hesitate to approve, even over Zarek's objections. Someone the Admiral can't help but accept.
Lee: Yeah? Who?
Romo: Congratulations, Mr. President.
Lee: My name was never on that list.
Romo: Of course not! That would be too blatant. But it is everything you always wanted, isn't it? Why you had me cross forty-seven names off that list? Come on, admit it. Savor your victory, Mr. Adama. (Pulling a gun.) Because you'll never get the chance to serve.


Lee: What are you doing?
Romo: Why? Because you're perfect for the job, of course. Because after the vicious aberration that was Baltar's presidency, and the bitter disappointment that was Roslin's, you are a shining beacon of hope. Only hope is the last thing we need. We're a doomed race, and it's time that we made our peace with that essential truth.
Lee, smiling scared: Romo, what the hell are you talking about?
Romo: Why? You wanna know why? (Kicks duffle across to him.) Open it! (Lee gags.) That's right. They killed my cat!
Lee: They?
Romo: They! Those debased dregs of humanity out there! That lost tribe in search of a new home, so they can roost and rot again.
Lee, worried: Romo, how long has the cat been dead?
Romo: How long?! It's irrelevant, it's immaterial! Since it wasn't even my cat!
Lee: Romo. It's been dead for weeks.
Romo: It belonged to my wife. I'd just retrieved it from a vet on Geminon when the bombs started to fall, and fate presented me with a choice. I could get back on that shuttle or, I could run home and try to save my family. How do you think I chose?
Lee: Romo. We've all had to make difficult choices, you don't think I know? Your wife's name was Faye. You had two daughters, Jennifer and Katie. There were over two hundred passengers on that shuttle, only a handful chose to stay behind. Yeah, that's right. It was in your file when you were handed the job as Baltar's counsel. But no one blamed you, Romo. Because at a certain point, we all made decisions that saved our lives at the cost of others. You think you're unique, Romo? Think your sins are so special?
Romo: Is that it, counselor? You're gonna rest your entire case on that pathetic little bit of insight?
Lee: No, on this. The clean slate, the fresh start. Maybe they are illusions, like you said. But at a certain point, faith -- in ourselves, in our right to survive as a species, as a people -- that's not a given, that's a choice. Well, I've made mine. And if you can't stomach that, then you had damn well better squeeze that trigger right now. Go on. What are you waiting for? Or you can make a choice. Put your past behind you, put the gun down and help me, because I'm telling you I'm gonna make a difference in this Fleet.
Romo: Is that your final word?
Lee: That's up to you.
Romo: Then swear it.

Colonial One/Romo's Quarters
Lee, as Romo drinks: I, Leland Joseph Adama, do now avow and affirm...
Priestess: ...That I take the office of President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol without any moral reservation or mental evasion.
Lee, on wireless: ...That I take the office of President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol without any moral reservation or mental evasion.

Adama's Quarters:
Tigh: This is a frakking joke.
Adama: You're the only man I can trust to command this ship.
Tigh: Well, maybe you're crazy enough to pull a stunt like this, but you can't be crazy enough to leave me in charge. In case you forgot, my last term at the helm was a complete disaster.
Adama: That was a long time ago. You're not the same man you were. You're not even the same man that came back from New Caprica. You've found out a lot about yourself, been tested in ways I can barely begin to imagine. You're ready. Besides, don't count on this being permanent.
Tigh: What if it is?
Adama, handing off his Admiral's wings: Put these on. Then you lead the people to Earth, the best way you can. The Fleet has stayed here too long already.
Tigh, pacing: Any other last orders?
Adama: Just one. Give Athena back her daughter. She needs her family. We all need our family. Take care of this one.
(They embrace.)

Colonial One
Lee, signing: All right, let me see the changes before you get this out to the press.
Tory: All right, thank you. (Romo enters) Mr. Lampkin.
Lee: Romo.
Romo, pointing to Jake on the sofa: One day in office, and you've already got a First Pet.
Lee: Jake here is a genuine hero of the Resistance. Aren't you, Jake? Unfortunately, his previous owners had to let him go. Jake, meet Romo. Romo, meet Jake. (Tosses Romo a dog toy.) Your new best friend.
Romo: If there's one thing I hate more than cats, it's dogs.
Lee, leaving: See, a new pet for you to loathe. I knew it would be the perfect gift. Good luck, Jake.

Adama's Quarters:
Adama, packing: I hear you're keeping Zarek as Vice President.
Lee: I can use the advice. And as long as he knows he's heard, I think I can trust him.
Adama: Don't know if I agree with your thinking, but...
Lee: Well, I could say the same thing about yours.
Adama: The only difference is, you are gonna be President. I'm just getting in a plane.
Lee: Waiting alone in a Raptor, while the rest of the Fleet jumps away, that's not just getting in a plane. That... That sounds a lot like... Well, that sounds a lot like suicide, Dad.
Adama: At least this time I'm only risking my own neck.
Lee, voice cracking all over: So I guess it won't matter if as President I order you not to do this?
Adama: I don't know if I ever told you this, but one of my first missions was a solo recon. Being alone in a Raptor in enemy space... I'm not going to lie to you, I was scared. I told myself that I was doing my duty, and ultimately I faced my fear. That's a good memory.
Lee: Why are you doing this?
Adama: Because I can't live without her. And Laura is gonna get to the rendezvous point. I have to believe that.

Hangar Bay
(Bill arrives on deck in uniform to salutes, meeting Kara and Lee in full dress and his suit; they salute him.)
Starbuck: Admiral.
Lee: Admiral.
Adama: What do you hear, Starbuck?
Starbuck: Nothing but the rain, sir.
Adama: Grab your gun and bring the cat in.
Starbuck: Yes, sir.
Adama: Keep a light on. I'll be back.
Starbuck: You can count on it.
(He boards the Raptor; Kara and Lee look at each other, afraid.)

(Athena paces, humming, with Hera in her arms.)

Husker's Raptor
Adama: Galactica, this is Husker. I'm in position.
Tigh: Affirmative, Husker. (On PA.) All Fleet ships, this is Galactica Actual. Commencing jump.

(Bill watches the Fleet jump away, one by one, Galactica last. He picks up Searider Falcon and begins to read, all alone in the sky.)

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La série en lice dans le sondage de Janvier 2024 sur Star Trek !

La série en lice dans le sondage de Janvier 2024 sur Star Trek !
La nouvelle année a débarqué sur la citadelle et le quartier consacré à l'univers Star Trek a lancé...

Are you alive ?

Are you alive ?
Première phrase entendue dans le pilot de la série, la voici au centre du sondage que je vous...

Dean Stockwell : l'interprète de John Cavil nous a quitté

Dean Stockwell : l'interprète de John Cavil nous a quitté
C'est avec tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de l'acteur Dean Stockwell à l'âge de 85 ans. Il...

Animation sur Doctor Who HW : Bienvenue à bord du Tardis

Animation sur Doctor Who HW : Bienvenue à bord du Tardis
Un nouvel interprète va bientôt prendre la main de la console du Tardis: un nouvel équipage va se...

Un reboot en vu pour Battlestar Galactica

Un reboot en vu pour Battlestar Galactica
Le Galactica renaît de ses cendres. Alors que la guerre entre les différentes plateformes de vidéos...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !