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#304 : Exodus 1/2

Tigh doit décider du sort réservé à Helen à cause de sa trahison. Alors que Adama lance l'assaut contre la flotte Cylon à bord du Galactica en utilisant une stratégie particulièrement osée coordonnée avec la résistance au sol, Lee ne peut rester à l'écart du combat et lance le Pégasus à l'assaut des Basestars. Pendant ce temps, sur New Caprica, Baltar, qui a retrouvé la fille de Sharon, doit rester avec les Cylons afin de rester en vie, après que Gaeta l'ait menacé. La flotte humaine, enfin réunie, reprend le chemin de la Terre.


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Réalisateur : Felix Enriquez Alcala

Scénaristes : Bradley Thomson

Pegasus CIC

Scène Dee/Lee.

L’épisode s’ouvre en nous présentant Dee et Lee dans le CIC du Pegasus. On perçoit nettement que Lee est particulièrement affecté par le départ de son père, il a réellement peur que ce dernier ne rentre pas de sa mission. Dee soutient son choix. « we have to find Earth. If we don’t there will be no one to remember the Amiral Adama or the Battlestar Galactica ». Et pour une fois (et après les scènes Gaius/Caprica de l’épisode précédent ça fait du bien) on voit un couple qui tient le coup. Qui se renforce même nettement sous nos yeux et qui puise sa force dans la difficulté de la situation. (d’ailleurs c’est complètement fou, plus je revois les épisodes, plus j’apprends à apprécier Dualla… étrange) Bon, par contre la pauvre, son couple solide n’aurait quand même pas eu la même gueule milieu de S2, bon sang ce qu’il est moche comme ça ! (les maquilleurs sont balaises, on voit presque pas que ce sont de fausses bajoues^^)

Planque des résistants, New Caprica

Sammy, Saul et Ellen sont seuls. Tous sont bien conscients de la situation. Sam prend Saul à part et lui explique clairement que s’il ne s’occupe pas lui-même de tuer sa femme, d’autres le feront. Et là commence selon moi une des (multiples) scènes les plus touchantes de la saison. Je crois pouvoir affirmer sans soucis que Saul ni Ellen n’ont jamais été aussi touchants. Elle sait quand elle prend la tasse que lui tend Saul qu’elle va mourir. Ça crève les yeux dans son discours. Elle le regarde, elle parle, « I got him (Cavill) to notice me like men notice me », c’est un aveu. « I slep with him » c’est une déclaration d’amour. Il la regarde, et il le sait. Et il ne peut pas lui tendre la tasse. Il ne peut rien lui dire. Il est pétrifié d’horreur et d’amour. Alors elle tend la main, l’attrape, un fracking sourire triste, un sourire d’adieu quand elle la porte à ses lèvres « You’ve always been here for me when I needed you ». Lui ne peut toujours rien dire, mais ses yeux (enfin son œil) bon sang qu’est-ce qu’il exprime. Et elle se laisse mourir sur son épaule. Sans un reproche. Là crise lacrymale aigue de mon côté de l’écran. Les deux phrases de Saul lorsqu’il parvient enfin à se décider à parler – trop tard – m’achèvent. « I love you. Do you hear me ? ». Sobriété finale. Tellement en contraste avec leur image de couple  de débauche que ça en est troublant.

Colonial One

Gaeta prend des notes en silence. Visage refermé, comme voulant être étranger à ce qui se déroule autour de lui.

Arrogance de Gaius qui n’a plus aucune estime de lui-même, et par conséquent plus aucune retenue, toujours verre en main, il nargue les cylons de tout le haut de son propre mépris de lui-même. Ils ont échoué. New Caprica est un échec. Ils n’ont plus qu’une seule chose à faire : partir et accepter leur défaite. Sourire narquois de numéro 3 qui attend qu’il ait terminé, s’avance vers lui et dépeint une vision du futur particulièrement pertinente et flippante. Partir, c’est accepter d’être dans le souvenir des hommes l’image même du méchant, de celui qui a détruit l’humanité, et c’est laisser ce souvenir prendre de l’ampleur au fil de sages jusqu’à ce qu’il fasse naître le désir de vengeance.

La discussion est interrompue par une soudaine agitation extérieure et on perçoit le début des explosions, de l’attaque par les fenêtres du Colonial One.


Des explosions multiples sont déclenchées par les résistants, le rythme s’accélère nettement. Tory s’occupe d’organiser l’évasion des civils, les résistants récupèrent des armes et partent vers la prison pour faire évader tout le monde (un petit côté Bastille là non ?)

Espace (faisons simple)

Un premier escadron mené par Kat entre en jeu, je sais pas trop comment ils font mais ils vont poser des leurres que les radars cylons vont prendre pour deux Battlestar.

Colonial One

Effervescence dans la haute sphère cylon, véritable de désespoir de Gaius de lorsqu’il doit faire face à l’ampleur de son échec sur cette planète, dans cette ville qu’il a bâtie et qui est sur le point de tomber en cendres, espoir de Caprica qui espère encore en un avenir commun heureux. Sharon-Boomer entre et annonce le retour d’Adama : la radar a perçu les deux Battlestar (enfin nous on sait que ce sont des leurres, mais pas eux)

Kara’s place

Leoben lui apprend ce qu’il se passe, refuse de les faire sortir (elle et Kacey), frappe Kara qui tombe à terre évanouie.


Evasion avance, chacun rejoint son vaisseau, Laura avec une super méga grande classe se dirige vers le Colonial One (ça c’est de la Présidente !)

Colonial One

Les cylons apprennent que ce n’étaient que des leurres, comprennent donc que c’est un piège et qu’ils sont en train de se faire avoir comme des bleus.

New Caprica (simple on a dit, trop de lieux pour faire dans la dentelle)

Le Galactica apparaît en orbite, les vipers sont lancés très près du sol, et le Galactica jump back juste avant de s’écraser sur les têtes conjointes de Saul et Sammy, avouez, ce serait dommage. Les vipers aident alors les résistants à atteindre la prison, tout le monde est libéré, dans une des pièces, Sam tombe sur Kara toujours inconsciente qu’il emporte avec lui.

A bord du Galactica

La petite incursion près de la surface a pas mal secoué le vaisseau, de nombreux disfonctionnement apparaissent, et par-dessus le tout (parce que sinon c’est pas assez la merde) les vaisseaux mères – qui ont finalement trouvé le vrai battlestar – approchent à vitesse grand V. Et parce que deux c’est bien, mais quatre c’est mieux, ben y en a plus que prévu. Beaucoup trop pour le Galactica, ça c’est certain. Et là je vais laisser tomber mon petit ton narquois, parce que c’est quand même assez touchant de le voir se préparer lentement à achever son voyage. Mission suicide disions nous, face à quatre vaisseaux mère, cela semble inévitable. Regard signifiant entre Adama et Helo. Et William Adama endosse son costume d’Amiral avec beaucoup de dignité. « That’s it. It’s been an honour. » Sobre, efficace, militaire. Révérence tirée à l’image de son fonctionnement. La caméra recule peu à peu, la vue est de plus en plus large, laissant lentement le Galactica au cœur de l’espace, au centre des tirs ennemis

Et là… Tadam ! Mini Adama, Leechoupinou arrive à la rescousse ! Le Pegasus se sacrifie pour sauver le Galactica…

New Caprica

Kara se réveille et file chercher Kacey devant un Sam qui a un peu du mal à tout suivre.

Colonial One

Les cylons décident de fuir. Numéro 3 se propose de rester à terre pour faire exploser la planète après leur départ et emporter ainsi avec elles la totalité des vaisseaux humains n’ayant pas encore sauté. Caprica tente de convaincre Gaius de venir avec eux, D’Anna (faudrait qu’un jour je choisisse comment je l’appelle celle-ci, que ce soit clair…)  appuie cette décision, puis quitte le navire. Gaius hésite toujours lorsque… Gaeta pointe son arme sur lui.

Ahhhh suspens, et forcément du coup, on a un joli découpage de scène qui nous laisse suspendu à la crosse de ce bon vieux Félix pour nous projeter au milieu des vaisseaux civils qui s’envolent et sautent progressivement un à un.


Le Pegasus ne lance aucun vipers, tout simplement parce qu’ils sont restés au point de rendez vous pour protéger la flotte civile à son arrivée. Il se sacrifie sans avoir aucun moyen de défense. Le PRL du Galactica est réparé, un bond est enfin possible…

Colonial one

 Gaeta tient toujours Gaius en joue. Il apparaît très nettement comme le plus désillusionné de l’histoire, parce qu’il est sans doute celui qui avait véritablement la naïveté de croire profondément en ce rêve de New Caprica qu’il a progressivement vu tomber en ruines. Il a la douleur de l’idéalisme déçu. Gaius, face à cette arme est surprenant de discernement et d’intelligence. Presque de force. Il passe en un rien de temps de son statut pathétique au plus point de désespéré à celui d’un potentiel sacrifié. Il demande à Gaeta de le laisser se sacrifier pour, dans une tentative de rachat final de son attitude, sauver l’humanité par sa propre mort (quand je relis ma fin de phrase j’ai un peu l’impression qu’il se prend pour Jésus… mais enfin, long débat en perspective si je pars dans cette voie là). Il reste donc sur place avec Caprica pour empêcher D’Anna de faire exploser New Caprica, permettant ainsi l’évasion des humains.


Le vaisseau commence vraiment à tomber en lambeaux, on n’est pas loin de l’implosion, tout l’équipage rejoint les raptors afin de sauter au point de rendez-vous, abandonnant le vaisseau derrière eux. On sent une certaine émotion de Lee lorsqu’il quitte le CIC.

New Caprica

Kara cherche Kacey, Leoben descend lentement les escaliers tenant la petite fille par la main. «  I know you will be back. I saw it. » (ah… Leoben, quelle compréhension de la psychologie humaine ! Il me laissera toujours sur le cul par la capacité qu’il a d’utiliser ce qu’il comprend avec une immense finesse pour manipuler et blesser profondément)

Bon, et là dans cette scène quand même, dans cet échange, le cadrage c’est du pur génie, on a une alternance de trois gros plan, Kara en plongée, Kacey, vue de face, visage souriant et innocent, Leoben en contre-plongée. Puis Leoben réévoque sa vision, celle évoquée dans le premier épisode de la saison. Et cette vision devient soudainement chantage (quand je vous disais que c’était un génie de la manipulation). Kara lui dit donc qu’elle l’aime, par deux fois. Et l’échange est d’une violence toute en retenue. On assiste à quelque chose qui ressemble à un viol, en plus complexe. Le second « I love you » de Kara est extrêmement dur à analyser. Presque troublant, et le baiser qu’ils échangent, par le cadrage une fois encore, rappelle celui qui ouvre la série, entre Six et l’envoyé humain diplomate. Bon, évidemment, ça ne finit pas tout à fait pareil, Kara retourne la situation, puisque c’est elle qui achève en quelque sorte cette scène de viol en poignardant Leoben.


Gaius et Caprica chercher D’Anna, nous sommes dans le lieu de son rêve (cf. 303). On entend un enfant pleurer. D’Anna l’entend également, mais c’est Gaius qui la prend dans ses bras le premier, la récupérant à terre, sous le cadavre de Maya. Il s’agit d’Hera, et alors même que Gaius la serre contre lui pour la première fois, Six-fantasme réapparaît (avec la petite musique qui va avec) « it’s her Gaius. The first God new generation. »

Caprica s’approche, puis D’Anna qui prend à son tour l’enfant dans ses bras. Gaius pointe son arme sur elle mais ne la tue pas, Caprica l’en empêche.

Battlestar Galactica

Scène de retrouvailles multiples et en tout genre.

- Chief/Kara, pleine d’amitié et d’estime.

- Kacey et sa mère… que nous apprenons soudainement ne pas être Kara (quand je vous disais que Leoben était un fracking manipulateur). Le regard de Kara, qui va progressivement s’éteindre, se teinter d’une douleur profonde jusqu’à la fin de la scène, je le trouve terrible. Elle se retrouve soudainement seul et paumée, au milieu même de ce grouillement soudain qui l’entoure après quatre mois de solitude.

- Adama/Adama, touchants, avec leur manière, comme d’habitude de prendre la tangente de la discussion, et de voiler les sentiments par un trait d’humour.

- Adama/Tigh, en retenue, force et émotion. Bon sang cette douleur dans le regard de Tigh. Il apparaît à ce moment être l’exact équivalent de Kara : seul et perdu, au milieu d’une foule qui emporte Adama et l’acclame.

Colonial One

Laura apprend qu’Hera est introuvable.


Gros plan final sur Adama qui se rase (enfin) sa moustache (immonde selon moi). Retour à la normalité de la vie d’un Battlestar.

Adama: Previously on Battlestar Galactica ...


Selloi's tent.

Selloi: I have a message for you. The fruit born of two peoples is alive. A child named after the wife and sister of the all-knowing Zeus. Hera lives.

Three: It's not true.


Insurgent tunnels.

Anders: I don't suppose you're gonna tell me what this is all about. I mean, what's so important about this kid.

Roslin: She may very well be the shape of things to come.


Insurgent bunker.

Anders: The Cylons knew exactly where we were gonna be.

Tigh: That doesn't mean Ellen...

Ellen: I didn't do anything!

Anders: This is the map, Colonel. The map that I drew for you. I gave this to you in your tent. You were gonna burn it, but then your wife offered to do it for you. But she didn't, did she?

Ellen: I -- I want to explain. He said he'd kill you.

Tigh: Who said?

Ellen: One of the Brother Cavils.


Kara's apartment.

Leoben: This is Kacey. Kacey, this is Kara.... your mother.



Chief: Our people are gonna attack the air base, detention center, power station other critical facilities. The plan is sow as much chaos and confusion as possible the moment Galactica and Pegasus arrives.

Marine: No Pegasus. Just Galactica.


Galactica deck.

Adama: These are your orders. Take the civilian Fleet and wait for me for 18 hours. If I'm not back in 18 hours, then find Earth.


Galactica CIC.

Adama: You know the mission. You should also know there's only one way and that's with the successful rescue of our people off of New Caprica. Good hunting.




Pegasus war room.

Dualla: Hoshi's working on updating our map coordinates for the search for Earth. Civilian captains want to meet with you. They have questions, problems... [He is silent.] Talk to me, Lee.

Apollo: I'm having trouble... accepting this.

Dualla: I know. But we have to push forward. Keep the Fleet together. Find Earth.

Apollo: Right. That's our duty.

Dualla: There's still a chance they'll come back. Your father has pulled off more than a few miracles in his day.

Apollo: I know that. And I haven't given up hope.

Dualla: Yes, you have. I saw the look on your face when you came back from the Galactica. Like you were never gonna see him again.

Apollo: Am I that easy to read?

Dualla: Just to me.

Apollo: He's taking on too much for one half-strength Battlestar to handle. And that's not opinion. That's military fact. He's not coming back from this. None of them are.

Dualla: All we can do is make plans for the future. We have to survive. We have to find Earth. If we don't, they'll be no one to remember a man named William Adama. Or a Battlestar named Galactica. That is our charge to keep.

Apollo: To keep humanity going. No matter what the cost. No matter -- No matter who we leave behind.

Dualla: You can do this. You can get us there. You are Commander of this Fleet, and you will guide us to safety. And you will do it no matter the cost. Because you're an Adama.

Apollo: Did I ever tell you how proud I am to serve with you?

Dualla: Not in so many words, no.

Apollo: Well, I am proud to serve with you, Lieutenant. And to call you my wife. [They kiss.] Now let's talk about... map coordinates, meeting with ships' captains.



Anders: I lost three men today. And if that Marine Sergeant wasn't on her game, they'd have killed us all.

Tigh: I know, Godsdamn it. I know. You don't have to keep running your mouth about it. I get it, all right?

Anders: You get this. If Sharon had been killed, not only would we not get the launch keys, but the Cylons would know that we were in direct contact with Galactica. Now this whole plan, the fate of this whole city, would have fallen apart. Do you understand that, Colonel?

Tigh: I get it.

Anders: Good. [Taking off.] Hey... you know what has to be done here. If you don't want to do it, I understand. But believe me, Colonel, someone is gonna do this. Now, it would be better for her sake if it was you.

(Tigh sighs heavily and turns to Ellen.)





Ellen, seated with Tigh: I had to do it, Saul. I had to. It was all for you. And I want you to know that I would've done anything to save you.

Tigh: I know, I know. It's all right. Everything's gonna be all right.

Ellen: No, you don't understand. I got you out of detention, Saul. It was me. I got you out. I went to see them, the Cylons. Finally got to the one in charge. And I got him to notice me ... the way men notice me. I slept with him. And I felt like puking every time he put his filthy hands on me. But I smiled and I faked it to save you, Saul. But you listen to me. I'd do it again. Frak anybody. Do anything. Even gave 'em the map. I didn't want anybody... to be killed.

(Curls up against him.)

Ellen: I could use the drink. [She looks him in the eye evenly and takes a drink with a sad smile.] You've always been there for me when I needed you. Oh, I'm exhausted. I feel like I could just curl up here. [Falls against his shoulder.] Should've listened to you Saul. Should've stayed on Galactica.

Tigh: Oh, don't worry about any of that now. You just... you just go to sleep.

Ellen: I'm sleepy.

(The cup drops to the floor.)

Tigh, sobbing: I love you, Ellen. Do you hear me?

(He lays her body softly down on the bench and weeps over her.)


Colonial One.

(Gaeta draws a Cylon being hung.)

Baltar: I mean, I told you and I told you. But to what end? Too secure in your smug superiority to listen. Too comfortable in your predictions of success to even consider the possibility of defeat. And where are we now? And more to the point, where's Laura Roslin? Where's Tom Zarek? At large. Whereabouts unknown. Free at any rate. Probably with Colonel Tigh. Solidifying the insurgency's hold over the public's imagination.

Three: What would you have us do, Gaius?

Baltar: Leave. Pack up your Centurions and go. Please, go.

Three: And then what? What would you do if we really just left you here? You'd live out your lives in peace and never trouble yourselves with thoughts of us again? Or would you raise your children with stories of the Cylon? The mechanical slaves who once did your bidding only to turn against you. Killers who committed genocide against your race. And occupiers of this city until we just ran away. Would you tell them to tell the story to their children? And to their children's children? And nurse a dream of vengeance down through the years so that one day they could just go out into the stars and hunt the Cylon once more.

Baltar: Blood for blood. It has to stop one day.

(She smiles.)

Gaeta sees the bombs and fires all over New Caprica: Oh, my Gods.


New Caprica City.

Tory, to the block captains: Nice job, Anders. Come on. Come on. Come on, come on. Okay, that's our cue. You know what to do. Rally your people get them to the evac points. Okay, remember the drills, and you'll do fine. Go with the Gods. Go, go, go!

Maya: Tory, would you tell Laura I can't thank her enough --

Tory: tell her yourself when this is all over. [About Hera.] Wish we were all as calm as she is. Get them to their ship. Go, go! Let's move, let's move, let's move!


Pyramid field.

Anders: [As they unearth weapons from beneath the Pyramid goal] All right, this is it. We hit the detention center, and we do not stop until everybody is out of there free. Everybody knows their entry points. Let's load up and we move right now. Let's move, Connor. Come on, let's go. Let's go, let's go.


Galactica CIC.

Kelly: Decoy squadron approaching launch point.




Kat: Okay, this is it, guys. Stand by. All vipers break...now, now, now!

Raptor Pilot: Deploy drones on my mark.


Galactica CIC.

Kelly: Drone signatures match. Cylons should pick up the drones on dradis and read them as two Battlestars any minute.


Colonial One.

Gaeta, on phone: What? No, no, no. Immediate evac from sector v as in-- v as in victor.

Caprica: Hey.

Baltar: For nothing. All for nothing.

Caprica: We'll start over, Gaius. A new city to rise out of the ashes.

Baltar: It'll be buried. Buried like the cities of old. Consumed by the wrath of God.

Boomer, entering: Two Battlestars just jumped into orbit. Adama's back.





Racetrack: Kat, Racetrack. Two baseships on dradis bearing 002 carom 015. They're launching Raiders.

Kat: Red Squadron, Kat. We've done our part. Kick in the turbos. Let's get the hell out of here.


Kara's apartment.

Starbuck: what's going on?

Leoben: Insurgents. I'll be back.

Starbuck: You cannot leave us trapped in here.

Leoben: It's safest for you here.

Starbuck, jumping on his back: No!

(He knocks her out on the floor and takes off.)


New Caprica.

Man: Let's go, let's go. Move, move!

Woman: Run!

Roslin: Tom, you go that way. Head to the shipyard.

Zarek: You're coming, right?

Roslin, pointing at Colonial One: My ship's up there.

Zarek: You do have a sense of the dramatic.

Zarek: Hey, wait, Laura. Wait, wait. Hey, you. You were on Galactica, right?

Jammer: Yeah, I didn't do anything.

Zarek: No, it's okay. Keep an eye on her, all right? Don't let her out of your sight, go!

Roslin: See you up there.

Zarek: See you up there.


Galactica CIC.

Kelly: Jump preparation complete. My board is green. Ready to jump, sir.

Helo: Stand by to launch blue squadron.

Adama: this is the Admiral. All hands, brace for turbulence.


Colonial One.

Three: Baseships just closed on the Battlestar targets. There's no Galactica, no Pegasus. Drones. Decoys. The whole thing's a trick.

Simon: Where's Galactica?

(Baltar stares.)


New Caprica battle.

Man: They've got us pinned down. We're trapped.

(Galactica falls into the atmosphere.)


Galactica CIC.

Kelly: Altitude 99,000, falling like a rock.

Helo: Launch! Launch them all!

Adama: Stand by FTL.



Hotdog: Well, this ought to be different.

(Vipers launch as Galactica falls.)

Kelly: They're clear.

Helo: Stand by.

Adama: Jump!


On the ground.

Chief: Vipers! Everybody hold, hold!



Redwing: Hotdog, Redwing. I see friendlies pinned down outside the shipyard gate.

Hotdog: Roger. Redwing, target the guard tower. I've got the gate. Rolling in hot.


On the ground, as vipers attack.

Chief: Incoming! Incoming! Fast mover coming! Everybody down, down, down! That's it! Let's get to the ships! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Godsdamn it. Come on, move! Move, move! Let's go! Move, people, come on! Let's go, let's go, let's go!


Detention center.

Insurgents: Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! All right, everybody, let's move! Head north to the shipyard. Move, move! Hustle!


Outside Kara's apartment in the detention center.

Anders: Kara? Oh, Gods, no. No. Oh! I'm gonna get you out of here. I'm gonna get you out of here.

(Picks her up and carries her out.)


Galactica CIC.

Helo: All divisions make damage report to combat. Main batteries report weapons status.

Adama: Dradis.

Kelly: Back online. Cylon baseships coming out of the nebula.

Helo: Just as we expected. Cylon raiders are still scattered to hell and gone. They're coming after us without fighter cover. If we can draw the two basestars away from the planet, the colonists might be able to escape.

Kelly: Hang on. Two more baseships just jumped into orbit. We've got four baseships out there, Admiral.

Adama: No. We can't hold off four.




Galactica CIC.

Adama: Pass up the cord. Pass it up. Connect up the other side right away.

Helo: We've lost maneuvering thrusters. We can't take any more hits to port or we're looking at explosive decompressions in sections 36 through 48.

Adama: Jump drives?

(Helo shakes his head.)

Adama: Unh! Damn. Then that's it. It's been an honor.

(Pegasus appears.)

Apollo: Galactica, Pegasus. Let us take some of this work off your hands. Get your FTL up and ready, and we'll take care of the rest. [Onboard Pegasus] All right, fire up that main battery!

Adama: Damn you, Lee. Keep working on those FTLs. Get 'em online.

Helo: yes, sir.

Adama: The Cylons will re-deploy as soon as they recover. [Quietly] Thank you, Lee.


Pegasus CIC.

Dualla: they're coming about. Maneuvering to bracket us.

Apollo: Steady as she goes. Take us right into the center.

Dualla: Won't last long in there.

Apollo: No.


Detention center.

(Kara wakes up and demands to be put down.)

Anders: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Shh, shh, shh! Kara, kara, shh!

Starbuck: Is it really you?

Anders: Baby, it's really me. But listen, we don't have time. We're going to the ships, and we're gonna get the hell off this frakkin' planet.

Starbuck: Okay. Where's Kacey?

Anders: Who's Kacey?

Starbuck: Kacey, she's my daughter.

Anders: Kara, who's Kacey?

Starbuck: She's my daughter!

Anders: Kara! Kara, no! Godsdamn it, Kara, no! Out of the way! Godsdamn it, Kara, no!


Colonial One.

Simon: We've lost control of the situation on the surface. There's a Heavy Raider standing by ready to evacuate us.

Three: We're agreed. Evacuate the entire facility. I'll stay behind and set off the nuke. You should go as well, Caprica. [To Baltar] And you. I don't think you'll want to be here after we've gone. There's a place for you, too.

Baltar: For me?

Three: Well, you were right and we were wrong. Should be some reward for that.

Caprica: Gaius, we should go.

Baltar: I just wanna sit here and die.

Gaeta: [Appears and cocks gun] You're gonna get your wish, Gaius.


Galactica CIC.

Kelly: civvie ships are getting off the ground. Jumping away. Only a few left. FTL's back online. Pegasus is taking a hell of a pounding, sir. I don't think she has a single plane in the air.

Adama: Lee left all of his planes to guard the civilian ships. He knew that was a one-way trip. He'll evac before the end.

Helo: You sure?

Adama: Land our birds! Let's get the hell out of here.

Helo: All wings, Galactica. Come on home. Combat landings authorized. Repeat, come on home.

Adama: All hands, all hands, get ready to jump.


Colonial One.

Gaeta: I believed in you.

Caprica: Whoa, whoa. Gaeta.

Gaeta: I believed in the dream of New Caprica.

Caprica: Gaeta, we all did.

Gaeta: No! No. Not him. He believed in the dream of Gaius Baltar. The good life. Booze, pills, hot and cold running interns. He lead us to the apocalypse, and-- and I--I turned out to be--

Baltar: An idealist. There's no sin in that. Everything you say about me is true. Every word. But you have to listen to me. The Cylons have a nuke in this complex. Nobody... and I mean nobody is getting off this planet alive unless I stop D'anna.

Caprica: Gaius, she'll kill you.

Baltar: Then she'll kill me. Or it'll be down to Mr. Gaeta. Either way, the human race dies with me.

Six: Gaius, he --

Baltar: Go ahead, shoot. What are you waiting for? Do it. [Puts Gaeta's gun to his chin.] Please. Please. I'm begging you to please --

Gaeta: You have one chance to put things right. Do you understand me? Get the frak out of here! Stop that nuke! Go!

Caprica, dragging him out: Gaius, let's go.


Pegasus CIC.

Apollo: Set main batteries to autofire cycle-B. Lock engines ahead flank. [On comms.] This is the Commander. Abandon ship, abandon ship. All hands, abandon ship. Report to evac raptors and jump to rendezvous point. Good work, and I'll see you on the other side.

Dualla: Okay, all right, people, let's move! Out! Let's go! You too, Commander.

Apollo: Yes, sir. [Alone, addressing the ship] Thank you.

(Pegasus is destroyed, taking out not one but two basestars.)


Kara's apartment.

Starbuck: Kacey! Kacey! Kacey, honey, where are you? Kacey --

Leoben, appearing with Kacey: I knew you'd be back. I saw it.




Kara's apartment.

Starbuck: Give me Kacey.

Leoben: Say the words.

Starbuck: Let me take her.

Leoben: Say them.

Starbuck: What words?

Leoben: You know what I want. I want to hear you say them. And I want the rest of it. Just like I told you.

Starbuck: Fine. I love you.

Leoben, leaning in: Say it again.

Starbuck: I love you.

Leoben: Now the rest.

(She kisses him.)

Starbuck: Was it everything you thought it would be?

Leoben: That and more. I'll never forget this moment.

Starbuck, kissing him again: Neither will I.

(She stabs him in the side and he drops. Anders appears with a gun; Starbuck grabs Kacey and they leave with him.)

Starbuck: I'll explain later. Let's move.


New Caprica City.

Baltar: are you sure she's in there?

Caprica: Positive. I saw her go in.

(They hear a baby crying.)


A tent.

Three, searching for Hera: Frakking liar.


Another tent.

Chip Six, seeing Hera in Maya's arms: It's her, Gaius. The first of God's new generation.

Baltar: Hera. Shh.

Caprica: It's a miracle. God spared her.

Three approaches: Hera. Can I hold her?

(Baltar gives Three the baby and she takes off. He points a gun at her as she walks away.)

Caprica: No. She's not going to set off the nuke, not anymore. Come on, Gaius. We have to go.


Colonial One.

(Tory, Jammer and Roslin board the abandoned ship with a retinue of insurgents. Roslin removes her diary and sets it out on the desk.)

Roslin, sweetly: All right. I'm ready to go.

(Colonial One takes off.)


Galactica deck.

Chief: All right, people, let's go. This way. Stay on the starboard hangar deck till we can get you to new ships. Come on, people, all the way down. All the way down, people, all the way down. Let's go.

Chief, seeing Starbuck with Kacey: Oh, my Gods. Captain! I thought you were dead.

Starbuck: Yeah, so did I.

Chief: Hey. Who's this?

Anders: Yeah, I was gonna ask that myself.

Starbuck: This is --

Woman: Kacey? Kacey! Oh, my little girl! Oh, Mommy missed you so much! Thank you. Thank you! Thank you. When the Cylons took her I -- I thought -- but you saved her. Gods bless you.

(Kara watches Kacey leave with her mom; everyone reuniting with loved ones. Adama welcomes each new refugee.)

Adama: Hey. Welcome aboard. Welcome aboard.

Adama, to Apollo: I guess you didn't understand my orders, huh?

Apollo: Never could read your handwriting.

Tigh: permission to come aboard, sir.

Adama: Hey.

Tigh, getting down off the Raptor wing: Ahh.

Adama: Permission granted. [They salute.] You did it. You brought 'em home, Saul.

Tigh: Not all of them.

Adama: I'm sorry.

Everybody begins to cheer, hoisting Adama into the air Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama! Adama!

(Kara and Saul watch the celebration, all alone.)


Colonial One.

Tory: We're still double-checking the Fleet's manifests, but, uh ... it doesn't look like Maya made it off of New Caprica.

Roslin: What about the baby?

Tory, voice breaking: I was there when the two guards left to take them to their ship. I don't know what happened. I'm so sorry. [Crying.] I let you down. And I know that.

Roslin: No, you didn't. It's not your fault. This is bigger than us. [Looking at a picture of Maya and Hera.] This is life.


Adama's quarters.

(He shaves his moustache carefully and deliberately, and heads back out into Galactica.)

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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