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#302 : La Grande Rafle

Réalisateur : Sergio Mimic-Gezzan
Scénariste:  Ronald D. Moore
Diffusion US: 06 octobre 2006

La situation sur New Caprica ne s'arrange pas ( et remercions les euphémismes sans quoi je vous dirais que ça part gravement en cacahuètes!)...Gaius perd de plus en plus le contrôle de la situation alors queLeoben joue les Cooperfield et fait apparaître des surprises pour le moins... surprenantes et lourdes en conséquences...

Pendant ce temps, les résistants  manquent de basculer du mauvais côté et les tensions grandissent entre le Pegasus et le Battlestar.


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La Grande Rafle

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Roslin est interrogée par les cylons

Roslin est interrogée par les cylons

Felix découvre l'existence de la liste

Felix découvre l'existence de la liste

Les cylons obligent Baltar à signer la liste d'execution

Les cylons obligent Baltar à signer la liste d'execution

Sharon réalise son rêve et devient officier du Galactica

Sharon réalise son rêve et devient officier du Galactica

Plus de détails

Dans une prison sur sur New Caprica

L'épisode démarre par une confrontation entre Mr le Président et Mme La présidente (ah oui un tel titre se conserve même quand la retraite a sonné) que pour l'occasion j'appellerai Laura parce que sinon on va s'y perdre. Et d'ailleurs Je nommerai l'illustre dirigeant aussi par son prénom parce que... j'ai envie.

Donc confrontation entre Laura, emprisonnée assise à même le sol et en tenue de prisonnier et un Gaius tout bien habillé avec les cheveux longs qui emmène deux chaises avec lui. Pourtant dès le début de la conversation on a l'impression que les forces sont inversées. Que celui qui craint l'autre n'est pas celui qui détient le pouvoir. Gestes nerveux contre sourire en coin (ahhh le sourire en coin de Laura... on devrait faire un montage vidéo là dessus)

On sent Gaius complètement dépassé par les manœuvres de la résistance. Les attentats suicides, la mort des humains, l'angoisse et il tente d'amener Laura à rejoindre son camp pour que cela cesse. Mais même si l'on voit bien qu'elle ne peut se réjouir du nombre de victimes de l'attentat, elle ne fléchira pas. 

La dernière remarque de Gaius répétée en boucle: "No one is tortured " montre bien que les événements lui échappent. (et on comprend son angoisse quand on pense à la façon dont il réagit en voyant l'état de "six" sur le PEGASUS. Imaginer que "ses" équipes font de même à de quoi perturber.)

fin de l'entretien et libération de Laura. 


Dans les rues de New Caprica

Petite patrouille mixant cylons et Collabos qui fait froid dans le dos. Et débarquement de Calvin ( plus flippant que jamais mais que j'aime cet acteur).

Une opération se prépare. Laquelle? On ne sait pas trop mais ça ne sent pas très bon. 


Dans le repère de la résistance

(featuring Sammy, chief and Tight)

Compte rendu de la situation par mon résistant préféré (SAMMY SAM pour ceux qui ne suivraient pas) qui montre à quel point la situation est en train de se dégrader pour les humains. Rationnement, fermeture probable du marché... et de nouveau le débat du bien et du mal resurgit sur le tapis. Peut-on décemment faire exploser des lieux pleins de civils?Si pour Chief ça tient de la folie, Saul lui a l'air déterminé à aller jusqu'au bout. Cynique, acerbe. 

SAMMY lui... perdu.

Nouvel échange avec le BATTLESTAR sur la situation. 


Dans les rues de NEW CAPRICA

Une liste de noms de civils reconnus coupables de trahison est donnée à la milice avec ordre de les arrêter. Hésitation de JAMMER chef de la "police humaine"  qui finit quand même par donner l'ordre à ses hommes de se couvrir le visage pour agir (ah le courage des traitres! toujours avancer masqué) et cette petite phrase de CALVIN " Un jour vous  n'aurez plus à les mettre. Les autres vous considèreront comme des héros" à laquelle répond dans un soupir le chef " pas ce soir"...

A cet instant précis de l'épisode légère angoisse de savoir qui est sur cette fracking list 

L'image se teinte comme au travers des lunettes infrarouges d'un militaire et les arrestations commencent dans les cris et la peur. Le hurlement de CALLY emportée perce au-dessus des autres pendant que mini Tyrol reste tout seul. Et quand Chief découvre la situation, malgré son "maman va revenir, tout va bien" on le sent aussi peu convaincu que nous, pauvres spectateurs.


A bord du BSG

Les messages de notre Warrior Team (ainsi nommerai-je désormais mes 3 résistants capricains et leurs alliés) parviennent bien au CIC qui cherche une solution pour sortir tout le monde de là. Seul LEE émet des doutes sans que Adama père ne lui accorde le moindre regard.



Echange acerbe entre GAETA et CHIEF. Collabo contre résistant... 

Et voilà JAMMER notre chef des collabos anonymes qui avance tête nue mais blindé de remords. Il tente même de justifier les actions des "autres" auprès de CHIEF. Mais il n'obtient pas du tout la réaction attendue. Ne jamais essayer de justifier les raisons qui poussent des gens à fraterniser avec l'ennemi auprès d'un résistant qui vient de se faire enlever son épouse. Raté pour le soulagement, le jugement de CHIEF est sans appel:  A la fin de la guerre les méchants seront pendus Hauts et courts.


Dans la maison de KARA

Oh punaise!

Coup de théâtre... Leoben remet au goût du jour "l'intrigue"de la ferme sous les yeux d'une KARA totalement détachée jusqu'à ce qu'il lui présente KACEY une adorable blondinette à qui il annonce avec le sourire : je te présente KARA... ta mère."

Et dans les yeux de ma pilote de Viper sans peur... ça panique sévère.


A bord du BSG

Ca y est. L'amiral envoie un agent de liaison à terre qui n'est autre  que "SHARON". Affrontement Adamesque entre le père et le fils. 

L'un accuse l'amiral de mener l'humanité à sa perte

L'autre soutient qu'il la sauve.

(on apprend au passage que les centurions ne peuvent faire la différence entre les humanoïdes justement par crainte d'une révolte robotique). 

Après un long débat, où Mister LEE retrouve sa fougue et son sens de la persuasion (ah si il est bon dans son discours!) il fait céder son père. Du moins partiellement. 

Que LEE continue de chercher la terre avec le reste de la flotte civile et le Pegasus. Lui partira sauver les autres parce que si effectivement la sauvegarde de l'humanité prime sur le reste... lui ne peut plus vivre avec ça. Tout devient bizarrement personnel. Et le "Amiral" se transforme en " Dad" dans la bouche de LEE alors que Bill les yeux un peu flous prend son fils dans ses bras (là moi je commence à chercher les mouchoirs) 


Dans la Maison de KARA

Leoben, qui s'avère être le "père "de KACEY explique le plus naturellement possible le pourquoi du comment à une KARA totalement en retrait.  qui refuse 

1) d'admettre que c'est sa fille 

2) utilise un jolie champ lexical de " ça" et autre synonyme de chose pour parler de sa progéniture. 

Avant de se retrouver toute seule avec elle.


Dans le repaire de la WARRIOR TEAM 

(featuring LAURA SAUL and SAMMY) 

Si elle n'a pas flanché devant GAIUS, LAURA refuse tout nouvel attentat suicide. Devant l'accusation de traitrise de SAUL "you're with the cylon now?" elle le gifle sans la moindre semonce. Alors qu'elle tente de s'excuser TIGHT lui dit que plus rien n'a d'importance. Que son unique but est de concentrer l'attention des CYLONS pour qu'ils ne se focalisent pas sur le retour d'ADAMA. Aux objections de LAURA il rétorque que peu importe la manière. Peu importe que les hommes partent en missions suicide à bord de Viper ou se fassent sauter au sol. Le résultat est le même. Ils sont morts. 

Dans les yeux de SAMMY (un peu perdu à nouveau) et dans ceux de LAURA on voit toute la différence entre des civils qui agissent en résistants et un militaire qui a déjà mené deux guerres et dont le quotidien est d'agir. Si les propos de SAUL font froid dans le dos, c'est justement parce qu'ils se comprennent. 

(Punaise je commence vraiment à l'apprécier c'est bizarre...)


Dans la rue

Discussion entre BOOMER et une six. 

Alors que la première condamne ce genre d'action disant qu'ils sont en train de perdre la confiance du peuple et la deuxième qui dit qu'il faut se montrer fermes. Comme quoi les problèmes sont les mêmes partout. 

JAMMER tente de convaincre BOOMER en souvenir du "bon vieux temps" de sauver CALLY.


Dans la Maison de KARA

Pas super à l'aise dans le rôle de la nounou miss Thrace. Elle finit même par s'enfermer dans la salle de bain. Puis un cri retentit... KACEY git au sol en bas de l'escalier... et la carapace se craquelle. 

L'ex-enfant maltraitée se retrouve avec sa fille à l'hôpital pour négligence... pas bon du tout.


En prison

Boomer rend une petite visite de courtoisie à CALLY sur le thème du "je suis heureuse pour Chief et toi... blablabla..." Mais la nouvelle Mme Tyrol ne semble pas décidée à se laisser amadouer. Et après un " Combien de fois va-t-il falloir que je te tue" elle conclue par un "si tu ne peux pas m'aider alors dégage"...


A bord du colonial One

Petite réunion de cylons suite à un attentat des résistants qui leur a fait perdre 23 membres. Les personnalités s'affrontent. Doit on renforcer les répressions ou pas. Boomer et ses clones hésitent et Caprica Six aussi. Gaius lui assiste sans dire un mot jusqu'à ce qu'on lui réclame sa signature vu qu'il est encore LE président. Condamner à mort les prisonniers n'est pas vraiment une idée qu'il valide. Résultat il tente une rebellion... qui se termine avec un flingue posé sur la tempe de GAIUS et une balle dans la tête de CAPRICA. Pour la première fois depuis longtemps... Six revient en apparition et le convainc de signer pour rester en place et pouvoir agir. Bien malgré lui (presque inconsciemment d'ailleurs) il appose sa signature et laisse les larmes couler. Je le prendrais presqu'en pitié tellement il est dépassé. 



Notre numéro 8 agathon (bah oui, elle a épousé HELO)  prête serment sous le regard super fier de son mari. Petit échange qui donne des frissons entre elle et Adama 

"comment savez vous que vous pouvez me faire confiance? 

Je ne le sais pas. C'est ça la confiance"

et voilà la plus humaine des cylons qui part sauver la fleet...



Ellen continue d'enchanter Calvin avec un remix du KAMASUTRA. Si elle tente de protéger son mari ainsi CALVIN se sert d'elle pour avoir accès aux informations. Il va lui falloir vendre plus que son corps pour garder SAUL en vie. 


Dans le repère de la WARRIOR TEAM

(featuring CHIEF, SAUL et SAMMY)

Ca y est l'opération sauvetage est lancée. SAUL grince des dents en apprenant que SHARON sera l'agent de liaison et SAMMY reprend les cartes en main en définissant le point de RDV (ça me fait plaisir de le retrouver actif... il me faisait un chouia flipper à douter depuis le début) 

Ellen arrive et la conversation reprend (Pas certaine que ce soit une bonne idée les gars d'en papoter devant elle mais bon).

Le plan est décidé et les infos brulées... du moins en apparence vu qu' ELLEN au lieu de les jeter au feu les glisse dans son corsage (j'avais prévenue mais personne m'écoute!) 


A bord du colonial One

Gaeta tente de réveiller GAIUS à propos de la gravité de la situation. Le héros perd de sa superbe. Ce n'est plus lui qui est en charge.


Dans les rues de NEW Caprica

Les supers pas courageux masqués sèment de nouveau la terreur et arrête LAURA. BOOMER tente une nouvelle fois de sauver CALLY sans succès. 

Tom ZAREK est libéré après 4 mois de détention pour atterrir directement dans le camion des exécutés



Parrallèle entre l'équipe de SAM et celle de SHARON la gentille jusqu'aux retrouvailles. Petit pincement au coeur de voir une toute partie de la fleet à nouveau ensemble. 

Pendant ce temps là GAETA semble complètement défait


A l'hôpital

KARA prie...  KACEY ouvre les yeux, et l'instinct maternel de KARA se réveille pendant qu'elle serre la main de  son geolier. Moi, j'admire la psychologie de LEOBEN. 


Sur la route de l'exécution

5 mns de pause pour nos prisonniers. Le temps d'un joli échange entre Zarek et Laura sur les éléctions passées



SAMMY et SHARON discutent sur la suite du plan pendant qu'au loin une mitraillette émerge. Les tirs pleuvent. La trahison est effective. 


Sur la route de l'exécution

JAMMER craque et libère CALLY sans avouer son identité. Il lui défait ses liens et lui ordonne de courir


Sur le lieux de l'exécution

Et oui la pause n'était pas une pause mais un arrêt définitif. Les centurions se mettent en ligne. ZAREK tire Laura vers l'arrière...CALLY continue de courir tandis qu'au loin des tirs retentissent.


Et essayer d'éteindre après ça... 


Laura's detention cell.
(Baltar looks through the window, then enters with a NCP officer. He offers her a chair and her glasses.)
Baltar: Everyone … is being looked at right now. You're no exception. I can help you, Laura. In ways I cannot help myself. I can protect you. But you have to understand the situation has changed now. The insurgency has crossed the line. Suicide bombings. It's abhorrent. It's contrary to everything that we believe in. So you -- you and I, we will, uh -- we will publicly condemn these tactics. They cannot be legitimized in any shape or form. 
Roslin: There's something that scares the Cylons after all.
Baltar: I should think using men and women as human bombs should scare us all.
Roslin: Desperate people take desperate measures.
Baltar: All right, look me in the eye. Look me in the eye and tell me that you approve of sending young men and women into crowded places with explosives strapped to their chests. 

(She cannot.)

Baltar: I'm waiting for you to look me in the eye and tell me that you approve! 33 people killed. And their o nly crime was putting o n the police uniform. Trying to bring some order to the chaos out there.

Roslin raises her voice: Order? By arresting innocent people in the dead of night. Detaining them indefinitely without charge. Torturing them for information!
Baltar: Nobody's been tortured.
Roslin: Tell that to colonel Tigh.
Baltar: Nobody has been tortured. We're done here.
(The door unlocks and opens.)
Baltar: I hope you understand the severity of the situation. I'd ask you to obey the dictates of your conscience... which is what I've always done.
Roslin, sarcastically: Of that I have no doubt.
Baltar, to the NCP guard: Please give this lovely lady her shoes back. Then get her out of here.


Human Police: Curfew is now in effect. Severe penalties will be imposed o n anyone found o n the streets. Curfew is now in effect. Severe penalties will be imposed o n anyone found o n the streets.
(Jammer appears for the night's raid, looking at all the Centurions. Other NCP officers whisper nervously.)
NCP #1: I don't know about this.
NCP #2: We need to make a point. The violence must end. We got a job to do.
 (A transport arrives and Cavil steps out, approaching Jammer.)
NCP #3: What are we doing? Is that him?
NCP #4: Yeah, just do what he asks. Everything will be okay.
Cavil: You understand your orders, Captain? Everything clear?
Jammer: Yes, sir.
Cavil: Good. Don't worry. We have your back.
(Jammer looks around at the Centurions everywhere.)

Insurgent bunker.
Chief: Did you hear? The Cylons cut food rations toady.
Anders: We heard. How long before the next Raptor transmission?
Chief: Two minutes. You know, they're taking about shutting down the marketplace. It's a security risk.
Tigh: We'll shift targets.
Chief: You were gonna hit the marketplace. The market? Full of civilians. This is crazy. You know, we need to figure out whose side we're o n.
Tigh: Which side are we o n? We're o n the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of Paradise. Sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. 
Chief: Contact. They're ready for the sitrep.
Tigh: Send it twice, just to make sure.

NCP formation.
Cavil, to Jammer: Here are the names of those to be arrested and sent to detention.
Jammer: I, uh -- I know some of these people.
Cavil: I'm sure you do. They're all insurgents, jammer. We have to break the cycle of violence.
Jammer, to group: Okay, suit up.
(They put o n their balaclavas.)
Cavil, to group: You won't have to wear those much longer. Eventually your people will see you as heroes.
(He leaves, Jammer breathes deeply.)
Jammer: Not tonight. (To NCP group, in night vision.) Take numbers five through ten. Okay, take the tents to the right. Follow down to the end. Rest of you guys gotta keep quiet, okay?

NCP raids the town.
NCP Officer: This is New Caprica Police! 
NCP Officer: You're under arrest for colluding with the insurgency.
NCP Officer: You're wanting for questioning in the graduation bomb.
(People shouting, screaming; scenes of the raid.)

The Tyrol tent.
NCP Officer: Cally Tyrol, this is an NCP raid.
Cally: No! Let go of me!
NCP Officer: Get your hands up.
Cally: My baby! No! No, my baby! No! [Crying]
NCP Officer: Hey, hey, hey!
Cally: No, no, no, no.

The Tyrol's tent, later.
Chief picks up Baby Nick: Shh, shh, shh, shh. I got you. I got you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, there you go. Mommy's coming back. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Helo: Their numbers are a little thin. It says here Tigh commands 1,150 armed effectives. That's a lot less than he should have if you count all former Fleet officers and enlisted available down there.
Dualla: Could be taking heavy losses. They mentioned a Cylon crackdown.
Kat: We should get a breakdown of available pilots in the insurgent group. Somebody's gotta fly those ships off the ground if we're gonna pull this off.
Adama: Those ships aren't going anywhere yet. "The Cylons have removed launch keys from grounded Colonial ships. Location unknown." Came from Tyrol.
Kat: Can we manufacture new launch keys?
Apollo: Forget it. The specs o n launch keys are incredibly sophisticated. It would take weeks just to do the R&D.
Adama: Best option is for Saul and the people o n the ground to find the original launch keys.
Dualla: Assuming they weren't destroyed. 
Kat: No. No way. The Cylons would want to keep them safe just in case they needed to use o ne of those ships someday.
Helo: She's right. Keys gotta still be there somewhere.
Kat: We can make a weapons drop to the insurgents. They know the lay of the land, they've been hitting the Cylons in the teeth for months.  Given them the tools, they can kind the keys themselves.
Apollo: No. No way. The o nly thing you've got going for you so far is that the Cylon reduced their defense perimeter to just five baseships. You put heavy weaponry down there, they're gonna know for sure that we're in contact with the population. Call in ten more baseships and then your whole plan's frakked.
Kat, sarcastically: Funny, thought this was OUR plan, sir.
Adama: Moving o n. The military plans that you have in your hands are to be kept with you at all times.

New Caprica City.
Chief: Why'd they pick her up? She hasn't done anything. We've got a baby, for Godssakes.
Gaeta: I don't know. I'll try to find out.
Chief: How long are they gonna hold her?
Gaeta: …Detention is run by a separate ministry. They don't give us any reasons why they --
Chief: Godsdammit, Felix. She hasn't done anything. We've got a baby.
Gaeta: I know, Galen. I'm sorry.
Chief: How do you do it? How do you help them day after day? How do you look yourself in the mirror? I gotta get my son. Cameron's watching him, but she's got problems of her own.
(Chief takes off.)
Gaeta: Chief! I'll see what I can do. I'll see if there's something I can find out.
Chief: Yeah. Why don't you try and do something?

Tyrol tent.
(Jammer looks at the mess and flashes back to the raid.)
Cally, voiceover: Please! No! No!
(Chief approaches.)
Chief: Hey, you okay? Jammer, what's going o n?
Jammer: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay, Chief.
Chief: All right.
Jammer: Hey, uh... I heard about last night.
Chief: Shh. What?
Jammer: About Cally being o n o ne of those lists.
Chief: Yeah.
Jammer: I'm really sorry.
Chief: Yeah. Frakkin' human police, huh? Bunch of traitors if you ask me.
Jammer: Some of those guys who joined up, I bet they're in over their heads, you know? Especially now with these suicide bombings and … At first, I bet you they thought they were doing something good. You know, get the Cylons off the streets. Let us police our own. 
Chief: They're a bunch of frakkin' idiots. What did they expect? You don't know any of those guys, do you? Any names?
Jammer: Names? No. N-no idea.
Chief: Damn.
Jammer: Well, what's up with Cally? Why did they put her in detention?
Chief: I don't know. She hasn't done a Godsdamn thing. I just talked to Gaeta. Says he doesn't know squat. Or so he says.
Jammer: Gaeta's a good guy. If he knows something …
Chief: He's a frakkin' collaborator. You know what? o ne day when this is all over, guys like Gaeta are gonna get strung up. And guys like you and me, we're gonna be there tying the knots. Making 'em tight.
(Chief takes off, Jammer keeps crying.)

Kara's apartment.
Leoben: It's been a couple of ugly days. I know you don't care about that, but life means something to us. So I've decided to show you just how precious life can be. How even in the worst of times, it can restore your faith. 
(Heads upstairs.)
Leoben: Remember that breeding farm o n Caprica?
Starbuck: I remember I blew the frak out of the place.
Leoben: It wasn't a total loss. We were able to salvage certain things. Certain medical samples. Like your ovary.
(He comes back downstairs holding what appears to be a little blonde girl.)
Starbuck: What's that?
Leoben: This is Kacey. Kacey, this is Kara. Your mother.
Kacey: Hi.
Leoben: Good girl.


Pegasus CIC.
Dualla: Unbelievable.
Apollo: What?
Dualla: Admiral's decided to put some boots o n the ground. Wants to send an officer as a liaison between us and the resistance elements o n the planet to coordinate the rescue op.
Apollo: Makes sense. What's the problem?
Dualla: It's who he's sending.
(Hands him the brief.)
Apollo: He's frakking kidding with this, right?
Dualla: I wish he were.
Apollo: Mr. Hoshi, I want a Raptor prepped and ready in five minutes o n the hangar deck. Inform the flagship I'm coming aboard, I want a private meeting with the Admiral.
Hoshi: Aye, sir.
Dualla: What are you gonna do?
Apollo: What I should've done a long time ago.

Apollo: You can't do this. She's a Cylon.
Adama: Well, I trust her.
Apollo: Well, that's a mistake.
Adama: Well, it'll be my mistake, won't it?
Apollo: You are gambling with the lives of everyone o n this ship. And everyone o n my ship. 
Adama: I don't need a lecture from you about the responsibilities of command. We're done here.
(Leaves; Apollo follows him into the corridor.)
Apollo: I'm not finished. This entire plan is a reckless gamble. And, yes, you certainly have the right to risk the lives of the men and women under your command. But that's not the issue. The issue is that you are risking the lives of the entire human race.
Adama: I'm trying to save the human race.
Apollo: No. No, you're not. That's what you're not seeing. Right now, the human race? Well, that's the 2,000 people huddled in those civilian ships that managed to get away when the Cylons came back. They're the safe bet. They're the o nes whose survival we should guard. Just like we did after the attack o n the Colonies.
Adama: Sharon can penetrate the Cylon defenses.
Apollo: It's not about her.
Adama: The Centurions can't distinguish her from the other humanoid models. Did you know that?
Apollo: Admiral.
Adama: They were deliberately programmed that way. The Cylons didn't want them becoming self-aware and suddenly resisting orders. They didn't want their own robotic rebellion o n their hands. You can appreciate the irony.
Apollo, jumping in front of him: Dad. 
Adama: I know what you're saying. But we have a responsibility to the people that we left behind. 
Apollo: Remember what Roslin said: "Our first responsibility is to the survival of humanity." We can't lose sight of that. Over the last year, we've lost sight of almost everything. We got ...soft. But if we go back to New Caprica now, and we lose, it's over. Humanity just stops. And an Admiral's stars don't give you the right to make that gamble.
Adama: You're right, son. You should make plans to resume the search for earth with the Pegasus and the civilian fleet.
Apollo: With Pegasus? What about Galactica?
Adama: I know why we left those people behind. And I know it was their choice in the first place to be down there. And I realize that the survival of the human race outweighs anything else. But this time... I can't live with it. Can't face it. Maybe I'm a coward. But I'm going back.
Apollo: Dad, you won't have a chance.
Adama: I'm going back, son.

Kara's apartment.
Leoben, laughing o n the floor with Kacey: o nce I fertilized your egg, we transferred it to a human woman who carried it to term. She was pretty, funny. Great smile. You would've liked her. Although her birth mother died during childbirth, Kacey's heart never faltered. I guess she gets that will to live from you. I've seen her path. It's difficult, but rewarding. She'll know the mind of God in this lifetime. She'll see patterns that others do not see. She probably got such spiritual clarity from me. 
(He stands to leave; stares at Kara o n the stairs.)
Leoben: She'll be hungry soon. There's food o n the table. You wouldn't let your own child starve, would you?
Starbuck: It's not my child. I don't even know if it's human.
Leoben: Half-human. And you know that she's yours. You just won't admit it.
Starbuck: Where the frak are you going? Take this with you. Hey! Don't leave me alone with this.
(He disappears, leaving her with Kacey.)
Starbuck: Frak!
(She stares at Kacey through the stair rail.)
Starbuck: I don't know who or what you are, but I do know this. I'm not your mother.

Insurgent bunker.
Roslin: I don't care that it's effective. I don't care that the Cylons can't stop it. It's wrong. No more suicide bombings, Colonel. You understand? 
Tigh: What, are you working for the Cylons now?
(She slaps him, then regains her composure.)
Roslin: I'm sorry. There's no excuse for that.
Tigh, laughing grimly: You see, little things like that, they don't matter anymore. In fact, not too frakking much really matters anymore. I've got o ne job here, lady, and o ne job o nly. To disrupt the Cylons. Make them worry about the anthill they've stirred up down here so they're distracted and out of position when the old man shows up in orbit.  The bombings, they got the Cylons' attention. They really got their attention, and I am not giving that up.
Roslin: We are talking about people blowing themselves up.
Tigh: You know, sometimes I think that you've got ice water in those veins, and other times I think you're just a naive little schoolteacher. I've sent men o n suicide missions in two wars now, and let me tell you something. It don't make a Godsdamn bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out o nto a parade ground, in the end they're just as dead. So take your piety and your moralizing and your high-minded principles and stick 'em someplace safe until you're off this rock and you're sitting in your nice cushy chair o n Colonial o ne again. I've got a war to fight.

Outside the detention center.
Boomer: The detentions are just causing more resentment and more enemies. We're losing ground with the people.
Caprica Six: I know. We don't have another option. We have to send the message that suicide bombings won't be tolerated. 
(Jammer approaches them.)
Jammer: Excuse me, sir. Can I talk to you for a moment?
Boomer: Yeah, sure, Jammer. (To Caprica Six) I'll catch up with you.
Caprica Six: Okay.
Jammer: Sir, I don't know exactly how to broach this. Nor do I know exactly what I expect you to do about it. But, um, I thought, you know, since we were -- anyway, since we were back o n the Galactica …
Boomer: Yeah, Jammer, just spit it out.
Jammer: We picked up chief Tyrol's wife in the last raid. Cally. She's in detention. I think she's o n a list.

Kara's apartment.
(Time lapses as Kacey laughs and dances around Starbuck; Starbuck returns the girl to the couch repeatedly.)
Kacey: Ashes, ashes … Full of posies … Ashes, ashes …
Starbuck: Frak!
(Starbuck locks herself in the apartment's bathroom to get her breath. She looks at herself in the mirror, hears a thump and tiny scream. She comes out into the room, where she sees Kacey unconscious or dead at the bottom of the stairs.)
Starbuck: Kacey?


(Leoben joins Starbuck at Kacey's bedside, passes her some coffee.)
Leoben: Kara?
(She takes the coffee and he sits opposite, watching her.)

Cally's detention cell.
Boomer: Hi, Cally. It's me, Boomer. 
Cally: I wish I had a gun.
Boomer, sighing: Are you all right? Physically, I mean.
Cally: What do you want from me?
Boomer: Look, a lot's happened. In everyone's life. But I want you to know -- I want you and Galen to know -- that I'm happy for you. Especially since you started a family. Something that him and I talked about o nce before.
Cally jumps up in her face: Can you get me out of here?
Boomer: I don't know. I have nothing to do with internal security…
Cally: Then frak you, Sharon, you stupid frakked-up toaster. How many times do I have to shoot you, anyway? If you can't help me, then just go away and leave us alone!

A line crowding into a New Caprica power substation.
PA: All human personnel prepare to present identification before passing through security scanner. Have your IDs out. Everyone have their work IDs ready. Work IDs out. 
(A young woman presses past the NCP guards, into the station.)
NCP: You! Open your bag. Stop her!
(She pulls out a gun and shoots several guards, then explodes.)

Colonial o ne. 
(Doral is showing several Cylons the tape of the substation attack.)
Doral: 23 Cylons critically wounded. 14 had to be euthanized.
Boomer: They had casualties too. Four human dead.
Cavil 1: Who gives a frak about that? Pardon my language.
Cavil 2: You said it, brother.
Doral: The power substation was crippled. Almost half the city's without power, and our best estimates put the repairs at two weeks.
Three, to Six and Boomer: Do you still think we're being too hard o n the human population? 
Cavil: We have a very serious, very straightforward problem. Either we increase control or we lose control. That's a fact. We think it's time for stronger measures.
Three: We agree.
Simon: We agree.
Doral: We agree as well. (To Six.) How about you?
Six 1: We agree also.
Six 2, indicating Caprica Six: Most of us do, anyway.
Three: Enough.
(She crosses to Baltar's desk and drops a document.)
Baltar: What's this?
Three: This orders the summary executions of all the detainees listed o n the next page. It requires your signature.
Baltar: My signature?
Doral: You're the President.
Three: Read it later. Sign now.
Caprica Six: Just because you've decided to do this doesn't mean you need to drag him into sin with you.
Three 1: Don't you lecture me about sin. 
Three 2: I'm not the o ne who committed the first act of Cylon-on-Cylon violence in our history.
Baltar: What's she talking about?
Three 2: She crushed my head in with a rock back o n Caprica. Interesting she didn't tell you.
Caprica Six: It's something I had to do. I'm not proud of it.
Cavil: This is all very interesting. Very edifying. Sign the order.
Baltar: You don't need my signature.
Three 2: Well, actually, we do. We're here as allies and friends of the legitimate government of the colonies. You are the President, so everything we do requires your signature.
Cavil: In other words, they're worried about what "God" might think if they commit murder. They're covering their existential asses.
Baltar: I won't do it. All right? I won't do it. You're going to have to salve your consciences some other way.
Doral: Then we'll find another president.
(A Doral cocks a gun at Baltar's head.)
Caprica Six: Stop this. This is crazy!
(The Doral shoots Caprica Six in the head, and she goes down. The other Sixes and Baltar stare.)
Baltar: Dear God.
Cavil 1: She'll be back. 
Cavil 2: But if he pulls that trigger now, you won't.
Doral: Sign it. Sign it! Sign your name! Sign it! Sign it!

Imaginary Colonial o ne, with the Chip Six.
Six: There's nothing you can do, Gaius. It'll be okay.
Baltar: It's you. Help me.
Six: You have to sign it. They'll kill you if you don't.
Doral, in the real world: Sign it! Sign it! Sign it! Sign your name! Sign it!
Baltar: I can't. I won't. You can't force --
Six: Sometimes you have to do things you hate so you can survive to fight another day.
(In the real world, he has already signed it. Three takes it; the rest stare.)

Galactica Bridge.
Adama: Raise your right hand and repeat after me. "I, Sharon Agathon …"
Sharon: I, Sharon Agathon …
Adama: "Do now pledge my faith and my loyalty..."
Sharon: Do now pledge my faith and my loyalty...
Adama: "To the protection of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol."
Sharon: To the protection of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.
Adama: "And will carry out the lawful orders of my superiors..."
Sharon: And will carry out the lawful orders of my superiors...
Adama: "As an officer... "
Sharon: As an officer...
Adama: "In the Colonial Fleet."
Sharon: In the Colonial Fleet.
Adama: Congratulations, Lieutenant.

Alone in a Galactica corridor.
Helo: Never thought I'd live to see the day.
Sharon: Me neither.
Helo: Looks good o n you. Belongs o n you.
Sharon: You know what this means to me.
Helo: o ne of the first things they taught us at the academy was that symbols matter. Uniforms, flags, banners, even mascots. They're like pieces of your heart you can look at. This uniform... it means a lot to me, Sharon.
Sharon: I know it does, Helo. It means a lot to me, too. I won't betray it.
(They kiss.)

Galactica Hangar
(Sharon's Raptor is being cleared for takeoff.)
Sharon: Can I ask you a question? How do you know? I mean, how do you really know that you can trust me?
Adama: I don't. That's what trust is. Good hunting, Lieutenant.
(She salutes; Helo and Adama salute in return. She boards her Raptor.)

Cavil's office.
Cavil: Whew. Heh! That was really something. 
Ellen, laughing: Thought you might like that.
Cavil: You didn't do the twist this time. What do you call … What's that deal you did right at the end? What do you call that?
Ellen: You mean the swirl.
Cavil: Oh, the swirl. [Laughs] Boy, that's really something.
Ellen: Well, you said you wanted something memorable.
Cavil: Hmm. How is Saul?
Ellen: Fine.
Cavil: When's his next meeting with the insurgents? No point in denying it, Ellen. We know he's their leader. Why do you think we let him out of detention?
Ellen, smiling sexily: I thought it was because of the twist.
Cavil: Well, yes, that too, for sure. But having the Colonel out and active with the resistance presents us with certain advantages.
Ellen: I don't know anything about--
Cavil: let's just consider your denials as read, shall we? I want a specific place, and I want a specific time, for a very high level meeting of the insurgency leadership. And if I don't get it, we pick up Saul again. And this time, he'll lose more than an eye.


Insurgent bunker. 
Chief: Tomorrow, the Galactica is gonna send two Raptors, several Marines, and a ground liaison officer is gonna brief us o n the rescue mission and help coordinate our evac plans.
Tigh: I'll be damned. It's really happening. Who's the liaison officer?
Chief: Sharon.
Tigh: I hope that's your idea of a joke.
Chief: Admiral Adama has given her a uniform and a billet. She is a serving officer. Which is more than you can say about us, technically speaking.
Tigh: The old man's lost his mind, all right. Where's the rendezvous?
Chief: Ah, they left that up to us.
Anders, showing a map: Okay, here's my suggestion. If they jump into Breeder's Canyon out here in the southern range …
(Ellen knocks at the door and enters.)
Tigh: Come.
Ellen: Hi, guys.
Chief: Hey, Ellen.
Anders: Anyway, like I was saying, if they jump in here they won't get picked up o n Cylon dradis.
Tigh: That's a long way out there. A lot of ground to cover by foot.
Anders: I realize that. I'm gonna meet them halfway. Right about here. Now, there's good cover from the air. It's pretty isolated.
Tigh: Gotta be sure. May be the most important meeting we're ever gonna have.
Anders: Colonel, I'm sure. This is the place. The Cylons will not find them here.
Tigh: All right, give me the map. You got the message memorized? All the wireless freqs? …Give me the message, too.
(Leans over to throw their notes and map in the fire; Ellen stops him.)
Ellen: I'll do that, Saul. Don't get up.
Tigh: Thanks.
(Ellen hides the map in her jacket and remains standing by the fire.)
Anders: Colonel, I've assembled a team of about six to eight men and women about half a dozen times. We have provisions for a couple of days if we need 'em. We have access to running water. I know that place like the back of my hand. This is gonna work.

Colonial o ne.
Gaeta, running in: Gaius! Gaius! Did you sign this? Tell me you didn't sign this, Gaius. 
Baltar, sadly: Not now, Mr. Gaeta. I'm very tired.
Gaeta: This is a death warrant. Have you seen the names o n this list? Do you have any idea what they're about to do out there? Are you listening to me?
Baltar: I didn't have any choice.
Gaeta: What the hell's the matter with you? There are over 200 names o n this list. Have you even looked at the names? Look at the names, Gaius! 
Baltar: I've seen them! I've seen them, all right? And there was nothing I could do.

Daylight NCP raid.
NCP 1: Back to your frakking tents!
NCP 2: Everybody back to your tents!

Roslin's schoolhouse.
Roslin: And you do triple digits. You can do that. Let me see --
(Two NCP officers enter.)
NCP: Laura Roslin. Come with us, please.

Outside the detention center.
(The detainees are being packed into transports.)
Boomer: Killing Tyrol's wife will o nly embitter him against us. He's the head of a labor union.
Three: Come o n, Sharon, let's just be honest with o ne another. In your view, you don't think there's any reason to kill any of them, correct?
Boomer: Right.
Three: Well, we made a decision. All of us. Just like when we listened to you and Caprica Six when we came here to start this new and glorious chapter in Cylon-human relations. 
Boomer: This has nothing to do with whether or not we execute Cally.
Three: No o ne enjoys the thought of mortal death, Boomer. But she tried to murder you. Maybe it's God's justice.

Detainee transports.
(Tom Zarek is shoved into a truck next to Roslin.)
Roslin: Need a lift, Mr. Vice President?
Zarek: Guess so.
Roslin: Haven't seen much of you lately. Been busy these days?
Zarek: Well, not much to do in detention.
Roslin: How long have you been held?
Zarek: Four months, I think. I told Baltar I wouldn't have any part of collaborating with the Cylons. And he got a little pissed.
Roslin, indicating her own zip cuffs: I think he's a little pissed at me, too.
Zarek: Heh!

Sharon's Raptor.
Pilot: Jump complete. Right o n target. 
Sharon: Okay, hang o n, guys. I'm dropping down to the landing point and there's some heavy turbulence up ahead. 

Anders's rendezvous party.
Anders: Follow the river. Make sure you hug the bank.

Sharon's Raptor.
Sharon: Okay, o nce we reach the rendezvous point, stay back and provide cover.

The rendezvous.
Sharon, across the river: Go, Panthers!
Anders: C-Bucks rule!
(Sharon crosses the river; they embrace.)
Sharon: Hey, Sam. Been a long time.
Anders: Funny. I feel like I see you every day.
(She nods.)
Come o n.
Let's go.

Hospital, monitors beeping.
Starbuck: Lords, please don't take her life. It was my mistake. Don't punish her for it.
Leoben: It was an accident, Kara. Nothing more.
(Kacey opens her eyes and looks up at them.)
Starbuck: Kacey? Kacey, oh, my Gods. Honey.
(One hand o n Kacey's arm, Starbuck reaches back for Leoben's hand with the other.)

Detainee transports, out in the wild lands.
Cavil: Let them stretch their legs for a minute.
Jammer: Yes, sir.
(They unload the detainees.)
Jammer: Let's go. All right, everybody out. Five minute rest break. Come o n, move! Everybody out! Five minute rest break. Come o n, let's go! Come o n, five minutes. Everyone out. Let's go. Let's move. Come o n. Move, people!

Detainee group.
Zarek: Tell me something, Laura.
Roslin: Hmm?
Zarek: Last year?
Roslin: Mmm?
Zarek: You tried to steal the election, didn't you?
Roslin, smiling ruefully: Yes, I did, Tom. 
Zarek, laughing: Oh. I wish you'd gone through with it.
(They laugh.)
Roslin: Me too.

The rendezvous.
Anders: We'll wait until nightfall before we go back to the city. There's a system of tunnels we've been using --
Sharon: Shh! Did you hear that?
(Gunfire strafes the rendezvous.)
Anders: Take cover! Take cover!
Sharon: Go!

The detainee group.
Jammer, in his balaclava: You. Over here.
(Pulls Cally to the side; cuts her zip cuffs.)
Jammer: Run. Run. Don't look back. Go!
(Shoves her off a bluff; she runs. As she continues to run, Centurions appear over a hill and draw their guns o n the detainees. Zarek pulls Roslin back into the group, the NCP and Cylons hide behind the trucks. Cally runs as the guns open fire.)

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !