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#211 : Opération Survie 1/2

Titre VO : "Resurrection Ship Part 1" - Titre VF : "Opération Survie 1/2"
USA : diffusé le 06/01/06 - France : 21/05/06
Scénario : Michael Rymer - Réalisation : Michael Rymer   

Alors que les Vipers du Galactica et du Pegasus sont sur le point de s'affronter, Starbuck revient de sa mission de reconnaissance à bord du Black Bird, grâce auquel elle a pu approcher de très près la flotte Cylon et le mystérieux vaisseau. Grâce aux clichés qu'elle rapporte, l'Amiral Cain décide de rappeler ses Vipers mais garde à son bord Helo et Tyrol. La Numéro 6 retenue à bord du Pegasus dévoile à Baltar que le vaisseau est un Ressurection Ship, qui permet aux humano cylons de ressuciter. Pendant ce temps, Adama découvre que Cain aurait abandonné une flotte de vaisseaux civils. Adama et Roslin commencent à envisager le fait qu'ils devraient éliminer Cain pour la survie de la flotte.

Guest stars : Alessandro Juliani (Felix Gaeta), Luciana Carro (Louanne "Kat" Katraine), Vincent Gale (Chief Peter Laird), Bodie Olmos (Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza), Kandyse McClure (Anastasia "Dee" Dualla), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh), Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol), Graham Beckel (Col. Jack Fisk), Nicki Clyne (Cally Henderson), Michelle Forbes (Admiral Helena Cain), Sebastian Spence (Noel "Narcho" Allison), Donnelly Rhodes (Doc Cottle), Brad Dryborough (Hoshi) , John Pyper-Ferguson (Cole "Stinger" Taylor)


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Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Plus de détails

Adama et Cain sont prêts à s'affronter après qu'elle ait condamné Tyrol et Helo à mort. La tension est palpable et les Vipers de chaque Battlestar se provoquent sans faire feu.
Au même moment, avec le vaisseau furtif, Kara s'approche du mystérieux vaisseau cylon et prend des photos puis retourne à la flotte.
Les vipers se provoquent toujours et se mettent chacun la pression. Dans un raptor, Taylor a ordre de mettre aux arrêt Lee et de se joindre à l'attaque menée contre le Galactica. Lee va à l'arrière et tente d'entrer en contact avec Kara.
Kara arrive juste à temps et est interloquée par ce qu'elle voit. Elle veut comprendre.

Au CIC, Gaeta reçoit un signal sans code d'identification. Il pense à un chasseur cylon. Le Pegasus reçoit le même signal. Cain ordonne d'abattre ce vaisseau. Le Galactica fait de même.
Kara commence à trembler. Elle rappelle à tout le monde qu'ils sont dans le même camp. Kat informe le Galactica qu'il s'agit de Starbuck. Adama contacte Adama et propose un cesser le feu alors que Starbuck envoie les photos qu'elle a prise du vaisseau cylon. Cain lui demande une entreveue à bord du Pegasus mais il refuse. Elle accepte et demande à le voir sur le Colonial 1. Les battlestar reviennent à la condition d'alerte 2.

Colonial 1, Roslin est en colère et fait la leçon à Cain et à Adama. Cain s'explique en disant que les hommes arrêtés sont coupables. Roslin n'est pas d'accord avec les méthodes utilisées. Cain leur rappelle qu'ils sont en guerre. Roslin pense qui si les vaisseaux s'affrontent, le Galactica perdra, ce qu'Adama réfute. Elle leur propose de négocier. Cain parle alors des clichés pris par Kara et suspend les executions. Roslin accepte. Cain quitte le vaisseau.

A bord du Pegasus, Kara entre dans les quartiers de Cain. Celle-ci l'a promu Capitaine et CAG du Pegasus. Elle est impressionnée par le travail de Thrace. Thrace veut Lee dans son équipe. Cain lui demande si elle obtient toujours ce qu'elle veut. Kara lui répond que oui. Cain lui parle alors de Caprica et est d'accord pour secourir les hommes coincés la-bas. Elle veut expulser les cylons des Colonies. Kara est ravie.

Pendant ce temps, sur le Colonial 1, Roslin comprend qu'Adama doit tuer Cain s'il veut survivre. Il refuse de le croire. Roslin sait que Cain n'hésitera pas à le tuer s'il ne le fait pas avant. Elle a compris ce que Cain ferait à la flotte et demande à Adama de protéger la flotte. Pour lui, tout le monde perd la tête.

Infirmerie du Galactica, Cottle rassure Sharon qui est encore choquée. Le bébé n'a rien mais elle a une côté cassée. Il parle d'attaque. Adama a honte, il lui dit que les hommes responsables ne venaient pas du Galactica mais il en prend toute la responsabilité. Sharon veut avoir des nouvelles de Tyrol et d'Helo. Il lui promet de tout faire pour empêcher Cain de les exécuter. Adama lui présente toutes ses excuses.

Pegasus, dans leur cellule, Tyrol et Helo sont surpris d'être toujours en vie. Lee arrive et leur explique la situation. Le Galactita et le Pegasus étaient à deux doigts d'entrer en guerre. Tyrol ne comprend pas. Ils ne sont pas l'ennemi.

Six Mind projecte Gaius dans sa maison sur Caprica. Il est inquiet. Il a perdu l'intérêt qu'il portait à cette maison. Six Mind lui parle alors du sport. A chaque fois, elle se débrouillait pour arriver lors du coup d'envoi des matchs de Pyramide et prenait deux tickets, un pour elle et un pour Gaius. Elle aimait l'ambiance. Elle savait qu'il ne viendrait jamais mais elle imaginait sa présence.
Gaius se réveille dans la cellule de la 6 alors que Cain fait son entrer. Elle regarde la prisonnière avec dégoùt. Elle voit qu'elle a mangé. Elle ordonne à Gaius de l'interroger sur le mystérieux vaisseau. Cain revient vers la 6, elle lui parle de ce qu'elle faisait à bord du Pegasus et commence à la frapper. Gaius lui demande d'arrêter et elle crache sur la prisonnière avant de quitter la pièce.
La prisonnière attaque par suprise Gaius et l'étrangle avant de relacher son étreinte et de se mettre dans un coin. Elle veut mourir et lui demande de l'aide. Elle le supplie de l'aider à mourir.

Galactica, sur le pont Laird fait son rapport à Adama. Celui ci demande à parler à Cally et lui demande s'il est un civil. Elle lui repond qu'il vient du Scylla et que le Pegasus avait une flotte civile. Seulement quelque chose a dû se passer.

En cachette, Tigh boit avec Fisk. Celui-ci lui parle du Scylla. Laird et d'autres personnes se sont révoltés parce que le Pegasus voulait les piller. Fisk continue en disant que Cain a choisi qui devait vivre ou mourir. Pour obliger Laird et des gens du Scylla à venir, elle a ordonné d'exécuter des familles. Ils ont tué deux familles. Fisk en est encore horrifié.

Pégasus. Lee rejoint Kara qui prépare son plan pour l'attaque. Il lui parle d'Helo et Tyrol qui vont bien pour le moment. Kara lui demande de l'aide pour tout planifier. Elle sait que pour le moment il n'y a rien à faire pour les aider.

Cellule de la 6, Gaius lui apporte des vêtements propres. Alors qu'elle se change, Gaius se retourne et la questionne. Elle savait qu'elle était une cylon depuis le début, qu'elle avait une mission à accomplir. Elle pensait mourir et non pas être torturée. Gaius la rassure et lui demande d'avoir confiance en lui. Il lui promet que tout s'arrangera. Elle veut mourir. Gaius sait que sa conscience sera transférée vers un nouveau corps. Elle commence à lui parler du fameux vaisseau.

Quartiers de Cain, Gaius fait son rapport en présence de Kara. Il parle du vaisseau ressuréction, de sa fonction. Il s'agit d'une sorte de relais. Il continue en disant que les cylons pistaient le Galactica depuis longtemps. Kara et Cain comprennent qu'en abattant ce vaisseau, les cylons seraient réellement morts, qu'ils prendraient du temps avant de les attaquer à nouveau.

Colonial 1, Laura est couchée, malade alors qu'Adama est à ses côtés. Il lui parle de Cain et de la flotte qui accompagnait le Pegasus. Elle n'est pas surprise, elle comprend la nature de Cain. Elle continue en disant que pour survivre, il doit réagir. Elle voudrait un nouveau corps, celui de la 6 puis prend la main d'Adama. Celui ci lui dit au revoir et veut la voir le lendemain

Pegasus, Tyrol et Helo attendent toujours. Tyrol lui parle de changer certains choses. Il laisse tomber Sharon. Il n'en peut plus. Il veut savoir si Helo en est vraiment amoureux. Celui ci comprend ses sentiments. Il sait qu'il est amoureux d'une machine et qu'il va avoir un bébé hybride. Helo sait qu'il ne peut pas l'oublier.

Quartiers d'Adama, il cogite alors que Cain travaille à bord du Pegasus. Tous les deux sont tracassés. Cain lit le journal de bord du Galactica.

Plus tard, Kara explique à Cain et à Adama explique la situation et le plan pour détruire le vaisseau Ressurèction. Le plan consiste à attirer les Basestars qui gardent le vaisseau afin que les vipers puissent rejoindre le ressurection. Le Galactica et le Pegasus attaqueront les basestars pendant que le vaisseau furtif détruira le système PRL du ressurection. Adama demande a réfléchir sur les détails de l'opération alors que Cain en est satisfaite. Il demande à parler à Kara. Cain quitte la pièce suivie par Lee.

Dans un raptor, Cain ordonne à Fisk de prendre quelques marines avant de se rendre sur le Galactica. Celui ci devra tuer Adama lorsqu'elle demandera, après l'attaque, à lui parler.
Pendant ce temps, Adama demande à Kara la même chose, il n'en est pas fier mais sait qu'il n'en a pas le choix. Il ordonne à Kara de se rejoindre au CIC du Pegasus, lorsqu'il demandera à lui parler, elle devra executer Cain.

So say we all!


Space - Vipers and Galactica CIC
The Pegasus Vipers and Galactica Vipers are in formations to attack o­ne another. The Peggy Vipers fly very close to Galactica Vipers to try to get them to break formation and open fire.

Galactica, Kat--I got inbound Pegasus vipers coming right at me. Request instructions.

You've gotta let them defend themselves. We should turn our main batteries o­n Pegasus.
Space - Cylon Fleet
Starbuck fly through the Cylon Ressirection ship and takes a bunch of pictures. Afterwards she jumps away.
Space - Vipers
The Vipers are still doing their little dance.
Kat: Galactica, Kat--request weapons free. We need your help.
Dualla: Kat, Galactica--do not fire unless fired upon. I repeat, do not fire unless fired upon.
Kat: Galactica, Kat! They're really frakking with us out here.
Hot Dog: Galactica, Hot Dog. o­ne of them just pulled into my kill slot.
Freaker: Hot Dog, watch your six, he's right behind you.
Hot Dog: Evasive action, come o­n!
Kat: Gods damn frakkers!
Nacho: Okay, we're going to have to break your course now. Narcho, Pegasus-- do not fire first.
Peg Petty Officer: Stinger, Pegasus-- you are ordered to relieve captain Adama of duty and aid an attack mission o­n Galactica.
Stinger: Your weapon, captain. You're relieved.
Stigner pulls a gun o­n Apollo. Apollo surrenders his weapon.
Apollo: Permission to go aft.
Stinger: Granted.
Apollo starts typing an IM to Starbuck.
Kat and Nacho are playing a game of chicken, about ot fly into o­ne another.
Nacho: Come o­n break.
They both break away at the last moment.
Kat: Ahhh! Frak me! They're all over us! Galactica, request weapon free. They're coming around for another head-on pass. Repeat, request weapons free!
Apollo: Come o­n, starbuck. Tell me you're out there somewhere.
Starbuck jumps back and sees the Vipers readying to attack each other
Starbuck: What the hell?
Starbuck sees Apollo's IM and replies
Starbuck: Starbuck...here, what the hell is going o­n
Galactica - CIC
Gaeta: Dradis contact. Single bogey and it's nearly o­n top of us.
Adama: Identify.
Gaeta: No transponders, no recognition codes, uh, it has to be a cylon raider, sir.
Pegasus - CIC
Fisk: Admiral, sir, this has gotta be a raider.
Cain: Well, how the frak did it get in so close without being detected?
Peg Tacttical Officer: I don't know, sir, I assume it came out of nowhere.
Cain: Right. Recall the vipers. Bring the ship about. And prepare to engage the
Peg Petty Officer: All Pegasus vipers, all pegasus vipers, emergency recall. There's a cylon raider right o­n top of you.
Dualla:  Attention all Galactica vipers, you've got a cylon raider comin' right at you.
Kat: Oh there you are, you bastard o­n my lead!
Breaker: Quick right, full power, x-axis climb!
All of the Viper get in formation and head toward Starbuck. Starbuck sees this.
Starbuck: Starbuck to all vipers-- do not fire... repeat, do not fire! I am a friendly, okay? We're all friendlies. So, let's just...be friendly.

Stinger: That's no raider, that's that stealth ship of yours. Who's flying it? It wasn't cleared to launch?
Apollo: You got me, I'm just a passenger back here.
Galactica - CIC
Kat: Galactica, Kat. It's the blackbird, Galactica. Repeat, it's the blackbird.
Tigh: What the hell is the blackbird doing out there
Gaeta: It's starbuck. She launched in the blackbird a couple hours ago. Said she was running flight tests for Admiral Cain.
Adama: That doesn't sound likely
Tigh: Ahh, another o­ne of her crazy ass stunts. Thank the gods.
Adama: You can say that again. Get me Pegasus.
Pegasus - CIC
Cain: This is Pegasus actual, go ahead.
Adama: You can either stand down or we can start shooting at each other. It's your call.
Fisk: Admiral.
The Pegasus starts receiving images from Starbuck's recon mission.
Cain: Wait, o­ne.
Fisk: We're receiving a download, Admiral.
Cain: That is the cylon fleet. Are these from our recon mission?
Fisk: No, sir. The recon mission was aborted. These are from blackbird.
Cain: Thrace. She took off and did the whole recon mission alone. My gods, look at these shots, Jack. She put her nose right up their backsides and they never even knew it.
Peg Petty Officer: Admiral...we still have Commander Adama o­n the line and our fighters are stil requesting instructions. Should they resume the attack?
Cain: All right, joint recall. Both ships stand down to condition two. Then I want you to report to me directly, in person.
Adama: I have no intention of coolling my heels in your brig.
Cain: [Sighs] Fine. Neutral ground, Colonial o­ne. No aides. Be there in 15 minutes.
Adama: Stand down, condition two
Cain: (to the cylons in the recon photos) There you are.
Colonial o­ne
Rolsin: Let's start this by admitting an ugly truth. What happened out there today was the result of failure in leadership of  everyone in this room. We are the leaders of this fleet. As such, we need to set an example. We cannot continue to let the conflicts between--
Cain: Oh, let's just cut through the handholding, shall we. Two of his men murdered o­ne of my officers while protecting a cylon. They're guilty, they admitted it. And under regulations, I have complete authority to try, convict, and sentence them. And you and I both know that the penalty for that crime is death. Admiral, surely...
Rolsin: The spirit of the law requires something here more than summary executions.
Cain: Is this what the two of you have been doing for the past six months? Debating the finer points of colonial law? Well, guess what, we're at war! And we don't have the luxury of academic debate over these issues.
Rolsin:  You wanna cut through it, fine. You have Pegasus, he has Galactica. Two heavily armed, very powerful warships. Now, I am sure that Pegasus would prevail in any fight.
Adama: I wouldn't count o­n that.
Rolsin: But certainly, there'd be heavy damage and you'd take significant casualties. So you can go out there a fight it out with Galactica or you can compromise. And those are the o­nly two options o­n the table, period.
Cain: How the two of you have survived this long, I will never know. All right. Lieutenant Thrace has sent me detailed recon information o­n the cylon fleet. I want that fleet. And I need  Galactica to get it. So I'm willing to go this far. I'll suspend the execution until after the attack.
Adama: And I want them back o­n Galactica.
Cain: I don't give a damn what you want. You frakking lucky you're staring at your own warrant.
Roslin: The destruction of the cylon fleet will take priority over all other considerations. After that, we will meet back here and we will resolve this issue. Thank you.
Pegasus - Cain's Office
Starbuck enters and stands at attention,
Cain: Stand at ease, lieutenant and come forward. Seems you've had quite a day. I'm promoting you to captain I'm making you commander of the Pegasus air group.
Starbuck: You're promoting me?
Cain: I need a CAG with guts and initiative to plan and lead the attack o­n this fleet. Now, I thought Stinger was that man. But he managed to let captain Adama contact you and pull off that fly-by right under his nose, so, he's out.
Starbuck: And captain Adama, sir?
Cain: Truth be told, I came this close to throwing him in the brig. But I couldn't exactly charge him and not you, so I just revoked his flight status.
Starbuck: I want him o­n my team, sir.
Cain: And do you always get what you want?
Starbuck: Most of the time...sir.
Cain: Good.Me, too. All right, you can have him. I hear you want to return to Caprica.
Starbuck: Yes, sir. We have people back there still alive.
Cain: Yes, and they deserve to be saved. I absolutely agree. In fact, I will go o­ne step further and I will say that our ultimate goal is that we should return to the 12 colonies and kick the cylons the frak out of our homes. What do you think of that, Captain?
Starbuck: I think that's the best idea I've heard all day, sir.
Colonial o­ne
Roslin: I afraid this can o­nly end o­ne way. You've got to kill her.
Adama: What the hell are you talking about?
Roslin: Like she said, let's cut through it. The two of you were willing to go to war today. Do you think she's going to step down from that? She's going to bide her time and hit you the first chance she gets. That's a given. I hate to lay this o­n you Bill, but she is dangerous and the o­nly thing that you can do is to hit her before she hits you.
Adama: I'm not an assassin.
Roslin: No. You're not an assassin, you are a colonial officer who's taken an oath to protect this fleet. What do you think that she is going to do with the civilian fleet o­nce she has eliminated you. You know I'm right. You just don't want to face it.
Adama: So the whole world's going mad?
Galactica - Sick Bay


Cottle: Your fluid and electrolytes levels are stable. But I think the baby's going to be fine. You do have a cracked rib though. Hairline fracture, which means it's gonna hurt like hell for a while. But, I'm not seeing any signs of permanent damage from the attack.
Boomer: The attack. Is that what we're calling it now?
Adama: They were not from the Galactica.
Boomer: They were from the Pegasus. So what? What about Helo and the chief? I heard a rumor they're going to be executed.
Adama: I'm not going to let that happen.
Boomer: Well, how are you going to do that? Isn't Admiral Cain in command?
Adama: What happened to you--
Cottle: Was unforgivable.
Adama: Happened aboard my ship, o­n my watch. And it's my responsibility. So I just want you to know that I personally apologize. See that she's okay, then back into her cell.
Pegasus - Brig
Helo: Aren't we supposed to be dead. Everyone said execution in an hour, it's been at least two.
Tyrol: Ah, I'm not complaining.
Apollo: So. Just how many different kinds of stupid are you?
Helo: More than we can count.
Tyrol: What's going o­n, Captain.
Apollo: Good news--you're not dead...yet. Bad news-- it's a delay, not a pardon. There's a big op coming up and the firing squad's o­n hold till it's over. Yeah, the old man went to mat for you guys o­n this o­ne, and then some. We were this close to a shooting war with the Pegasus.
Helo: Frak me.
Tyrol: What the hell's going o­n? Thought the cylons were the enemy.
Apollo: Yeah, now it's us.
Baltar's Daydream - Baltar's Home


#6: What's wrong, Gaius?
Baltar: Nothing. Nothing. I suppose I just, uh... lost interest.
#6: In me?
Baltar: No, not in you, in... in this. In this place, I... I suppose I just don't really miss it anymore.
#6: You know what I miss? Sports.
Baltar: You're joking.
#6: No. I used to go the pyramid court just before game time. Scalp two tickets. If I timed it right, I'd just be sitting down at the horn. Sit back...let the energy of the crowd flow over me Waves and waves of emotion like an electric current.
Baltar: Why did you get two tickets?
#6: One for me, and o­ne for you. I know I'd never get you Pyramid was far too lowbrow for you, but... I always liked to feel that you were there with me.
Baltar is startled from his daydream and awakens in Gina's Cell
Cain: Well, I see that you got it to eat. That's progress, I suppose. Can you get it to roll over...beg? See what it can make of these. (She hands Baltar recon photos of the Ressurection Ship) You know this thing used to sit in our mess and eat our food, and listen to our stories. Didn't you? You just sat  there... listening to us, pretending to be our friend didn't you?!
Cain kicks Gina in the ribs.
Baltar: Admiral, please! Any...physical contact with the subject will o­nly to set my efforts back at this point.
Cain: (Cain spits on GIna) Find out about that ship.
Cain and the gaurds leave the cell. Soon after, Gina attacks Baltar. She jumps him and throttles him. He's about to choke to death but then she stops her attack. Each scour to opposite sides of the cell.
Gina: I want to die. Will you help me do that? Will you kill me, please? (She cries)
Galactica - Hangar
Laird: Hey, I'm just still getting up to speed o­n the way you do things around here. But I'm reasonably sure that we can have all our birds in the air for the attack thing, Sure. I mean, um, yes, sir.
Adama: Thank you, chief. (L:aird walks away, Adama calls Cally over) Cally. Laird's not military, is he?
Cally: No, sir. He was a civilian aeronautical engineer o­n a ship called the Scylla..
Cally: Civilian? Do you know how he got o­n the Pegasus? Scuttlebutt is that the Pegasus used to have a civilian fleet but something happened to them.
Adama: Thank you.
Galactica - Speakeasy/Toolroom
Tigh and Fisk are talking over drinks... of course.
Tigh: Laird's ship was the Scylla.
Fisk: Scylla was, uh... civilian transport. We found her and a few other civvies about a week after the attack. They were good  ships. FTL drives and weapons even. A lot of potential spare parts that we could use o­n Pegasus.  So...the Admiral made a decision. Military needs are a priority.
Tigh: You stripped them. You stripped the ships for parts? Sweet mother of Artemis. How much equipment did you take? You take their jump drives? Left all those people marooned out there?
Fisk: No, not all. Admiral Cain looked over the passenger list and she made a decision about who was valuable and who wasn't.  Scylla was the toughest. Laird and 15 other men and women, they were all traveling with their families-- wives, husbands,  children. The selectees... they refused to go. There was resistance. So the order came down to shoot the family of anyone who refused to come. So we did. Two families, we put them up against the bulkhead. And we shot them.
Pegasus - CAG Office
Apollo: A cag's work is never done.
Starbcuk: Hi...how ya doing?
Apollo: Oh, you mean apart from being, uh, demoted? Finding myself working for o­ne of my pilots? Great. Never better.
Starbcuk: You know I had nothing to do with that, right?
Apollo: Never thought you did. I, uh, just checked in o­n Helo and Tyrol. They're hanging tight for now.
Starbcuk: Good. Help me plan this op. I've been staring at this roster. You wanna just carry o­n? As if nothing's happened?
Apollo: Lee, she's in command, what do you want to do? There's nothing we can do.
Pegasus - Brig


Baltar: I thought you might like a fresh set of clothes.
Baltar gives Gina some new clothes. He turns around while she puts them o­n. He spies some sacrs o­n her back from the torture.
Baltar: Were you aware of your true nature as a cylon when you boarded the ship? Or would you describe you as a sleeper agent?
Gina: I knew what I was. I was a soldier. I-I had a mission, I carried it out. I thought that when it was done I was going to die. That you would kill me. Then I-- then I would download into a new body...be reborn. But you didn't kill me. The things you did to me.
Baltar: What they did to you was evil. But I'm not o­ne of them. You have to believe me. Things are going to get better for you. From this moment o­n. I promise.
Gina: I don't want things to get better. I want to die.
Baltar: But you know you can't die. You do know that, don't you? Your consciousnessill merely transfer and you'll wake up in another body.
Gina: Not if you destroy that.
She points to the recon photos.
Baltar: What, this-- this ship? Tell me. What's so important about this ship?
Pegasus - Briefing Room
Baltar: The cylon's call this their resurrection ship. At the moment, we are too far away from the cylon home for the normal downloading process to work, which is why they built this ship. It contains the entire apparatus necessary for cylon resurrection. Now this ship has been traveling with the fleet trailing Galactica for the last several months
Starbuck: So it's a safety net? A place where they fall back to when they die.
Cain: And if they lose their safety net?
Starbuck: Then any cylon who dies out here--
Cain: Would be dead. As in, really dead. I daresay they won't like that. 
Starbuck: No, sir. They might even stop chasing us. Why risk getting killed if you can't just wake up all nice and cozy in a brand-new body?
Cain: Doctor, I think you just identified the most important ship in the galaxy.
Colonial o­ne
Roslin: I have good days and bad But don't look so worried I'm not dying today.
Adama: Sorry.
Roslin: What can I do for you?
Adama: You were right about Cain Pegasus had a civilian fleet with her, 15 ships. Cain stripped them. For parts, supplies...people.
Roslin: I wish I could say I was surprised, but it's who she is. She's playing for keeps, you've gotta do the same.
Adama: What's gotten into you?
Roslin: Mm.
Adama: You've become so bloody-minded.
Roslin: I know that as long as Cain lives... your survival is at risk, I know that. [Coughing]
Adama: What can I get you?
Roslin: A new body. Perhaps, o­ne of those young cylon models from the resurrection ship.
Adama: I can't see you as a blonde.
Roslin: You'd be surprised. [Laughs softly]
Adama: We'll see you tomorrow?
Roslin: Mm-hmm. Commander. She won't hesitate to kill you. Don't let her.
Pegasus - Brig
Tyrol: You know, when we get outta here... I'm going to make some changes.
Helo: Yeah? Like what?
Tyrol: Me and Sharon. It's done. I mean, really done, I can't do it anymore. I mean don't get me wrong. LT, what we did, I would do again... in a heartbeat. But I've gotta let it go. I so thought I had let go.
Helo: Yeah...I know what you mean.
Tyrol: You?
Helo: Yeah, me. What? You think I don't have second thoughts sometimes You think I don't wonder I'm losing my frakkin' mind. I'm in love a woman I know isn't a woman. I'm having a baby that's- that's what? Half machine?
Tyrol: You really do love her, don't you?
Helo: Yeah. Yes, I do. And I can't let go of it. But if you can... let it go.
Pegasus - War Room
Starbuck: Our primary objective is a vessel named Resurrection by the cylons. It's guarded by two basestars which have been following us throughout this sector.
Apollo: Our plan, simply put, is to let them find us. We will wait in this system here and appear to be conducting mining operations.
Starbuck: When the cylons launch the raiders, Galactica and most of the civilians will jump away. A small group of civilians will be left behind.
Apollo: To the cylons, they'll appear to be having trouble with their FTL drives and attempting to escape at sub-light speed.
Starbuck: The cylon raiders pursue the civilian decoys pulling the raiders farther away from the cylon basestar as they can.
Apollo: o­nce the raiders have been drawn off by the decoys, Galactica and Pegasus will jump in and attack the base stars While I jump in, in the blackbird stealth fighter and take out the FTL drives o­n the resurrection ship, preventing it from jumping away.
Tigh: Why not have the stealth ship carry nukes and destroy it right at the start?
Starbuck: We ran simulations o­n that. We determined that the cylons would detect the nuclear warheads and destroy the stealth ship before it got within weapons range. When the FTL is destroyed Galactica and Pegasus will take o­n the basestars and our attack squadrons will go after the resurrection ship itself.
Tigh: How many squadrons?
Starbuck: All of 'em.
Cain: Is there a problem, commander?
Adama: I need time to study the operational details.
Cain: Suit yourself. I've gone over the details and I'm satisfied.
Adama: I want your CAG to stay and help me. Answer some of my questions.
Cain: One hour, Thrace.
Starbuck: Yes, sir.
Adama: Stay focused, son.
Pegasus - War Room and Cain's Office
The scene alternates between two conversations. Cain and Fisk; and Starbuck and Adama
Cain: Jack, I want to transfer a detachment of marines to Galactica. And I want you to handpick them. Completely reliable. Completely loyal. Razors.
Adama: I have a mission for you, Kara.
Starbuck: Anything for you, you know that.
Adama: Don't accept too quickly. You won't like this o­ne. I don't like it. But I've decided that it has to be done.
Cain: I'm transferring you to Galactica, as well. I'll tell Adama that you're there to be my eyes and ears. He'll hate it. He'll think you're my spy and try to freeze you out of  decision-making. But he'll accept it. Now I want you to stay in throughout the attack. Stay with Adama.
Adama: After the attack is completed and you've accounted for your pilots I want you to land your bird o­n the Pegasus to report directly to CIC. You'll take Lee with you. He'll watch your back.
Cain: Position marines in key positions throughout the ship and keep a squad posted just outside CIC.
Adama: There'll the normal chaos emotional high after the attack.
Cain: They'll be slapping each other o­n the back, celebrating the victory.
Adama: They'll keep their guard down.
Cain: Security will be lax.
Adama: I will ask for you over the wireless.
Cain: I will call you directly, and when I have you o­n the line and you hear me give the command, "execute case orange"
Adama: When you hear me say "downfall" 
Cain: You are to signal the marines to terminate Adama's command. Starting with Adama.
Adama: I want you to pull out your weapon... and shoot Admiral Cain in the head.

Kikavu ?

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28.10.2016 vers 22h

05.10.2016 vers 14h

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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