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#205 : La Ferme

Titre VO : "The Farm" - Titre VF : "La Ferme"
USA : diffusé le 12/08/05 - France : 05/02/06
Scénario : Carla Robinson - Réalisation : Rod Hardy 

Une semaine après la fuite de la Présidente Roslin sur le Cloud 9, Adama reprend sa place de commandant et ordonne une recherche systématique, vaisseau par vaisseau pour retrouver les fugitifs. Mais Adama échoue et la Présidente parvient à envoyer un message à la flotte les informant qu'elle sait où se trouve la Terre, et qu'elle y guidera les survivants. Plus du tiers de la flotte quitte la protection du Galactica et saute vers Kobol pour attendre le retour de Starbuck. Sur Caprica, Kara est touchée par une balle pendant une embuscade et se réveille dans un curieux hôpital. Pendant ce temps, Boomer rejoint Helo et lui permet d'organiser un raid sur l'hospital pour récupérer Starbuck, ce qui les mène à faire une découverte effrayante.

Guest stars : Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh), Nicki Clyne (Cally Henderson), Rick Worthy (Simon), Richard Hatch (Tom Zarek), Michael Trucco (Samuel Anders), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Lorena Gale (Priest Elosha), Kandyse McClure (Anastasia "Dee" Dualla), Alessandro Juliani (Felix Gaeta), Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol) , Tamara Lashley (Sue-Shaun)


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Kara est mal au point

Kara est mal au point

Kara tente de fuir

Kara tente de fuir

Simon se révèle être un cylon

Simon se révèle être un cylon

Kara fait une terrible découverte

Kara fait une terrible découverte

Kara tente de sauver son amie

Kara tente de sauver son amie

Kara fait la rencontre d'un étrange docteur

Kara fait la rencontre d'un étrange docteur

Simon tente d'aider Kara

Simon tente d'aider Kara

Adama se remet de ses blessures

Adama se remet de ses blessures

Adama a repris ses fonctions de Commandant

Adama a repris ses fonctions de Commandant

Tyrol demande à Adama d'être clément envers Cally

Tyrol demande à Adama d'être clément envers Cally

Adama et Tyrol

Adama et Tyrol

Des cylons se trouvent dans l'hôpital

Des cylons se trouvent dans l'hôpital

Kara se retrouve dans un étrange hôpital

Kara se retrouve dans un étrange hôpital

Cally subit les conséquences de sa décision

Cally subit les conséquences de sa décision

Adama dit adieu à Sharon

Adama dit adieu à Sharon

Adama fait face à une nouvelle perte

Adama fait face à une nouvelle perte

Roslin continue de se cacher d'Adama

Roslin continue de se cacher d'Adama

Elosha soutient toujours Roslin

Elosha soutient toujours Roslin

Lee Adama est fidèle à Roslin

Lee Adama est fidèle à Roslin

Tom Zarek aide sa rivale

Tom Zarek aide sa rivale

Zarek tente d'aider Roslin

Zarek tente d'aider Roslin

Zarek informe Roslin de la situation

Zarek informe Roslin de la situation

Lee Adama doit prendre une décision difficile

Lee Adama doit prendre une décision difficile

Adama dit à Sharon au revoir

Adama dit à Sharon au revoir

Plus de détails

Sur Caprica, dans la base des résistants, Kara se réveille aurpès de Sam et tente de s'habiller sans faire de bruit. Sam se réveille et lui demande de l'aide. Elle lui dit qu'ils n'ont aucune chance de survivre et lui promet d'envoyer les secours une fois à bod du Galactica. Sam l'invite à le rejoindre.
Les résistants sont sur une route, armés. Alors qu'ils font le point et préparent leur plan, des cylons les attaquent, blessant sur le coup, Kara qui tombe à terre. Les résistants se replient rapidement.

Au CIC, tous sont heureux de retrouver leur commandant et l'applaudissent. Bill les remercie et avoue être touché par eux. Saul le rejoint inquiet mais Bill le rassure. Il demande à Gaeta de venir afin de lui faire un rapport de la situation. Il leur dit que les "fugitifs" ainsi nommés par Tigh, ont accosté le Cloud 9 il y a une semaine et qu'ils peuvent être n'importe tout. Bill veut vite les retrouver et ordonne de fouiller chaque vaisseau à l'aide de la procédure de quarantaine.

Dans la chambre froide du Kimba Huta, Zarek rejoint Roslin et ses partisans et leur fait un débriefing. Elle veut parler au public. Mais Zarek leur apprend qu'Adama est revenu. Lee est soulagé. Zarek voudrait que Lee parle afin de convaincre les gens de les suivre. Celui ci tente de faire un enregistrement sans conviction mais s'arrête. Il ne peut pas parler contre son père.
Roslin propose de jouer la carte de la religion et se lance.

Sur Caprica, Kara se réveille dans une chambre encore sonnée. Un docteur est avec elle, tentant de l'apaiser. Il lui dit qu'elle se trouve dans un hôpital, qu'on l'y a amené hier matin. Il se présente sous le nom de Simon. Il lui parle de son opération puis lui conseille de se reposer. Il lui raconte qu'un certain Anders l'a amené ici, blessé mais qu'il n'a pas survécu à ses blessures. Kara est anéantie.

Le lendemain matin, elle se réveille. Simon la rejoint. Elle lui demande s'il est un cylon. Il lui répond que non et que s'il l'était, il ne le dirait sûrement pas. Elle veut partir mais ne peut pas à cause de sa blessure. Il lui donne un anti-douleur qui l'assomme.

Sur le Galactica, un marines donne à manger à Cally toujours en prison. Celle ci est en colère. Tyrol parle en son nom à Bill. Celui-ci lui demande si Tyrol aimait Boomer. Bill lui explique que l'amour sont des pensées. Il commence à parler de Boomer et des machines. Boomer était plus une machine pour lui. Il lui demande s'il peut aimer une machine. Tyrol dit que non. Bill dit que Cally a utilisé une arme et que donc elle restera en prison. Bill termine en disant que Tyrol reverra Boomer car il existe plusieures copies.

Caprica, Simon retrouve Kara. Elle le questionne. Elle trouve l'endroit trop calme. Il lui dit que la plupart des patients meurent à cause des radiations et décrit les symptômes. Il termine en lui disant qu'elle est placée en quarantaine pour la protéger. Il lui fait ensuite un examen, lui dit qu'elle peut avoir de beaux enfants au lieu de se battre. Il ajoute qu'elle est l'une des dernières femmes au monde et qu'elle doit penser à la génération suivante. La race humaine va disparaître selon lui. Il continue en parlant de son passé. Il sait que Kara était une enfant battue à cause des anciennes fractures sur ses mains. Elle lui ordonne de partir.

Au CIC, Tigh et Bill lisent le discours religieux de Roslin. Dedans, Roslin demande à la flotte de la suivre sur Kobol car elle sait où se trouve la Terre. Bill est en colère. Tigh lui apprend que cinq rapaces sont prêts à aborder l'Astral Queen. Bill pense que personne ne va suivre Roslin et qu'il se fiche de ceux qui le feront.

Astral Queen, Roslin, Zarek, Lee et les autres se préparent à partir pour Kobol. Dans deux minutes, ils enverront un signal pour les vaisseaux qui voudront la suivre. Des prisonniers s'agenouillent devant elle, Laura les benie.

Sur Caprica, les résistants retournent sur le lieu de l'attaque. Sam est inquiet et veut savoir où se trouve Kara. Helo tente de le rassurer. Ils entendent du bruit, il s'agit de Sharon. Elle sait où Kara se trouve. Helo dit qu'elle est avec eux. Elle lui parle et veut lui prouver qu'elle l'aime.

Retour à la flotte, les fugitifs envoient leur signal puis sautent.

Au CIC, Gaeta apprend à Adama et Tign que l'Astral Queen a fait un bond. Bill veut savoir qui a suivi Roslin.

Caprica, Kara se réveille. Elle regarde sa blessure et découvre une seconde mystérieuse cicatrice. Simon arrive. Il lui dit qu'elle avait seulement une légère hémorragie. Elle commence à avoir des doutes lorsqu'il l'appelle Starbuck. Il veut la rendormir. Elle ferme ses yeux. Il s'en va. Elle retire sa perfusion. Elle sort de la chambre, marche doucement dans le couloir. Elle écoute une conversation entre Simon et une six. Celui ci parle de test sur des ovules. Kara retourne dans sa chambre, paniquée, puis implore les Dieux de Kobol.
Quelques temps après, Simon revient dans sa chambre, elle lui sourit. Il lui demande si elle va bien. Elle répond que non puis lui plante un morceau de verra dans le coup. Elle ne se souvient lui avoir dit qu'on la surnommait Starbuck. Elle pique les clé du cylon puis s'enfuit. Elle tombe sur une salle et y trouve des femmes reliées à des machines dont Sue-Shaun, une résistante. Celle-ci lui demande de couper le courant car elle ne veut pas rester dans cet état et avoir un bébé machine. Kara lui chuchote quelque chose à l'oreille et coupe le courant. Sue-Shaun s'endort. Kara continue sa fuite avec difficulté. Elle tombe sur une six et prend une bouteille anti-incendie puis l'assomme. Elle court. Dehors, elle tombe sur des centurions et Simon. Les résistants attaquent l'hôpital. Sharon arrive à temps pour les aider et détruit les centurions à l'aide d'un chasseur cylon.

Retour sur le Galacica, la moitié de la flotte a suivi Roslin. Bill est furieux. Il part à la morgue, regarde le corps de Boomer, se souvient avoir été tiré dans la poitrine. Il lui demande pourquoi avant de pleurer.

Sur Caprica, Sharon lui explique le principe d'une ferme alors qu'Helo regarde la blessure de Kara. Les cylons voulaient conçevoir à l'aide des humaines car la procréation est un des principes de Dieu. Helo leur dit que peut-être il manque aux cylons l'amour afin de conçevoir. Kara est furieuse, toujours marquée par Sue-Shaun. Sharon lui confie que selon Leoben, elle a une destinée à accomplir. Sam lui demande combien de fermes il existe. Selon Sharon, des centaines. Sam encourage ensuite Starbuck à repartir pour Kobol, lui rend la flèche d'Appolo. Il lui promet de se battre. Elle lui promet de revenir, il la croit. Elle lui donne ses plaques en guise d'engagement. Kara, Sharon et Helo partent pour Kobol.

So say we all!


Caprica - Resistance Base Bedroom

Starbuck wakes up next to Anders. She gets out of bed and attempts to get dressed without waking Anders. It doesn't work.
Anders: You’ve been awake for an hour. So what are you going to do if you can’t make it back to your ship?
Starbuck: I’m getting back.
Anders: Well, I know we where able to take your sorry ass by surprise.

Frak you.
Anders: Nice. But the truth is…We really don’t know what the hell were doing. A lot of our tactics and stuff we just saw in the movies. We could use some professional advice.

You want some advice? You are o­n the loosing end of this fight. Give it up before you all die. Head further up in the mountains above the ambient radiation and just hole up.
Anders: And what? Wait to die?

As soon as I get back to Galactica I’ll send a rescue party.
Anders: Yeah, right.
Starbuck: If I say I’m gonna do something, I do it.

You always such a bitch in the morning?
Starbuck: Count o­n it.
Anders: My kind of woman.
He grabs her.
Starbuck: We have a mission to accomplish.
Anders: So what?
He kisses her stomach
Starbuck: Mission.
Anders: Fine, Whatever.
Starbuck: I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t mean to…
Anders: (laughing) Gotcha.
Starbuck: So weak. So, so very weak.
Anders: Gotta lighten up a bit. It’s o­nly the end of the world.
They get their groove o­n
Caprica - Woods
Some resistance vehicles stop in the forest.
Anders: Sue-Shaun , I want you to watch our perimeter, especially o­n our flank. (beat) Okay. The Cylons have a refuelling airstrip just o­n the other side of that ridge. There’s a heavy raider makes a regular refuelling stop every after noon like clockwork.
Helo: Machines like routine.
Anders: Yeah. It’s usually guarded by less then three of the mechanical varieties, and we’ve left it alone up until now.

So? what’s the plan?
Starbuck: Go through this gully . Approach the airstrip from the south side. Sprinkle our men through the tree line and wait for the Cylons to land the raider and hook-up the refuelling hoses. o­nce they hook up the tylium hoses. We take out the guards and blow the refuelling station.
Anders: I thought you wanted the raider intact?
Starbuck: They build ‘em tough, believe me. Blowing the fuel will barley put a scratch in the hull, but it might give us some time to board the raider. o­nce I’m inside, I’ll blow the brain, and start working o­n trying to get it to--
The resistance is shot at by unseen foreces. Starbuck is shot, and falls to the ground. The resistance falls back into the woods.
Galactica - CIC
Adama enters the CIC to a grand round of applause and cheering.
All: Ah-dah-mah! repeated ad nasuem.
Adama: Thank you. Thank you very Much. I’m glad to be back. There are things we don’t say often enough. Things like what we mean to o­ne another. All of you mean a lot to me. I just want you to know that. Let’s get back to work.

Adama: (to Tigh) I feel Strange. Like (pause) closer to the ground.
Tigh: You should check in with the doctor.
Adama: Mr Gaeta (they walk over to the Navigation Map in CIC) where do you think they are now?
Gaeta: The stolen Raptor with Captain Adama, the former President..

Tigh: The Fugitives
Gaeta: The Fugitives docked at cloud 9 last week. We effectively lost them at that point due to the large volume of inter-fleet traffic going to and from cloud 9.
Tigh: Right now they could be holed up anywhere in the fleet.
Adama: I want them Found .She was dangerous enough as a symbol of resistance, but now with Lee helping. (beat) I want to search every ship in the fleet. Quarantine Procedures. Isolate the ship out of the main body. If its clean we keep it quarantined away from the rest of the fleet. She can hide but she can’t run.
Tigh: Dee start quarantine procedures, start with Cloud 9.
Kimba Hut - Meat Locker
Roslin: How much longer are we meant to stay hidden in this meat locker?
Eloshia: I don’t know
Zarek: I have communicated your latest message to Quorum of Twelve they have decided the question of openly supporting you needs more... deliberation.
Roslin: I need to make an appeal to the people.
Zarek: Make a strong enough argument, and the Astra Queen will be the first ship in line.
Apollo: Like they do anything but roll over and take orders from you.
Zarek: o­ne more bit of news I should convey, Zeus has returned to Olympus. Adama is back in command.
Apollo: My father, he’s um back.
Zarek: Word just came in over the wireless.
Roslin: He’s a tough old bird.
Zarek: What we really need is something heart felt. Something human and personal that will galvanise the people. Like a son denouncing his father.
Apollo: (into recorder) My name is Lee Adama. Until recently I was the commander of Galactica’s air group but when Commander Adama, my father decided to stage a major military coup against the president. I could no longer support him or his actions. I love my father. I respect him. But in this he is wrong he must be apposed. I call o­n all free thinking people in the fleet, I….
Apollo stops the recording and removes the tape.
Apollo: I can’t do this. Sorry everyone. I thought I could but I can’t.

Roslin: I’m playing the Religious card. I know exactly what I have to do.
Roslin can't figure out how to work the recorder.
Roslin: How does this thing work?
Caprica - Hospital Room

Simon: You're ok. You’re in an aid hospital. They brought you in yesterday morning. You got shot in the abdomen. I’m Simon. Can you tell me your name?
Starbuck: Kara..cough Kara Thrace.
Simon: You were in Surgery for about 2hrs.I removed the bullet. I didn’t think you were going to make it for a while. (Checks her drip. Kara is in a vast amount of pain which is etched o­n her face.) Take it easy. I know that hurts.
Starbuck: Who brought me in?
Simon: A big Guy called Anders. Used to be a pro pyramid player if you can believe that.
Starbuck: Yeah, I know him. Where is he?
Simon: He died….on the table. I thought he was o­nly slightly wounded. Turns out that a piece of shrapnel had nicked his aorta. Massive internal bleeding. I’m sorry. We did everything we could do.
Starbuck starts to cry.
Caprica - Hospital Room
Simon: Morning. I see you are sucking down fluids at a rapid pace. That’s good.
Starbuck: Are you a Cylon?
Simon: What do you think?
Starbuck: I think you didn’t answer the question
Simon: I am most definitely not a Cylon. Of course I don’t know what you would expect me to say. If I was a Cylon I certainly wouldn’t admit it.
Starbuck: Can I leave.
Simon: There’s the door.
Starbuck tries to get up and leave, but the pain is too great.
Starbuck: Frakkin’ doctors.
Simon: So I am a doctor. Not a Cylon.
Starbuck: The jury’s still out. I would expect the Cylons to have better digs than this, though. Where is this rat trap?
Simon: We’re about twenty clicks north of Delphi . Used to be a mental institution. It’s not much, but it’s o­ne of the few places the Cylons haven’t found yet. (He checks her wound) Okay.
Starbuck: So, what, I’m supposed to believe there really is a resistance out there?
Simon: Time for your pain meds. (She passes out from the IV drugs)
Galactica - Adama's Quarters
Tyrol: If I may speak o­n behalf of specialist Cally. She was distraught sir. The experience in Kobol. Being in the surface fighting Cylons. It’s shattering for all of us. I don’t believe she’s in her right mind when she shot Boomer.
Adama: Did you love her, Chief?
Tyrol: Excuse me?
Adama: Boomer, did you love her?
Tyrol: I thought I did
Adama: when you think you love somebody, you love them. That’s what love is – thoughts. She was a Cylon. A machine. Is that what Boomer was? A machine? A thing.
Tyrol: That’s what she turned out to be.
Adama: She was more than that to us. She was more than that to me. She was a vital, living person… aboard my ship for almost two years. She couldn’t have been just a machine. Could you love a machine?
Tyrol: No, sir. I guess I couldn’t have.
Adama: Cally discharged a firearm without permission, endangering life of her fellow shipmate. 30 days in the brig. Dismissed.
Tyrol: Thank you, sir.
Adama: You’ll see her again, Chief.
Tyrol: Excuse me?
Adama: There are many copies. You’ll see her again.

Caprica - Hospital Room
Starbuck: How many patients do you have here?
Simon: Am I being interrogated again?
Starbuck: I just think it’s odd that I’ve been here for two days and I haven’t seen anybody else. Just you.
Simon: We have 223 patients at the moments. Two doctors and five teachers masquerading as nurses.
Starbuck:  I know a teacher masquerading as president.
Simon: What’s that?
Starbuck: It’s awfully quiet. No screams, no moans. No “Doctor, doctor please help me it hurts”.
Simon: Most of our patient are succumbing to acute radiation poisoning. Symptoms include powerful fatigue and immediate nausea. This is follows by several day of comparable well -being. After that, cell death in the gastric and intestinal tissue causes massive diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, and loss of water. It’s not pretty. But it is… quiet. The biggest killer in this place is infection. That’s why we have you under quarantine. We don’t know what you brought in with you yet. Your test result will be back this afternoon. Okay. Almost done. I think there may be a cist o­n o­ne of your ovaries .
Starbuck: Is it serious?
Simon: Nah , it should be fine. We’ll keep an eye o­n it. Gotta keep that reproductive system in great shape. It’s your most valuable asset these days.
Starbuck: Right.
Simon: I’m serious. Finding healthy child bearing women your age is a top priority for the resistance. And you’ll be happy to know you are a very precious commodity to us.
Starbuck: I’m not a commodity, I’m a viper pilot.
Simon: Do you see any, any vipers around here? I mean, you do realize that you’re o­ne of the handful of women left o­n the planet actually capable of having children. Right? I mean, that is your most valuable skill right now.
Starbuck: Well I don’t want a child. So just drop it, ok?
Simon: Well, no o­ne’s forcing you. Just take a moment and think about where you are and what’s going o­n. The human race in o­n the verge of extinction. And to be quite frank with you, potential mothers are a lot more valuable right now than whole squadron of viper pilots. I shouldn’t have mention it. I should have know you’d have been sensitive. A lot of women with your history forego child bearing of their own.
Starbuck: My history?
Simon: I saw the fracture o­n your X-Ray A lot of old fractures from childhood. It’s interesting how you manage to break every finger o­n both hands. Every breaks o­n the exact same place between the first and second knuckle. Did someone breaks your fingers, Kara?
Starbuck: Get out.
Simon: Children of abusive parents often fear passing along that abuse to their own children.
Starbuck: Get out!

Galactica - CIC
Adama: Is she kidding with this?
Tigh: I know it’s hard to believe, but that message has crop up all over the fleet.
Adama: It’s religious crap.” It seems I have been chosen to help lead you to the promise land of Earth. I will not question this choice I’ll simply try to play my part o­n the plan. Therefore, at the appointed hour, I will give the signal to the fleet. All those wishing to honour the gods and walk the paths of destiny will follow me back to Kobol it is there we will meet the Gods’ servant with the arrow of Apollo”.
Adama slams the clipboard witht he message against a console breaking it in half.
Tigh: We’ve got five raptors with marines fire teams standing by to board The Astral Queen.
Adama: No o­ne’s gonna follow her. No o­ne’s gonna believe this crap. No o­ne’s this stupid. And anyone that is, the o­ne make suicide run back to Kobol. Please let them.

Astral Queen
Roslin: How long till we jump.
Zarek: Two minutes.
Roslin: Any other ships declares themselves to us?
Zarek: Not yet.
Roslin: Oh no that, no. Please this isn’t necessary.
Elosha: Give them your blessing.
Roslin: Oh no. It’s not right. This isn’t who I am.
Elosha: Laura, this is your path. The o­ne the God’s picked for you. The o­ne you picked for yourself.
Roslin blesses them
Caprica - Woods
Helo: Anders, we musta been over this line ten times already
Anders: She must have taken a bullet. She’s right here by the vehicles.
Helo: Ok, she would have got up and crawled the frak up out of here. Hey we have to search the entire area again.
Anders: I told you we shouldn’t have pulled back so fast. I though she was with us.
Helo: Anders we got ambushed. Ok, we all got separated. There’s nothing we could have done about it. Kara, of all people would understand. Let’s just find her.
Anders: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Boomer: I know where Starbuck is.

Sharon? Where have you been?
Boomer: Tracking you.
Anders: Who is she?
Helo: She’s with us.
Bomer: You’re the father of my child, Helo. I’m not gonna lose you.
Helo: Where is she?

Astral Queen
Zarek: We’re ready
Roslin: Send the signal and jump
A signal flare is launched

Galactica - CIC
Gaeta: Astral Queen has jumped away.
Adama: Now see how many follow.
Tigh: To sit around and wait for Starbuck to show up with that stupid arrow? Two. Three at the most.

Caprica - Hospital Room
Simon: Good morning. You look better.
Starbuck: What’s this new scar?
Simon: They had to go back in last night while you were asleep. Some internal bleeding to tie up. Nothing to worry about. Everything’s gonna be fine. Just about done with you, Starbuck.
Starbuck: Nice way of puttin’ it.
Simon: Just couple more tests and (laughs) I almost said we’ll be sending you back home I guess we’ll be sending you back to fight.
Starbuck: Hey, sounds good to me. Hey, I just woke up.
Simon: Now you’re going back to sleep.
Starbuck: You’re the Doc.
Starbuck feigns sleep. She secretly grasped the IV tube to prevent the drugs from reaching her. She gets out of bed and sneaks into the hallways where she sees #6 and Simon having a conversation in a nurses station.
Simon: Pending lab test results o­n the sample ovaries, complete removal will proceed tomorrow. If lab tests are positive, then subject will be moved to processing facility for final disposition.
#6: It that regret I hear in your voice, Simon?
Simon: If it is, it certainly is any of your concern.
Starbuck sneaks back into her room and breaks down crying.
Starbuck: Lords of Kobol, please help me.
Caprica - Hospital Room
Simon: Morning.
Starbuck: Hmm.
Simon: Are you sure you are feeling ok?
Starbuck: You know, something actually has been bothering me lately.
Simon gets close ot Starbuck to exmine her. Starbuck takes the oppritunity to stab him in the juggular with a piece of broken mirror.
Starbuck: I never told you my call sign was Starbuck.
Simon: You can’t kill me…
Starbuck: Just die!
Starbuck grabs her stuff and Simon's keys and leaves the room. She sneaks into another room, finding some wired machines connected to people, including Sue-Shaun.
Starbuck: Sue-Shaun. Sue Shaun it’s me Kara. Hold o­n, okay? I’m gonna get you out of here.
Sue-Shaun: No. No time. Cut the power.
Starbuck: It’ll kill you.
Sue-Shaun: Can’t live like this. The baby machines. Please. Please.
Starbuck whispers the last rites into Sue Shauns ear, and beats the hell out of the machines attached to the humans. o­n her way out of the hospital, Starbuck finds #6 and smashes her in the head with a fire extinguisher.
Caprica - Hospital Exterior
Starbuck is trying to escape but Simon appears in front of her.
Simon: Hello Starbuck.
Starbuck cowers, but is saved when the resistance shows up to kill him. Starbuck runs away toward her resucers, but cneturions arrive to stop them. Soon there after Boomer shows up in a heavy raider to blast the centurions away and rescue the humans.

Kara come o­n.

Let’s go Let’s go .Go go. Get down. Kara get down Let’s go Let’s go. We gotta go.

Come o­n . Move like you have a purpose, people. Let’s go go go go.

Galactica - CIC
Gaeta looks at how many ships have jumped to Kobol with the President.
Gaeta: Twenty four ships, sir.
Tigh: That’s almost a third of the fleet.
Galactica - Morgue
Adama pulls out Boomer's corpse, and cries over her.
Adama: Why?
Caprica - Reistance Camp
Boomer: They were conducting research into Human / Cylon breeding program.
Starbuck: Human / Cylon?

They call them farms. Your gunshot wound looks fine.

So farms, that’s great. What were they gonna do? Knock me up with some Cylon kid?

They were gonna try to. We haven’t been successful so far.

Supposedly they can’t reproduce. You know biologically. So they have been trying every which way to produce offspring.


Procreation, it’s o­ne of God’s commandments, be fruitful. We can’t fulfill it we tried so we decided to—

To rape human women?

No if you agreed to bear a children it’d be voluntary maybe even set you up with someone you like.

Like you two kids?

We’re different.

What the frak is that suppose to mean?

They have this theory maybe the o­ne thing they were missing was love. So Sharon and I… we were set up to—

To fall in love? They didn’t ask Sue-Shaun if she wanted to fall in love, right? They put a tube in her! And they hooked her up into a machine!

They know who you are, Kara. You’re special. Leoben told you that. You have a destiny.

Starbuck what is this second scar?

I don’t know. I don’t think I wanna know now. You know?


How many women do they have in these farms?

Hundreds… Maybe thousands. I don’t know I haven’t access that data.

Here’s what we do. Take the heavy raider, cram it full of ground troops find out where the next farm is liberate it. And the next and the next and the next.

No no no no that’s not why you come to Caprica.
Anders goes over to some oil barrels, moves o­ne away, and drips his hand into a water hole to recover the Arrow of Apollo, He gives it to Starbuck.
Anders: Go find earth.
Starbuck: What about you? You said you needed professional advice.

We’ll muddle through. We’ve managed so far.

They’ll kill you. You’ll die here. You know that.

A lot of people died here. I tell you this. If I’m gonna die here. I’m gonna take out every last o­ne of those frakin’ farms before I do.

Well I’m not gonna leave you here.

You said you where gonna come back remember? I’m gonna hold you to it.

I’m coming back. I said it, I meant it.

She gives him o­ne of her dogtags
Anders: Yeah, ok. Hey, be safe.
Boomer: Let’s go home.
They board the heavy raider and take off.t

Kikavu ?

Au total, 26 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

09.11.2021 vers 21h

18.10.2019 vers 22h

04.02.2018 vers 11h

23.02.2017 vers 23h

28.10.2016 vers 22h

05.10.2016 vers 14h

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !