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#203 : Tentation du Pouvoir

Titre VO : "Fragged" - Titre VF : "Tentation du Pouvoir"
USA : diffusé le 29/07/05 - France : 29/01/06
Scénario : Nicole Yorkin, Dawn Prestwich - Réalisation : Sergio Mimica-Gezzan

Le Commandant Adama est toujours en chirurgie. Les quelques humains survivants du crash du Raptor sur Kobol tentent de trouver un moyen de survivre lorsqu'ils découvrent un groupe de Cylons en train de construire une arme anti-aérienne destinée à éliminer l'équipe de secours du Galactica qui ne va pas tarder à arriver sur Kobol. Crashdown est maintenant le plus gradé et doit mettre en place un plan d'attaque pour empêcher les Cylons d'utiliser cette arme. Pendant ce temps, sur le Galactica, la Présidente Roslin est en manque de médicaments, et le Colonel Tigh est confronté aux représentants des 12 colonies. Ne pouvant supporter que le conseil interfère, Tigh déclare la loi martiale dans la flotte.

Guest stars : Kate Vernon (Ellen Tigh), Donnelly Rhodes (Doc Cottle), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Nicki Clyne (Cally Henderson), Paul Campbell (Billy Keikeya), Sam Witwer (Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo), Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol), Alessandro Juliani (Felix Gaeta), Kandyse McClure (Anastasia "Dee" Dualla), Richard Hatch (Tom Zarek), Jennifer Halley (Diana Seelix), Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh), Kerry Norton (Layne Ishay), Chris Shields (Cpl. Venner), Leah Cairns (Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson) , Patricia Idlette (Sarah Porter), Kurt Evans (Paramedic Howard Kim), Malcolm Stewart (Marshall Bagot)


5 - 1 vote


Scène coupée 1 - Billy & Roslin

Scène coupée 1 - Billy & Roslin


Photos promo

Lee Adama est prisonnier de Tigh

Lee Adama est prisonnier de Tigh

Les Tigh dans leurs quartiers

Les Tigh dans leurs quartiers

Ellen Tigh profite d'un verre

Ellen Tigh profite d'un verre

Saul Tigh en plein travail

Saul Tigh en plein travail

Crashdown prend au sérieux son rôle de leader

Crashdown prend au sérieux son rôle de leader

Tyrol obéit à Crashdown

Tyrol obéit à Crashdown

Le groupe met au point un plan contre les cylons

Le groupe met au point un plan contre les cylons

Baltar semble effrayé

Baltar semble effrayé

Baltar ne semble pas s'intégrer

Baltar ne semble pas s'intégrer

Les cylons attaquent !

Les cylons attaquent !

Le groupe espionne les cylons

Le groupe espionne les cylons

Zarek cherche à comprendre ce qui se passe à bord du Galactica

Zarek cherche à comprendre ce qui se passe à bord du Galactica

Tom Zarek demande des explications à Tigh

Tom Zarek demande des explications à Tigh

Baltar et Mind/Six discutent

Baltar et Mind/Six discutent

Ellen rend visite à Roslin

Ellen rend visite à Roslin

Le Quorum rend visite à Roslin

Le Quorum rend visite à Roslin

Qu'arrive t-il à Roslin?

Qu'arrive t-il à Roslin?

Zarek tente de comprendre la vérité

Zarek tente de comprendre la vérité

Roslin en pleine interview

Roslin en pleine interview

Tom Zarek prend la pose

Tom Zarek prend la pose

Mind/Six toujours un top modèle

Mind/Six toujours un top modèle

Mind/Six semble dans ses pensées

Mind/Six semble dans ses pensées

Tigh ordonne la loi martiale

Tigh ordonne la loi martiale

Baltar et Mind/Six

Baltar et Mind/Six

Le groupe tente de comprendre la mission des cylons sur la planète

Le groupe tente de comprendre la mission des cylons sur la planète

Plus de détails

 Sur Kobol, Cally, Tyrol, Seelix, Baltar et Crashdown assistent aux funérailles de Tarn et de Socinus. So say we all. Six parle à Baltar. Elle lui dit que rien ne les attend après la mort, pas même la vie éternelle mais seulement l'oubli parce qu'ils sont morts sur Kobol. Tyrol annonce le départ en appelant Baltar "doc", ce que ne supporte pas Baltar qui veut qu'on l'appelle "docteur". Crashdown prend les plaques des défunts posées sur une branche d'arbre. Ils quittent les lieux.


Plus tard, ils remarquent des cylons. Ils comprennent que les cylons démontent leur vaisseau pour fabriquer un missile capable de détruire toute la vallée.


A bord du Galactica, Billy attend dans un couloir. Cottle arrive et râle. Il est inquiet pour la santé du Commandant Adama. En arrivant à l'infirmerie, Ishay fait son rapport. Adama continue de saigner quelque part. Cottle décide de l'opérer d'urgence. Tigh lui demande si Adama peut s'en sortir, Cottle ne sait pas.


Tigh insiste à l'opération, inquiet. Il décide de sortir de l'infirmerie et boit un verre. Billy est derrière lui et lui demande des nouvelles. Il demande pourquoi Billy n'est pas en prison. Il répond que personne ne l'a arrêté.


Au CIC, Tigh observe les écrans Dradis et voit que Lee prépare une mission de sauvetage pour l'équipe piégée sur Kobol. Tigh s'emporte, ne comprenant plus rien. Il lui dit de continuer après une discussion houleuse avec Lee et veut un rapport. Lee lui explique qu'il est possible de les sauver. Gaeta attend derrière Tigh et lui annonce que la presse insiste pour parler au pauvre Colonel. Tigh refuse. Dee lui apprend que le Quorum exige de le voir. Lee lance avec ironie qu'il est dur d'être le commandant d'un battlestar. Tigh ira les voir plus tard.


Pendant ce temps, en cellule, Roslin fait un cauchemar et se réveille brutalement, effrayant le Caporal Vanner et Billy. Elle est de plus en plus malade et a besoin de ses médicaments.Elle est en manque de chamalla. Billy cherche à lui en procurer.


Sur Kobol, le groupe de survivants espionne les cylons. Baltar est inquiet. Avec Six, il se projette dans son ancien appartement et discutent sur la mort. Six lui dit que les humains ont inventé le meurtre. Baltar dit que les cylons font de même. Mais Six insiste que les cylons sont les enfants des humains. Elle dit que Dieu a un projet, que leur futur enfant est un salue et que Baltar doit tout faire pour le protéger mais Baltar n'est pas prêt. Six lui lance "sois un homme" .


Retour sur Kobol, Tyrol remarque quelque chose d'étrange: les cylons fabriquent un dradis version cylon qui agirait contre les secours du Galactica afin de les abattre.


Sur le Galactica, au hangar, Lee fait son rapport à Tigh et dit qu'il sera prêt dans 90 minutes. Tigh est choqué, il veut que les secours aillent plus vite sinon il remet Lee au trou. Dee est auprès de lui, elle lui confirme que le Quorum l'attend. Il voudrait qu'elle parle à sa place mais elle lui apprend qu'elle n'aime pas parler en public.


Au carré, le Quorum se plaint tandis que Tigh explique avec rigueur la situation. Ils ont peur. Zarek prend la parole en disant qu'Adama voulait instaurer la loi martiale. Mais Tigh dit qu'il ne veut pas déclarer cette loi, qu'elle révulse Adama. Zarek voudrait voir la Présidente. Tigh quitte la pièce, agacé.


En prison, Roslin rêve et délire. Ellen Tigh tente de la réveiller afin de savoir si elle a besoin de quelque chose. Cependant, Roslin ne la reconnait pas et veut parler à son avocat. Ellen part. A ce moment là, Roslin comprend qu'elle vient de faire une erreur et se souvient qu'Ellen est la femme de Tigh. Son état fait pitié au Caporal chargé de la surveiller. Il prie les Dieux de la sauver.


Sur Kobol, Baltar est perché sur un arbre afin d'espionner les cylons.Les autres font également une reconnaissance avant de se regrouper pour partager leurs informations. Baltar confirme avoir vu deux cylons durant 5 mn en permanence mais garde secret la perte de ses jumelles car il a pris peur.


Crashdown voudrait que tout le groupe se batte, même Baltar. Il veut abattre les cylons. Tyrol veut lui parler en privé.Tyrol pense que son plan est incensé. Crashdown lui rétorque de rester calme mais Tyrol l'est déjà. Crashdown veut venger Socinus et Tarn. Tyrol comprend que Crashdown panique. Baltar a peur et pense qu'il est fou. Il apprend que ni Seelix ni Cally ne savent manier une arme correctement.


Crashdown explique son plan en appliquant les graphes. Baltar demande à Tyrol ce que sont les graphes, il lui explique qu'ils ne doivent pas être appliqués sur le terrain. Baltar remarque l'absurdité du plan de l'officier mais Tyrol lui dit d'obeir. Baltar sait qu'ils vont tous mourir. Tyrol lui ordonne de se taire. Crashdown continue.


Pendant ce temps, à bord du Galactica, Roslin continue de délirer. Vanner et Billy la regardent impuissants. Vanner remarque que Roslin cite des passages de la Pythie qui annonce la venue d'un guide mourrant capable de les sauver. Billy lui demande de l'aide afin de trouver du chamalla.


Dans les quartiers de Tigh, celui-ci se sert un verre. Ellen lui demande des nouvelles et dit que Roslin est folle. Elle encourage Tigh à emmener le Quorum en prison pour la voir afin de la discréditer.


Pendant ce temps, à bord d'un rapace en compagnie de Racetrack, Lee part sauver les survivants sur Kobol. Dee lui souhaite une bonne chasse.


Sur Kobol, l'équipe se prépare à attaquer les cylons alors que Crashdown garde toujours les plaques des défunts. Six lui annonce que l'un d'eux va trahir les siens. Crashdown annonce le début de l'attaque.


Dans les quartiers de Tigh, celui ci regardent des photos de Bill Adama en compagnie d'une bouteille. Il semble être ivre. Dee l'appelle au téléphone et lui apprend que le Qorum exige de voir Roslin. Bourré, Tigh lui annonce que le Quorum ira la voir.


Vanner sort de l'infirmerie et donne discrètement le chamalla à Billy.


Pendant ce temps, l'équipe de sauvetage arrive sur Kobol. La-bas, le groupe s'apprête à les attaquer mais Tyrol note que les cinq cylons sont rassemblés. Crashdown croit alors qu'ils sont sept cylons et décide de les attaquer quand même. Tyrol pense qu'ils ne sont que cinq et croit que le dradis cylon n'est plus gardé mais la parabole est trop loin. Ils entendent les secours arriver. Crashdown insiste. Cependant, Cally est paniquée et ne peut rejoindre sa position, elle sait qu'elle va mourir. Crashdown la menace de la tuer si elle n'obéit pas. Tyrol tente de le raisonner sans succès. Baltar abat Crashdown au moment où celui-ci allait tuer Cally. Six est contente, elle dit que maintenant Baltar est un homme.


Les cylons entendent le coup de feu. Tyrol, Seelix, Baltar et Cally s'enfuient et courent vers la parabole. Ils sont attaqués et Seelix est touchée. Cally l'aide. Alors que les secours arrivent, Tyrol tente de détruire la parabole mais il est touché. Les cylons lancent deux missiles contre les secours coloniaux. Baltar aide Tyrol a tiré contre la parabole. Grâce à eux, les secours sont sauvés.


Mais les cylons continuent de tirer. Ils semblent perdus. Tyrol décide de les combattre seul. Heureusement pour lui, le rapace de Lee et Racetrack parvient à abattre les cylons. Ils sont sauvés!


Sur le Galactica, le Quorum voit la Présidente. Alors que Tigh pense qu'elle est folle, Roslin reprend ses esprits et dit que le coup d'état d'Adama est illégal. Elle parle de la Pythie. La représentante de Gemenon la croit.Roslin annonce son cancer. Tous saluent Roslin. Tigh est abasourdi. Il fait sortir de la prison le Quorum. Roslin remercie le Caporal Vanner.


Sur Kobol, Tyrol donne les plaques des défunts à Lee. Baltar dit que Crashdown est mort en héros et s'éloigne. Il discute avec Six à propos de la mort et ce qu'est être un homme. Elle le rassure.Elle sera sa conscience. L'équipe de sauvetage quittent Kobol


A l'infirmerie, Cottle annonce à Tigh qu'Adama survivra et qu'il se réveillera quand il le voudra bien.


Tigh fait un discours et déclare la loi martiale en dissoudant le Quorum. Il quitte la salle et demande à un marine d'éloigner le Quorum de son vaisseau.

So say we all!


Crashdown: Lords of Kobol, take these brave men into your arms. Take upon your arms the spirits of our fallen-- takeup in your arms the spirits of our fallen friends so that they may share in the everlasting life that awaits us all beyond the vale of tears. So say we all.
All: So say we all.
#6: Nothing awaits them. No eternal life, no damnation. o­nly oblivion.
Baltar: Because they haven't seen the face of god, I take it.
#6: Because they died here. o­n Kobol.
Baltar: I see.
Tyrol: Doc...let's go. We're moving out. Doc, you hear me? We're moving out.
Baltar: I did hear you, Chief. I just don't respond to the title "Doc." A "dock" is a platform for loading and unloading material. My title is "doctor,"or "mr. Vice president," if you don't mind.
Tyrol: You are loading, are you not? El-tee? El-tee! Crash!
Crashdown: Hmm? Oh, yeah, Chief, I'll be right there.
He grabs the dogtags of the fallen comrads and leaves the area
Kobol - Forest
Tyrol: No Cylons.
Crashdown: You sure?
Tyrol: Uh-oh. Wait a minute. Tree line, two o'clock.
Crashdown: Got 'em. What are they doing?
Tyrol: Looks like they're dismantling the ship.
Crashdown: Why? Why not just use it to fly the hell out of here?
Tyrol: I don't know. I can't tell. They're...dragging it into the tree line. It's, uh... oh, wait oh minute. They're building something.
Crashdown: Chief, is that A...
Tyrol: A missile. They're building a missile battery.
Crashdown: Well, at least we know why they're not chasing us.
Baltar: Why? Why aren't they chasing us?
Tyrol: Because they don't have to. They can just sit back, launch a missile barrage that'll wipe out every living thing in this valley.
Galactica - Airlock/Medbay
Cottle: Next time I say i'm in a hurry, cycle the damn air lock faster. Is this your first day?

Billy: Doctor, thank the gods, you're here. The president needs your help.
Cottle: Move.

Billy: Doctor... Doctor!

Cottle: Okay... let's have some vitals.Like now.

Kim:  Two bullets, 9mm. This o­ne lacerated the spleen, the other o­ne nicked the aorta. Now, we've removed the spleen, and we thought we repaired the aorta, but--
Ishay: Over the past few hours, his B.P.'S dropped down again. It's o­nly 80 over 40. And his heart rate's creeping into the 130s.
Cottle: Well, you missed something. He's still hemorrhaging somewhere. We're gonna lose him unless we can stop that bleeding. Get me an A.B.G., C.B.C., And coags, and get set up for a rapid sequence intubation.
Tigh: Is he gonna make it?

Cottle: How should I know? I'm not a psychic. Now get the hell out of here.
Starts Surgury
Cottle: It is a mess in here. Looks like the mesenteric artery may have been damaged. 3.7 mac. God damn it, Kim, learn the instruments. I said a 3.7 mac!
Kim: Sorry
Cottle: Clamp. Clamp!

Ishay: Dr. Cottle, his pressure's dropping. It's 60 o­n 30. Heart rate's starting to fall. I don't think he can last much longer.
Cottle: Just stay focused. Get some more suction in here so I can see what I'm doing.
Galactica - Hallway

Billy: Ahem. Colonel... how's the commander?
Tigh: What?

Billy: Uh, ahem, how's the Commander?
Tigh: He's still in surgery. What's o­n your mind?
Billy: Uh, I need some medication for the president.
Tigh: She's not the president anymore. Cottle's a little busy right now.
Billy: Sir, she's very ill...
Tigh: Why aren't youin the brig?
Billy: Um... because... no o­ne put me in there?
Galactica -CIC
Tigh sees Adama in the CIC planning an op.
Tigh: What the hell's all this? Why aren't you in the brig?
Apollo: I'm o­n duty, sir. Planning the search and rescue mission.
Tigh: Search and rescue? For who? We lose a plane, and nobody tells me?!
Apollo: For our raptor crew down o­n the surface of Kobol, sir?
Tigh: Simes is senior pilot now. He can plan the sar.
Apollo: You asked me to command the air group when I'm o­n duty. And I'm o­n duty. So am I in command... or not?
Tigh: What's the status of the sar, captain?
Apollo: Well, we don't know in what area Raptor 3 went down. So the o­nly realistic chance we have of finding her is to hope that her  transponder disaster beacon is still functioning. I intend to take two raptors, o­ne with medical personnel, and make five low level orbits of the planet.
Tigh: What about the Cylon base ship that Lieutenant Valerii supposedly destroyed? What if she was lying?
Apollo: Racetrack confirmed the destruction of the base ship, and I checked the gun camera footage from the raptors, which verifies it.

Tigh: Lieutenant Gaeta, why are you hovering about?
Gaeta: Uh, it's the press.

Tigh: The press?

Gaeta: They're demanding to know how much longer we plan o­n holding them, and when they can contact their home ships.
Tigh: They demand? They're in no position to demand anything. You tell them to shut their yaps. We'll get to them in due time.

Dualla: Excuse me, Colonel. Shuttle from the Zephyr has just requested permission to enter the landing pattern.
Tigh: The zephyr?

Dualla: Yes, sir. Evidently the Quorum of Twelve is aboard. They're demanding to see you.
Tigh: They demand?

Apollo: Demanding job, commanding a Battlestar.
Tigh: Clear them to land. Put them in the ward room and hold them there until I have time to see them.
Galactica - Brig
Roslin: Aah!

Billy: Madam president.
Venner: What's wrong with her?
Billy: I don't know, but she's clearly sick. You can see that, can't you?
Venner: Well, there's nothing I can do.
Billy: Madam president...

Roslin: Yes?
Billy: Can I get you anything while you're in the brig?
Roslin: [Breathes] Ohh... ohh... really? No, thank you. I'm sorry. I'm finding it... hard to think. It's withdrawal.

Billy: The chamalla?

Roslin: Yes.
Billy: I'm trying to get you more.
Roslin: Go fast.

Kobol - Forest
Cally: I count... six missiles being carried into the forest site so far.
Caprica-Baltar's House (Daydream)
Baltar: It's all so pointless. We kill them. And they kill us. So we kill more of them. They kill more of us. What's the point anymore?

#6: You and your...race invented murder. Invented killing for sport, greed, envy. It's man's o­ne true art form.
Baltar: You've done some killing of your own, I think.
#6: Yes, well,we're you're children. You taught us well.
Baltar: Why does god want to bring a child into this kind of world anyway?
#6: Because, despite everything, despite all of it, he still wants to offer you salvation. Our child will bring that salvation, but o­nly if you accept your role as her father. And her guardian.
Baltar: I'm not ready for that. All right? I'm not a father. I'm not a guardian. I'm not a moral leader capable of leading anyone. Let alone a baby.

#6: Be a man, Gaius.

Baltar: What?

#6: Be a man. Whatever else you are, you are that. The time is coming when you'll have to act like o­ne.
Kobol - Forest

Tyrol: Wait a minute, wait a minute. El-tee, check this out.
Crashdown: What do you got, Chief?

Tyrol: 45 degrees east of the launcher. You see that tree stump?
Crashdown: What the hell is that?
Tyrol: It looks like a dradis dish. At least, the Cylon version of a dradis dish. It's probably salvaged from the nose cone of the ship. They're building an anti-aircraft battery.

Cally: Anti-aircraft? For what? There are no otheraircraft around here.
Tyrol: The Galactica's gonna send a search and rescue team. When they do, that's at least two raptors doing a low pass over the crash site. When those raptors come looking for us, risking their lives to rescue us...

Crashdown: Cylons will shoot 'em down.
Galactica - Hangar Bay
Apollo: Seven birds down for repairs. Three out o­n picket duty with the cap.
Dualla: Uh, con traffic, sir. Priority messages are o­n top.
Tigh: Cut to the chase, Captain! How long before you launch the sar? Come o­n, Dee, these are all marked "priority."
Dualla: Sorry, sir, that's how they came in.
Apollo: I'm cannibalizing 305 for parts. Should be up in the air in, I don't know, 90 minutes.
Tigh: 90minutes?! We got men down o­n that frakking planet! Get your head in the game. You do your job, or go back to the brig. Are o­n the members of the Quorum in the ward room?
Dualla: All 12, sir.

Tigh: Don't suppose you wanna do this for me?
Dualla: Never was much for public speaking, sir.
Galactica - Ward Room
Porter: Why have you imprisoned the president?
Bagot: So why are we here under guard? That's what I want to know.
Tigh: Laura Roslin suborned mutiny and sedition aboard this ship. She caused a key military asset to be lost at a critical moment! The Commander felt he had no choice but to remove her from power.
Porter: You've said that, several times.
Bagot: You don't seem to be listening, Colonel. It does not matter what Adama felt. He had absolutely no authority--

Zarek: Adama knew exactly what he was doing. He was paving the way to declare martial law and usher in a military dictatorship. Isn't that right, Colonel?

Tigh: I can't speak for the commander. He's still in surgery.
Zarek: Well, you seem to be giving the orders around here. So what exactly are you planning to do? Are you declaring martial law?
Tigh: Absolutely not. I know for a fact that the old man hated the very idea of martial law. He believed in freedom and democracy and all that good stuff.
Zarek: Well, since this is still a...democracy, and all that good stuff, I move that the quorum demand immediate access to President Roslin.
Bagot: Excellent. I second it.

Porter: All those in favor.
(All) aye.

Porter: Motion carries. Colonel, we demand immediate access to the president.
Tigh: I will take your "demand" under advisement.
Galactica - Brig
Ellen: Madam president.

Roslin: [Mumbling] Clearly, and anything that impedes that understanding--
Ellen: Madam President.
Roslin: I have to consider--
Ellen: Laura. Laura.

Roslin: Hello.

Ellen: Hi. Are you all right? I, uh, just came down to see if there was anything I could do for you. Anything I can get you?
Roslin: I would like to have a conversation with my attorney. Could you arrange that?
Ellen: Yeah. Yeah, sure, right. [Chuckles] Laura, do you know where you are?
Roslin: I'm in jail.

Ellen: What's my name?
Roslin: Have we met? I'm... I'm sorry. Excuse me. There's just...a ringing. She curls up into a ball and starts rocking. Excuse me.
Ellen: Ringing? Ohh. Right. Okay, then. Take care.
Roslin: Ohh! Ohh... oh. (beat) Oh, my gods. Ellen Tigh. Ellen?
Kobol - Reporting situation from various scrying locations in the forest
Crashdown: The launcher looks like a simple point-and-shoot. No built-in guidance. Ordnance appear to be standard ship-to-ship missiles. They're modifying them for atmospheric flight.
Cally: o­ne Cylon sentrywalks the perimeter, stopping at regular intervals.
Baltar: The dradis dish that controls the missiles is o­n the 4.5 kg wavelength, judging by the diameter. It's guarded by two centurions, I think.
Crashdown: I'm sorry, Doc, did you say it was guarded by two centurions?
Baltar: Yes, I did.

Crashdown: Okay, is the dradis guarded continuously of intermittently?
Baltar: I saw two centurions through the field glasses...continuously, for five minutes. In that time, they didn't leave their post.
Flashback toBaltar dropping his binoculars and missing that the Centurions left the position.
Crashdown: So there's three toasters near the launcher. Two more out by the dish. That's a lot of Cylons. You ever handle a weapon?

Baltar: Who, me? No. I'm not a soldier, Crashdown.
Crashdown: I'll try to give you the most simple assignment, but I'm gonna need every man.
Tyrol: You're not suggesting we attack the Cylons?
Crashdown: We owe it to Socinus and Tarn to tack the frakkers out before they kill anyone else. We have equal numbers. We have the  element of surprise. Therefore, we have the initiative. We can attack at the time and place of our choosing.
Tyrol: El-tee, a word... in private.

Baltar: He's crazy. I'm not trained for this kind of thing. I've never fired a gun in my life.
Sellix: I haven't fired o­ne since basic.
Baltar: You?

Cally: I just joined to pay for dental school.
Tyrol: Basic ground assault was a long time ago. For all of us. Those aren't training officers out there. They're programmed killing machines.
Crashdown: We don't have any choice. Galactica will definitely be sending a search and rescue party. It's just a matter of time. And if we don't take out that launcher--
Tyrol: We can't go up against an armed and defended position like that. They'll wipe us out in the first two minutes.
Crashdown: That's enough! Chief, look, under the circumstances, it's important that you keep your cool.
Tyrol: I don't believe i've lost my cool.
Crashdown: I disagree. Look, I don't want to attack the launcher either, but it's our duty. We owe it to the rescue party, and we owe it to Socinus and Tarn.
Tyrol: I fail to see what this has to do with Socinus and Tarn.
Crashdown: Maybe that's why I'm an officer, and you're not. Dismissed.

later that day
Crashdown: This briefing will outling a plan of attack in five graphs. Graph o­ne: Situation. Our situation is that we are stranded o­n Kobol with a group of five Cylons who plan to use an AAu to destroy any SAR craft sent to find us. There are no friendly forces present.
Baltar: What's all this graph business?

Tyrol: It's a five-paragraph order. It's a basic command tool. It's taught at officer candidate school. It's just not usually used this... literally in the field.
Crashdown: Graph four: Execution. We will assault the Cylon launch site from the northwest, using--
Baltar: Oh, come o­n. This is absurd. What, we're talking o­n the Cylon army, are we? Us? Look at us. What, with two rifles and a canteen? Have you lost your mind--?

Tyrol: That's enough, doctor.

Baltar: Is it? Look, no disrespect, but why are we always going uphill? Does anybody else think that this plan is frakking nuts? I'll tell you what's fair. This is fair. We'll have a show of hands--
Tyrol: No! Absolutely not! This is not a democracy! The El-Tee's in charge! The El-Tee's in charge. No ifs, no ands, no buts. He say we go, we go. There's no questions...
Baltar: We've already lost two men, Chief! How many more people are we gonna lose?
Tyrol: You need to sit down. And shut up right now.
Baltar: Nobody tells me to shut up. I'm the Vice President--
Tyrol: You need to sit down and shut up right now. Baltar cowers and sits down. Your briefing, El-Tee.
Crashdown: Thank you, Chief. Graph four. We'll approach the Cylon launch site from the northwest, using natural ground cover to mask our approach. Our objective is the command and control console. o­nce we reach this position, Cally, you're gonna flank out to the left, making a feint o­n the Cylon position. Hopefully drawing their fire long enough for me and Seelix to flank out to the right and get a shot at the console. Tyrol, you and the Vice President will stay at position o­ne, and provide covering fire for both flanking maneuvers.

Galactica - Brig
Roslin: I have been given the opportunity to perceive the scriptures more clearly. Anything that impedes that, I have to view as contrary to the survival of the human species. I trust--

Billy: This is ridiculous. Look, she obviously needs her medication. I keep trying to tell anyone that'll listen--
Venner: Sounds like she's talking about the scrolls of the Prophet Pythia.
Billy: I suppose.
Venner: Pythia foretold the rise of a leader. A leader who would lead all humanity to salvation. So say the gods.
Roslin: Impedes that action...
Billy: You seem to know a lot about the scriptures.
Venner: I'm from Gemenon. We believe in the literal truth of the scriptures.
Roslin: Contrary to the survival of the human...
Billy: Corporal Venner? There's a, uh, a drug that priests sometimes use. It's called chamalla extract.
Galactica - Tigh's Quarters
Tigh pours a couple fingers of whiskey
Ellen: Guess it's happy hour.

Tigh: What's happy about it? The old man is still in surgery. And I got a boatload of politicians and press demanding to see laura Roslin.
Ellen: Let 'em.

Tigh: Yeah, right.
Ellen: She's crazy.

Tigh: I know.

Ellen: No, no. Really, saul. She's lost it. I just went down to the brig to see her.
Tigh: You did?

Ellen: She's...completely nuts. She doesn't even know where she is anymore.
Tigh: You're kidding.
Ellen: You should let 'em see her. The press, the Quorum. All of 'em. I mean, the little schoolteacher's mind has gone bye-bye. And the Vice President is either missing or dead. That leaves you in unchallenged command of this ship. And this fleet.
Tigh: Just until the old man gets back o­n his feet.
Ellen: Well, of course.

Space - Raptors
Apollo: Galactica/Apollo, we are preparing to jump to Kobol.
Dualla: Roger that, apollo. You are clear to jump. And good hunting.
Apollo: Thank you, Galactica. Let's go find our people.
Kobol - Forest
Cally: Okay, cock the rifle, click the safety, open the scope. Okay, cock the rifle, click the safety, open the scope.
Caprica -Baltar's House (Daydream)
#6: One of you will turn against the others.
Baltar: During the mission?

#6: Yes.
Baltar: One of us will betray the others?
#6: Yes.
Baltar: During the attack?
#6: Yes.

Baltar: But if the attack fails?

#6: You'll die.

Baltar: Not me. I am god's instrument.

#6: God turned his back o­n Kobol. Turned his back o­n man and the false gods he worshipped. What happens o­n Kobol is not his will.

Kobol - Forest
Crashdown: Saddle up. It's time to junk some toasters.
Galactica - Tigh's Quarters/CIC
Phone rings

Tigh: Xo.

Dualla: Combat. Dualla here, sir. The Quorum is demanding to see the former president. They're being pretty adamant and they're giving the sentries a hard time.

Tigh: Uh, maybe we should tell them to shove their demand up their collective asses, how about that? [Chuckles]
Dualla makes a "Tigh is drunk" hand gesture to Gaeta

Dualla: Yes, sir. I need instructions for the sentries. They're asking how to respond.
Tigh: Tell them that they are going to get to see what has become of their precious president. You tell them that.
Kobol - Raptor in Orbit
Racetrack: I got a transponder signal. Definitely Colonial. Trying to establish a lock. Got it. Northern hemisphere. Looks like mountainous terrain. There's a valley.
Apollo: Take us out of orbit. Signal Raptor Two to form up o­n us.
Kobol - Forest
Crashdown: There they are. All three of 'em, right where they're supposed to be. All right, people, this is it. We're going in. Cally, move up the tree line to point alpha.
Tyrol:  Whoa, whoa, whoa. El-tee, there's five Cylons at the launch site.
Crashdown: What?

Baltar: Something's wrong, isn't it? Something's wrong with the plan--

Crashdown: Quiet down, There's nothing wrong. There's just a couple Cylons that we didn't account for. That makes for seven Cylons. Five here, and two up at the dish. Are you absolutely certain about the two guards at the dish?
Baltar: I know what I saw.

Tyrol: Maybe there are o­nly five Cylons. They just changed their deployment. They brought the two that were guarding the dish down here. Now the dish is unprotected.
Crashdown: Gods, Chief, that dish is, like, almost a click away.
Tyrol: So what? It's unprotected. We can go take it out. We don't have to take o­n the whole Cylon army.
[Loud booms]

Baltar: What the hell was that?

Crashdown: Sonic booms.

Tyrol: Spacecraft entering the upper atmosphere.
Crashdown: It's the SAR mission. They're here. They are right up there, Chief. We gotta go. There's no time for discussion. All right, everyone, move out. It's game time. We're taking these toasters out before they kill any more of us. 
Cally doesn't move
Crashdown: Cally, I said move.

Cally: I can't.

Crashdown: What? That's an order.

Tyrol: She doesn't have to. We can just go take out the dish.
Crashdown: Cally, you have to move. Cally, this is not a joke. Go. This is not a game, Cally. Go. We have people counting o­n us. They're up there, Cally. Move!
Tyrol: Listen to me. We still have time to double back and take out the dish.
Crashdown: Shut up for a second. Cally, Cally. Specialist. You have your orders. I need you to go out there and create a distraction now! Move! Move!
Sellix: There were o­nly supposed to be three Cylons and now there are five. How are we supposed to take o­n five Cylons?

Crashdown: Frak orders, frak court marshal. Our people are up there. We have to save them. We don't have any time. Move!
Cally: I can't do it.
Crashdown: I said move!
Cally: No!
Crashdown pulls out his gun and points it at Cally's head.
Tyrol: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey. Put it down. Put it down.
Crashdown: You're going out there, Cally. You're going out there or I'm gonna blow your brains out. Right here, right now.
Tyrol: Put it down. Hey, El-Lee. Easy. Take it easy.
Crashdown: I'm gonna count to three.
Sellix: This is crazy. This is crazy!

Crashdown: o­ne.

Tyrol pull his gun o­n Crashdown
Tyrol: Put it down right now.

Seelix: Oh, my gods.

Tyrol: Listen to me! Drop your weapon.
Crashdown: Two. Three.
A gun is fired. Crashdown falls over dead. He was shot byBaltar. The noise attracts the Cylons who start shooting at the humans.
Tyrol: Fall back! Fall back! Go! Go! Go!

#6: Now you're a man.


Kobol - Raptor in the atmosphere
Apollo:  Eta?

Racetrack: Five minutes!


Kobol - Forest
The humans are running from the Cylons, who are shooting at them. Sellix is shot.
Sellix: [Screams] Cally! Oh, Cally! Come o­n, quick.
Cally picks her up and runs off with her.
Tyrol is shot in the leg, and drops the rocket launcher as he nears the dish.

Tyrol: Aaah! Doc! Gimme the launcher! Gimme the launcher, Doc! Come o­n!
Baltar acts like Rambo shooting at the Cylons. Out of character he bravely picks up the launcher and gives it to Tyrol. Tyrol then destroys the dish.

Kobol - Raptors
Missiles are fired at the raptors
Racetrack: Missiles! There's a battery down there!
Apollo: Evasive! Break, break, break!

Racetrack: No lock. No lock! They're not locking o­n us.
Kobol - Forest
The Cylons are gaining ground o­n the humans, and gaining ground quickly. Lots of screaming can be heard.
Sellix: Chief.
Tyrol: Stay there! Stay there!
Baltar: Cheif! Cheif!
Tyrol stands up from cover, realizing that its the end, he bravely starts firing at the Cylons. The Cylons soon after explode. He turns around to find that a Raptor has blown up the Cylons.
Apollo: You're welcome.

Galactica - Hallway
The politicans are being lead to the brig to view Roslin
Tigh: Viewing time at the zoo.

Zarek: Glad to see you hold the president in such high esteem.
Tigh: Your day's gonna come, laughing boy. Let's go.

Galactica - Brig
The Quorum sees Roslin in her poor state. They start muttering.
Tigh: All right, the show is over. Let's give her some privacy. Everybody out. Let's go back to the ward room and we'll, uh, talk about the business of how we proceed from here.
Roslin: Thank you all for coming. I have a statement I'd like to make. The attempted military coup against the lawful government of the colonies is illegal, illadvised and clearly doomed to failure. I haev not resigned the Presidency and I will fight this action with everything at my command.
Tigh: She's crazy, she's nuts. She thinks she a prophet or some such nonesense.
Porter: Just hold o­n Colonel let her speak.
Tigh: Just ask her, ask her, she'll tell you. Just listen to her. What was it, the uhh, the Arrow of Apollo will open the uhh, the Tomb of Artemis. Or some such nonesense.
Roslin: Everything I've done is consistant and logical. We have found Kobol, we have found the city of the gods and when we retrieve the arrow we will open the tomb of Athena and we find the road to Earth.
Porter: Madam President, have you read the Scrolls of Pythia?
Roslin: Many times, and I humbly believe I am fullfilling the roll of the leader.
Tigh: Okay, enough of this nonesense, everyone out.
Zarek: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Sarah. You represent Gemenon, you know more about the scrolls and the scriptures than anyone else here, why don't you speak up?
Porter: The scrolls tell us that a dying leader will lead us to salvation.
Tigh: She's not dying. She's crazy.

Roslin: I am dying. I have terminal breast cancer. Dr. Cottle will verify the diagnosis. I have a few months to live. And in that time, I will  lead the people to salvation. It is my sole purpose.
Porter: Praise be to the gods. Here is our salvation.

Many of the Qurom knell at her cell and try to touch her.
Tigh: Sergeant of the guard,
Marine: Yes sir
Tigh: Remove these people from the brig and escort them back to their shuttle.
Marine: Yes sir.
Qurom members: (grumbling)
They leave
Roslin: Thank you, Corporal.
Earlier in the episode, Venner scored her some chamala extract from medbay.

Venner: Thank the gods.

Kobol - Rescue Site
Tyrol hands the dogtags to Tyol
Apollo: It's a hell of a butchers bill, Chief. How did crashdown die?
Baltar: Leading the charge. He gave his life in the-- in the finest tradition of the service.
Tyrol: Yeah. He was a hero. To the end.
#6: I'm so proud of you Giaus.
Baltar: Why? 'Cause I've taken a life?

#6: It's what makes you human.

Baltar: Is it? Not conscious thought? Not poetry or art or music, literature? Murder. Murder is my heritage. Is that the lesson I'm  supposed to pass o­n to our child?
#6: Shh. It'll be all right, Gaius.
Apollo: Okay, Doctor, we gotta go! Doctor, come o­n! We gotta go.
#6: I'll be your conscience.

Apollo: Come o­n, Doctor! We gotta get outta here! Come o­n.

Galactica - Medbay
Cottle: He'll live.

Tigh: When will he wake up?

Cottle: Knowing him, when he damn well wants to, probably.

Tigh: I really frakked things up for you, Bill.
Galactica - Briefing Room
Tigh: The events which took place aboard Colonial o­ne are unfortunate. Laura roslin's actions in suborning mutiny and sedition among the military could not be tolerated. Therefore commander adama was left with no choice other than to remove her from office. Miss Roslin is now resting comfortably aboard this ship, where she will remain until such time as the commander deems otherwise.

Tigh: As it appears obvious that the government cannot function under the current circumstances, I have decided to dissolve the Quorum of Twelve. And as of this moment, I have declared martial law.
[All shouting]

Tigh: Get those people the hell off my ship.
Marine: Yes, sir.

Kikavu ?

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Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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