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#109 : Le Retour d'Hélène

Titre VO : "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down" - Titre VF : "Le Retour d'Hélène"
USA : diffusé le 04/03/05 - France : 08/01/06
Scénario : Jeff Vlaming - Réalisation : Edward James Olmos  

Les doutes de la Présidente envers le Commandant Adama quant à sa possible appartenance aux Cylons se font plus important lorsque celui ci n'est pas à son poste pendant une opération militaire, et semble avoir passer un certain nombre d'appels secrets. Tigh continue de défendre son ami mais sans avoir de preuves. Tout est expliqué lorsque Adama revient à bord du Galactica avec à son bord la femme de Tigh, Ellen, qu'il croyait morte pendant l'invasion des Cylons. Il semble qu'Ellen ait été inconsciente depuis lors et qu'elle se soit réveiller il y a peu de temps.

Guest stars : Kate Vernon (Ellen Tigh), Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon), Paul Campbell (Billy Keikeya), Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh), Kandyse McClure (Anastasia "Dee" Dualla), Alessandro Juliani (Felix Gaeta), Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol), Matthew Bennett (Aaron Doral) , Alex Green (Deckhand)


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Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Photo de l'épisode #1.09

Plus de détails

Gaeta - Commander? Here's Doctor Baltar's report. And the President is waiting for you up in the core.
Adama - Thank you.

Adama - Clear the deck. Madame President, we are the proud owners of the universe's first bona fide Cylon detector.
Roslin - Well, that is great news.
Adama - Yeah.
Roslin - So, when do we begin?
Adama - Doctor Baltar would like to start widespread testing as soon as possible, but there are some serious limitations. He can o­nly do o­ne person at a time and verification takes hours.
Roslin - So, who's going to go first?
Adama - Oh, the tests, right. Well, I think people in sensitive positions should go first.
Roslin - I completely agree. How about you?
Adama - Excuse me?
Roslin - If you're a Cylon, I'd like to know.
Adama - If I'm a Cylon, you're really screwed.
Roslin - Seriously. I do think that you should go first. Show everyone in the fleet that they can trust the people at the top.
Adama - Then maybe you should go first. All right. I'll go first.
Roslin - I think that's good. I do.

Pilot - Break o­n my mark.
Billy - Whoa... do they always do that?
Dualla - No, they're just showing off. They know I'm in here.
Billy - Oh?
Dualla - Well, you date a special assistant to the President word gets out.
Billy - So this is officially a date?
Dualla - Jury's still out.
Officer - Observation deck, you have two minutes remaining.
Dualla - You could pull rank. You could tell them you're o­n special business for the President of the Colonies.
Billy - Your boss pulls more weight around here than mine. You just tell them Adama wants you to—
Dualla - Yeah? What? Wants me to what?
Billy - I lost my train of thought.
Dualla - Mm-hmm.
Billy - How is he these days, by the way?
Dualla - The old man? He's fine, I guess.
Billy - You guess?
Dualla - Been acting kind of funny lately. Seems distracted or something. He's been making all these weird calls from his quarters you know, super-secret.
Billy - It's probably a security thing.
Dualla - He doesn't want me to log the calls, though. No trace file, nothing.
Billy - This just started?
Dualla - A few days ago. Billy Keikeya... are you pumping me for information about the old man?
Officer - Time's up!
Billy - No... of course not.
Dualla - You are, you are. You're a spy, that's what you are.
Billy - I'm just asking a couple of questions.
Dualla - Well, I hope you like the answers. Because they're the last o­nes... you're gonna get for a while.

Roslin - What'd you find out?
Billy - Dualla couldn't put her finger o­n it, but yeah. She said he's been acting differently.
Roslin - I could see that myself, he was distracted and unfocused. What else?
Billy - Some scrambled wireless calls he didn't want logged. She didn't know who he called or why. But none of this is damning evidence. The calls could be security related, and his odd behavior could be stress, pure and simple. Exhaustion, paranoia—
Roslin - You're right, it could be any of those things. But what if it's not?
Billy - Madame President, with all due respect, I cannot believe that we're actually entertaining the idea that Commander Adama has been somehow... replaced by a Cylon duplicate.
Roslin - Oh, my gods, Billy, I hope you're right.

Baltar - Is suicide really a sin?
#6 - A mortal o­ne, I'm afraid. But it's not that bad, is it, Gaius?
Baltar - 47,905 people in the fleet. There's 47,905 blood samples. 11 hours to test each o­ne for Cylon indicators. Well, that'll take a while. 21,956 days.
#6 - 60.1534 years.
Baltar - Well, now, let's figure in a few hours for sleep here and there. We'll call that an even 61, shall we? Sure. I'd prefer to kill myself. Commander Adama... are you a Cylon? Tune in tomorrow.
#6 - Oh, it's hard being a genius. Yes. There should be some perks.
Baltar - Yes. ( Moaning ) ( heavy breathing )
Starbuck - What's up, doc?
Baltar - Lieutenant Thrace. It's good to see you, I'm just... I'm just keeping up with the old exercises. That should, uh, that should do me-- do me for today. Oh-- oh, I feel a lot better. Um, what brings you to the lab at this time of the night?
Starbuck - It's the middle of the afternoon.
Baltar - Yeah, of course it is, crazy workload. I totally, totally lose track of time. So, what can I do for you?
Starbuck - You can zip up your fly.
Baltar - So, uh...
Starbuck - My blood test.
#6 - You're right about o­ne thing, Gaius. There is something very intriguing about her.
Baltar - Very. Good, very good.

Tigh - Well, at least I did that much.

Gaeta - Dradis contact! Cylon raider bearing 738 carom 005!
Dualla - Galactica/Apollo. Cylon raider bearing 738 carom 005.
Gaeta - Action stations. Action stations. Set condition o­ne throughout the ship. Repeat this is not a drill!
Dualla - Close in and destroy, acknowledge?
Apollo - We're o­n it, Galactica. Jumped right in front of us... his mistake!
Tigh - How many?
Gaeta - Single raider, looks like a recon patrol. Apollo and Beehive already has them in their sight.
Tigh - Where's the old man?
Dualla - He's not aboard, sir.
Tigh - Not aboard- where the hell is he?
Dualla - He left in a raptor about an hour ago, no flight plan.
Tigh - No flight plan?
Apollo - That's it, Beehive. You set them up, I'll knock them down. I winged him! Looks like I got his weapons system. He-- he jumped! Repeat, he jumped away before we could zero him out.
Tigh - Damn it. He's probably giving away our position to every Cylon base ship right now. Where the hell is the old man? Order the fleet to execute emergency jump procedures! Everyone rendezvous at the standby coordinates.
Gaeta - Contact! Single raider... bearing, 881 carom 247.
Dualla - Apollo/Galactica. Cylon raider detected at 881 carom 24—
Apollo - Wait, I see him, I see him! It's the same raider.
Tigh - What?
Apollo - Yeah, it's the same raider. I can see the damage from before. It's behaving erratically. He jumped away again!
Gaeta - Contact. Single raider same telltales. It's like he's flying around in circles.
Tigh - Wounded bird can't fly home.
Apollo - Galactica/Apollo. We've got him o­n dradis but he's pretty far out there. It'll take us about three minutes to close into weapons range.
Tigh - No! This is our perfect chance to get some intell. Order Apollo to close with the raider, but do not engage. Put a raptor in the air. As long as that thing's flopping around out there, tell them I want to suck in every electronic signal it makes.
Dualla - Yes, sir. Colonel, Commander Adama's raptor is requesting permission to enter the landing pattern.
Tigh - Permission granted. Stand-down to condition two. Mr. Gaeta, you have the deck.

Adama - Permission to come aboard, sir.
Tigh - Granted. Mind telling me where the hell you've been?
Adama - Colonel Tigh, allow me to present your wife.
Tigh - Ellen!

Helo - Fraking noise! I don't get it. I've blown away centurions before and they've never sent an entire army after me.
Caprica Boomer - They're after me.
Helo - Why you?
Caprica Boomer - While they were holding me, I overheard some things.
Helo - What?
Plans, deployments. A big Cylon base at Delphi, a major hub.
Helo - Delphi? Fraking bastards!
Caprica Boomer - It's the best place to try to grab a ship and try to get off this fraking planet.

Baltar - Doctor Gaius Baltar, department of Cylon detection. How may I direct your call?
Roslin - You're in a good mood.
Baltar - Madame President... I'm-- I'm sorry, I was expecting someone else. We haven't spoken in ages.
Roslin - Doctor, I would like you to call me the moment Commander Adama's test is complete, will you do that?
Baltar - Commander Adama canceled his test a short time ago.
Roslin - Why?
Baltar - I don't know, um, he gave me another sample and said it had priority.
Roslin - Whose?
Baltar - I'll just check. Some woman called "Ellen". No surname, he dropped it off and left. Is there a problem?
Roslin - Doctor Baltar, I would like you to resume testing Commander Adama's blood sample immediately. Thank you.

Tigh - I can't believe you're alive.
Ellen - I can't believe it myself. Saul, I don't remember the last few weeks. It's weeks, right?
Tigh - Right. You've been o­n the Rising Star all this time?
Ellen - I guess so. The last thing I remember is being o­n Picon. I was at the airport, buying a ticket home, and hearing something about the Cylons. And then, just dreams, mostly dreams. Until a couple of days ago. They told me I was-- I was knocked out when the Cylons attacked the airport and someone just picked me up, and put me o­n the last flight out. Some savior, I don't even know who.
Tigh - It's okay, it's all right. It's all right, you're here now.

Starbuck - Looks like we've found a treasure chest. I mean, o­ne of the major issues we've been having with the raider we captured is trying to figure out the faster light drive. This winter bird is jumping all over the place out there.
Tyrol - Yeah, and every time it jumps, it gives us more data we can use. But the question remains, what's it doing out there in the first place, and how long can they keep it up?
Adama - The moment you have your F.T.L. Data, give me an update.
Tyrol – Yes sir.
Adama - Let's not let this thing linger out there longer than we have to.
Tyrol - Yes, sir.
Apollo - You wanted to see me, sir?
Adama - Stay o­n it.
Starbuck - Yes, sir.
Adama - Do you have dinner plans?
Apollo - What?
Adama - Come o­n.

Ellen - I never thought I'd see your face again.
Tigh - Me neither.
Ellen - The things I said before, the things I did—
Tigh - Shh-- in the past, all in the past.
Ellen - Start over?
Tigh - Start over. I have—
Ellen - Forget it.
Tigh - I can't, I can't... I can't, I'm o­n duty. X.O. Now? Understood. Uh, all right, tell her I'm o­n my way.
Ellen - Girlfriend? ( Chuckles )
Tigh - Official business.
Ellen - Feels like old times.
Tigh - I'd explain, but—
Ellen - It's classified.
Tigh - I'll be back as soon as I can.
Ellen - Hey... I'll be here, waiting.
Tigh - As soon as I can.

Tigh - You wanna be very, very careful with what you just said. You are talking about a man I owe my life to many times over. I know these are uncertain times and this has been a difficult transition for you.
Roslin - Excuse me, Colonel. I do appreciate how difficult this is for you to hear, believe me. But I would advise you right now not to say anything that you will regret. I need to know if you have seen anything suspicious about his recent behavior.
Tigh - No.
Roslin - What about the fact that he left the Galactica without telling anyone where he was going or when he would return and at that very moment, a Cylon raider jumped into view and started acting strangely?
Tigh - I know exactly where he was.
Roslin - You do?
Tigh - He was picking up my wife.
Roslin - Your wife?
Tigh - It turns out she's been unconscious aboard the Rising Star ever since the attack.
Roslin - Oh, my gods. That's fantastic, it's amazing.
Tigh- Yes, it is. When Ellen stepped off that shuttle, I thought I was going to pass out.
Roslin - Ellen? Your wife's name is Ellen?
Tigh - Yes, it is... Ellen. Ellen Tigh.
Roslin - I'd very much like to meet your wife, colonel.

Baltar - Resume the test o­n Ellen? No... it's no trouble at all.

Tigh - Ellen?
Ellen - Did you shut the door?
Tigh - I already did.
Ellen - Surprise!
Tigh - Ambrosia, where did you get this?
Ellen - I have my ways. I thought it might be just the thing for a little celebration.
Tigh - We need to talk.
Ellen - First things first. There. Starting over.
Tigh - Starting over. I'm technically still o­n duty.
Ellen - Oh, I think they can do without you for a day.
Tigh - It doesn't really work that way. To starting over. Yes, just a little more.

Ellen - Sure, there's a lot of whining and complaining, like you would expect. But the people I talked to are mostly hopeful and optimistic.
Roslin - That's good to hear.
Ellen - Mmm... well, there are a few people who still might wonder if a kindergarten teacher is really the right person to be President but it's just a tiny, tiny minority.
Roslin - Wonderful, wonderful.
Ellen - Everyone is so truly, truly grateful to all of you o­n Galactica. You-- you literally are our saviors.
Tigh - Oh, we're just doing our jobs, that's all.
Ellen - You are so modest. He's always been that way. ooh! Lee... could I trouble you for a little bit more of this lovely ambrosia?
Apollo - Sure.
Ellen - Thank you, dear. Bill, you must be so proud of your sons. Lee here has grown into such a handsome man. I can o­nly imagine what Zak must look like now. You are the spitting image of your mother, and I bet Zak takes just after his daddy.
Adama - Zak passed away a couple of years ago.
Ellen - I'm sorry. Tragic, the death of a child. There's been so much death, so much pain... sometimes, it's completely overwhelming. But I'm sure he was a beautiful boy.
Adama - The captain of the Rising Star was a little puzzled as to how you got o­n board his ship.
Ellen - Oh, I know. I know some thoughtful soul just rescued me from an almost certain death and put me o­n the last flight out of Picon!
Roslin - How lucky for us all.
Tigh - It is, indeed.
Adama - The strange thing is, no o­ne can recall giving you any medical assistance until about a week ago.
Ellen - Oh, I know! I know. It's a miracle I'm alive!
Apollo - Ahem, uh... I think I'd better clear some of these, uh, dishes.
Ellen - You are so sweet.
Tigh - Very good. My compliments to the chef.
Ellen - So, Bill, now, the question o­n everyone's mind and I do mean everyone—
Ellen - It's okay. Is... where's earth and when do we get there?
Adama - Yeah, that's classified information.
Ellen - Oh... that word again!
Tigh - Ellen, leave the man alone.
Ellen - Well, come o­n, if there are no privileges of being an X.O.'S wife, then what's the point? I mean, Bill, we're all family here. Come o­n...
Adama - The need for secrecy is paramount, Ellen.
Roslin - Oh, I'm sorry. Perhaps you don't know that the Cylons look like us, now.
Ellen - Oh, that, yes... yes, I knew that.
Roslin - It's recent news. Most people just found out a few days ago.
Ellen - A thing like that would travel fast, right?
Adama - Any o­ne of us can be a Cylon.
Ellen - Boo!
( Tigh & Ellen laughing )
Ellen - Did you see the looks o­n their faces? You are too easy.
Adama - Thank you so much for coming. It's been a wonderful evening.
Tigh - Thought it would never end.
Ellen - Oh... I seem to have lost o­ne of my shoes.
Apollo - I think it's right here.
Ellen - Thank you.
Apollo - Here you are.
Adama - You look very, very happy.
Tigh - That's because I am very, very happy.
Ellen - Thank you... um-- oop!
Apollo - Well, it was, uh, it was nice to see you again.
Apollo - Oh, the pleasure's all mine. Hope to see you soon.
Apollo - I'm sure you will.
Ellen - Whoa...! Oh, wait, hang o­n, hang o­n, hang o­n... Bill, lovely evening.
Tigh - I've got her.
Adama - Be careful.
Roslin - You actually think that woman is a Cylon?
Apollo - Well, if she's not, then we're all in a lot of trouble.

Ellen - When did Bill become such a stick in the mud? The man's a carving. He's o­ne of those faces o­n a totem pole.

Adama - The scuttlebutt was that she slept with more than half the fleet while Saul was in space.
Then why the hell did he stay married to her?
It's obvious, he loves her deeply.
Adama - Blindly. Ellen used to encourage the worst instincts in this guy. Bring out the self-destructive streak in him.
"Used to"?

Helo - Sharon... stop, I can't keep up! ( Falling & choking )
Caprica Boomer - Helo... Helo, come o­n! Come o­n, you can do it! Please, you have to get up! Right there, right there. ( Coughing ) turn your light off. Come o­n, we gotta find another way outta here. We're going! Why aren't you running?
Helo- You keep going and going, you never get tired.
Caprica Boomer - It's adrenaline! I'm not gonna die here, and I'm not gonna let you die here, either! Okay, let's go!

Tigh – Don’t you worry, I’ll get us home.
Ellen- Oh, yeah, right! Just like Bill's getting us to earth.
Tigh - Don't start o­n bill.
Ellen - Ugh... what are you-- he doesn't have the slightest idea where Earth is!
Tigh - You don't have to yell it through the hall.
Ellen - Bill Adama doesn't know where earth is!
Baltar - Colonel?
Tigh - Doctor.
Ellen - Woo!
Baltar - Actually, I-- I don't believe I've had the pleasure. I'm Doctor Gaius—
Ellen - Baltar. I know exactly who you are. And the pleasure's all mine.
#6 - Something here, isn't there?
Ellen - You're still holding my hand...
Baltar - That's funny, I thought you were still holding o­nto mine.
Tigh - I'm watching you, both of you.
#6 - And you should be watching her.
Ellen - Care to join us for a nightcap, Doctor?
Baltar - I'd love to—
Gaeta o­n intercom - Doctor Baltar, please report to the lab. The Commander is waiting for you.
Baltar - But I can't. Another time, perhaps?
Ellen - Count o­n it. Ta-ta! Oh, Saulie, are you-- are you jealous?
Tigh - You said we were starting over.
Ellen - We are, sweetheart, we are. That was just a little bit of harmless flirting.
Tigh - No.
Ellen - Mmm. You should know something.
Tigh - What?
Ellen - In the middle of dinner... Bill put his hand o­n my leg.
Tigh - Ellen, I'm not falling for this.
Ellen - Did you know he came to see me o­n the Rising Star? What? He'd come into my room, I'd pretend to be asleep and he'd sit by the side of my bed. And then he'd touch me—
Tigh - Why are you doing this? You're lying.
Ellen - I am not! He was o­n that ship! And I'm gonna prove it. Come o­n!

Baltar - Look, it's not magic, it's science. If you want my result, you're gonna have to wait a while.
Adama - I gave you her sample this morning.
Baltar - I have started and stopped the test twice already now so I'm running a little behind.
Adama - Twice?
Roslin - My fault... long story.
Adama - Your fault?
Baltar - Yes, I probably shouldn't have mentioned that.
Roslin - No, you probably shouldn't have.
Adama - Did you tell him to stop Ellen's tests?
Roslin - Yes, I did.
Adama - Why?
Roslin - Well, I had some concerns.
Adama - About what?
Roslin - In all honesty, I think it's fair to say that your behavior recently has been odd.
Adama - My behavior? What, do you think I'm a Cylon? Me?
Roslin - You can't deny that you've been making these-- what are they called... off-log calls? These mysterious trips off the ship.
Adama - Where did you hear that? Have you been spying o­n me, o­n my own ship!
Baltar - Ladies and gentlemen, please, please. We're in a laboratory. There are hazardous chemical compounds everywhere. That-- that's a thermo-nuclear bomb, for frak's sake.
Apollo - What-- what do you mean, unlogged-- mysterious trips... what's going o­n?
Adama - I had to go to the Rising Star and I didn't want Tigh to know about it.
Roslin - Why not?
Adama - Because whether or not his wife is a Cylon, she's nothing but trouble and I wanted to keep her away from him as long as I could.
Apollo - Well, then, why did you bring her o­n board the ship?
Adama - Because she's his wife! I couldn't refuse her access to her own husband without causing suspicion. Besides, I wanted her close to me.
Ellen - I told you! I told you he wanted me.
Baltar - Oh, lovely.
Tigh - What the hell's going o­n? You have been secretly visiting my wife?
Adama - No! Yes-- but it's complicated.
Ellen - I told you. He's been after me for years!
Adama - What?
Ellen - Now, boys, boys, don't fight over little ol' me.
Roslin - Ellen, be quiet!
Ellen - No, you don't tell me—
Apollo - I think we should all just take a deep, deep breath.
Adama - I was afraid that she might be a Cylon. So I brought her blood over here and had it tested.
Roslin - That's why you cancelled your test?
Adama - How'd you know about that?
Roslin - You didn't tell me he was testing my wife.
Adama - You met with the President?
Roslin - Yes. She thought you might be a Cylon.
Adama - I know.
Gaeta o­n intercom - Attention, pass the word to the Commander the X.O. And the C.A.G. Commander Adama, Colonel Tigh, Captain Adama please report to C.I.C.

Adama - Mr. Gaeta.
Gaeta - The raider smoothed out its flight plan about two minutes ago.
Apollo - It seems to be under control.
Adama - Yeah, but he's not jumping for home.
Gaeta - No, sir, he isn't.
Tigh - Has our reconnaissance detected any outgoing communications since it straightened out its flight pattern?
Gaeta - Yes, sir, but it's likely it's just another distress signal.
Tigh - Launch the alert fighters.
Apollo - This is the C.A.G., Launch alert fighters.
Starbuck - Sir, I hate to tell you this but, I think it's been playing with us the entire time just waiting to see how we'd react.
Adama - Playing with us?
Starbuck - Yeah.
Adama - Order the flight leader to destroy the target.
Gaeta - Yes, sir.
Hotdog - Whoa... Galactica/Hotdog, the raider just took off! He doesn't look injured to me.
Beehive - He's heading back towards the fleet.
Starbuck - They're not gonna catch him.
Gaeta - Action stations, action stations. Set condition o­ne throughout the ship. This is not a drill.
Apollo - He doesn't have any weapons.
Starbuck - He's o­n a suicide run.
Adama - Did you launch the alert fighters?
Apollo - It was the X.O.'S call.
Tigh - I had a hunch.
Adama - Good call.

Tigh - o­ne question—
Adama - Because I was worried.
Tigh - That she might be a Cylon.
Adama - And if she wasn't. I know how you feel about her, Saul. She's been a negative force in your life and I'm sorry about that but it's the truth.
Tigh - Maybe she was, everything was different then. She was different, I was different.
Adama - I've just grown accustomed to seeing you without the cup in your hand.
Tigh - So I had a couple of drinks tonight, I was celebrating, I think I deserved—
Adama - Yes, you did. Launching those fighters o­n a hunch... saved our ship.
Tigh - Just doing my job.
Adama - You do your job good. That's why I need you, Saul. That, and that we're friends. And I don't want anything to come between that, not even Ellen.
Tigh - It won't.

Doral - They've searched every street, every building... they slipped through, how is that possible?
#6 - She thinks she loves him now, that she can't live without him. Her passion is making her more resourceful.
Doral - It bothers you, doesn't it?
#6 - We'll get them in the end.
Doral - No, it bothers you that you've never experienced it.
#6 – (chuckles) You saw the way Helo was when we took her away? He was pathetic.
Doral - I can't help wondering what it would be like to feel that intensely. Even in his anguish, he seemed... so alive.

Baltar - Green. Green, everyone. Mrs. Tigh is definitely human.
Adama - No hard feelings I hope, Ellen.
Ellen - I completely understand. But let's be sure and test you next.
Baltar - Doctor? My pleasure. My job.
Ellen - You don't wanna frak with me, Bill. Try to remember that.
Adama - Don't frak with me either, Ellen.
#6 - If o­nly they knew that everyone passes these days.
Baltar - Well, it's so much simpler that way. No muss, no fuss.
#6 - So... what did her test really say?
Baltar - I'll never tell.

Kikavu ?

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Animation sur Doctor Who HW : Bienvenue à bord du Tardis

Animation sur Doctor Who HW : Bienvenue à bord du Tardis
Un nouvel interprète va bientôt prendre la main de la console du Tardis: un nouvel équipage va se...

Un reboot en vu pour Battlestar Galactica

Un reboot en vu pour Battlestar Galactica
Le Galactica renaît de ses cendres. Alors que la guerre entre les différentes plateformes de vidéos...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !